1. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, for
Your nearness and your distance from Him, O son of Ishaq
١. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ رَبَّ العالمينَ عَلى
قُربي وَبُعدك مِنهُ يا ابن إِسحاقِ
2. Oh, would that I knew when you would remember me, now that
You have become lord of dinars and papers
٢. يا لَيتَ شِعري مَتى تَجدي عَليَّ وَقَد
أَصبَحتَ رَبَّ دَنانيرٍ وَوراقِ
3. You will remember me when it is said from a skinny one
And the leg turns at death to the leg
٣. تجدي عَليَّ إِذا ما قيلَ مِن راق
وَالتفَّتِ الساقُ عِندَ المَوتِ بِالساقِ
4. A day, by my life, when people are preoccupied with themselves
And incantations of the healer are of no use
٤. يَومٌ لِعَمري تَهمُّ الناسُ أَنفُسُهم
وَليسَ تَنفَعُ فيهِ رُقيَة الراقي