1. In my heart I have a tale of you that I have hidden
If we were alone an hour of union I would tell it
١. بقلبي حديثٌ منك إني خبأته
اذا ما خلونا ساعةَ الوصل قلتهُ
2. So you would read from my passion a book translated
With my tears upon my cheek to you I wrote it
٢. فتقرأ من شوقي كتاباً مترجماً
بدمعي على خدي اليك كتبتهُ
3. And in me from you an illness whose origin was a glance
I lost my patience with you when I found it
٣. وبي منك داءٌ أصلهُ كان نظرةً
عدمتُ اصطباري عنك لما وجدته
4. What's wrong with me when I saw your figure approaching
My condition changed from what it used to be
٤. شوإني اذ أبصرت شخصك مقبلاً
تغيرَ مني الحالُ عما عهدته
5. And my friend said why has your face turned yellow
So I told him against my will it was dyed it
٥. وقال جليسي ما لوجهك اصفرا
فقلت له بالرغم عني صبغته
6. I asked the healer of love what its cure was
So he was gentle when I complained to him when I asked him
٦. سألت طبيب الحي ماذا دواؤهُ
فرقَّ لما أشكوهُ لما سألته
7. He stretched out a hand to my heart while it pounded
So I misled him about it and said I had lost it
٧. فمدَّ الى قلبي يداً وهو خافقٌ
فغالطته عنه وقلتُ فقدته
8. And he said to whom do you love so I said I fear him
And my tears outrun me whenever I mention him
٨. وقال لمن تهوى فقلت أهابه
ويسبقني دمعي اذا ما ذكرتهُ