
O Lord, You have been good and kind in Your giving,

أيا رب قد أحسنت عودا وبدأة

1. O Lord, You have been good and kind in Your giving,
Yet thankfulness from me does not spring forth.

١. أيا ربُ قد أحسنت عوداً وبدأةً
إليَّ فلم ينهض باحسانك الشكرُ

2. Who has an excuse with You, who a plea,
When I have no excuse for not giving thanks?

٢. فمن كان ذا عذرٍ لديكَ وحجةٍ
فعذري إقراري بأن ليس لي عذرُ

3. If my thanks for Your blessings themselves be a blessing,
Gratitude to You for such thanks is meet.

٣. إذا كان شكري نعمة اللَه نعمةً
عليَّ له في مثلها يجب الشكرُ

4. How can thanks reach You save through Your grace?
Though my days are long and my life spins out.

٤. فكيف بلوغ الشكر إلا بفضله
وان طالت الأيامُ واتصل العمرُ

5. I give thanks, not as if I could match Your gifts
With my thanks, but so thanks may be made to You.

٥. سأشكر لا أني أجازيه منعماً
بشكري ولكن كي يراد له الشكرُ

6. I give thanks for days I have lived through,
And the last that remains for the thanker is remembrance.

٦. وأشكرُ أياماً لدي قضيتها
وآخرُ ما يبقى على الشاكرِ الذكرُ