1. We yearn, though home no longer cheers us; yearning itself
Suffices him whom his loved ones' tombs call, though no answer comes.
١. شحطنا وما بالدار نأيٌ ولا شحط
وشط بمن نهوى المزارُ ولا شطوا
2. Our friends are buried in the whirlpool of time past-
Whirlpools where no pact holds, no pledge.
٢. أاحبابنا ألوت بحادث عهدنا
حوادثُ لا عهدٌ عليها ولا شرط
3. By your lives! Days gone by rent our company.
There was no help for it; Fate divided us.
٣. لعمركم ان الزمان الذي مضى
بتشتيت جمع الشمل منا لمشتط
4. As for my heart's desire, since I visited you not,
It wanders astray, goes on alone, errs from the path.
٤. وأما الكرى مذ لم أزركم فهاجرٌ
زيارته غب وإلمامه فرط
5. My heart, where'er it longs, is like a bird
Beating its wings in fear, lost far from home.
٥. كأن فؤادي حيث أهوى مودعاً
هوى خافقاً منه بحيث هوى القرط