1. You were not fair, O musky dark-tressed Sumeya,
My soul is ruined while you play.
١. لَم تَنصفي يا سميّةَ الذَهَب
تتلفُ نَفسي وأَنتِ في لَعِبِ
2. O niece of sweet smelling musk,
If not for you, perfume would not exist nor would it be prized.
٢. يا ابنة عمّ المسك الزَكي وَمن
لولاكِ لَم يُتَّخذ وَلَم يَطبِ
3. Musk suits your dark locks and your fragrance -
So you are honored for that lineage.
٣. ناسَبَك المِسك في السواد وَفي الر
رِيحِ فأَكرم بِذاكَ مِن نسَبِ