
O welcome to the arrival of good neighbors

يا مرحبا بقدوم جيران النقا

1. O welcome to the arrival of good neighbors
Joy has been completed by them and the gathering has become pleasant

١. يا مرحباً بقدومِ جيرانِ النقا
كملَ السرورُ بهم وطابَ الملتقى

2. The houses have become friendly due to their proximity and the face of time has become radiant and bright because of them
Because of their good fragrance, the morning breeze has become fragrant

٢. أنِست بقربهم المنازلُ واغتدى
وجهُ الزمانِ بهم منيراً مشرِقا

3. And I see elegance on the world because of that
So rejoice, O my heart, for you have longed

٣. ولطيب نشرهمِ تعطرتِ الصبا
وأرى على الدنيا بذلك رونقا

4. To be near them while being gloomy and worried
For the likes of this day you were hopeful

٤. فبهن يا قلبي تهنَّ فطالما
قد بت نحوهم كئيباً شيِّقا

5. And towards it you were longing over time
O neighbors, life has become characterized by goodness in their proximity

٥. فلمثلِ هذا اليوم كنتَ مؤملاً
وإليه كنت على المدى متشوقا

6. And because of them the garden of delight has become elegant
Do not think that I have ever been happy without you

٦. يا جيرةً صفتِ الحياةُ بقربهم
وغدا بهم روضُ المسرة مونقا

7. Since our unity has been fragmented
And I have no hope in life except through you

٧. لا تحسبوا أني سررتُ بغيركم
مذ كان شملُ وصالنا متفرقا

8. Never have I ever been attached to others

٨. وحياتكم ما لي سواكم مرتجى
أبداً ولستُ بغيركم متعلقا