1. Inform the Imam of guidance that you are not pretending
To be like Ya'qub ibn Dawood in difficulties
١. أَبلغ إِمام الهُدى أَن لستَ مُصطَنِعاً
لِلنَّائباتِ كَيعقوب بِن داودِ
2. He protects you with his soul that gave you generously
And giving one's soul is the epitome of generosity
٢. أَمسى يَقيكَ بِنَفسِ قَد حباك بها
والجودُ بالنَفسِ أَقصى غايةِ الجودِ
3. You have made Ya'qub a role model for people
As a straightener for every crookedness
٣. نَصَبت لِلنّاس يَعقوباً فَقَوَّمَهُم
كَما الثَقافِ مُقيمٌ كلّ تأويدِ
4. If you seek his equal among all people
You would look for what is not present in this world
٤. لَو تَبتَغي مِثله في النَاسِ كلُّهم
طَلبتَ ما ليسَ في الدُنيا بِموجودِ