
He loves virtues, so he busies himself with them,

عشق المكارم فهو مشتغل بها

1. He loves virtues, so he busies himself with them,
Yet the virtuous are few among lovers.

١. عَشِقَ المَكارِم فَهوَ مُشتَغِلٌ بِها
وَالمكرماتُ قَليلةُ العُشّاق

2. He established a market for praise, though it was not
Counted among the markets.

٢. وَأَقام سوقاً لِلثّناء وَلَم تَكُن
سُوقُ الثَناء تُعَدُّ في الأَسواقِ

3. He sowed arts throughout the lands, so that
Praises from the horizons were brought to him.

٣. بَثَّ الصَنائع في البِلادِ فأَصبَحت
تُجبى إِلَيهِ مَحامِدُ الآفاقِ