
What an adversity and tribulation she underwent!

فيا لها بلوة جلى ومازلة

1. What an adversity and tribulation she underwent!
As if the vicissitudes of fate revolved against her

١. فيا لها بلوةٌ جلى ومازلةٌ
كأنما الدهرُ قد دارت دوائرُهُ

2. If my anguish took physical form, it would flow
As a sea with surging, billowing waves

٢. فلو تجسم ما بي من أسى لغدا
بحراً وقد زخر الأعماق زاخره

3. For sorrow has inflamed eyelids
As though flashes of lightning were embedded in them

٣. فإن للحزن أجفاناً مقرحة
كأنما أغمدت فيها بواتره

4. Look, O kindred souls, at this melancholy -
Its era severed the cord of devotion

٤. ألا انظروا يا أهل الود ذا شجن
زمانه بصحيح الود كاسره

5. Hearts refuse to be described
So I will not describe what is in my heart

٥. إن الضمائر تأبى أن يكون لها
نعت فقلبي لم تنعت ضمائره

6. I was wary of calamities, but my wariness was futile
When I attained what I had feared in my life

٦. حذرت خطباً ولم ينجع به حذري
إذ نلت ما كنت في دهري أحاذره

7. Where is he who conversed with me in my night solitude?
When I was alone, conversing with him

٧. أين الذي كان في ليلي يسامرني
بخلوتي وأنا وحدي أسامره

8. As if fate enticed me, only to betray me
That is why worries never ceased to burden me

٨. كأنما الدهر مغرى في اذاي به
لذاك لم ترتفع عني حواذره

9. I never imagined my friend would abandon me
Against my will, and I would not abandon him

٩. ما كنت أحسب إلفي أن يغادرني
رغماً علي ولا أني أغادره

10. We were like two arms, each supporting the other
Balanced, even reinforcing one another

١٠. كنا كزندين كل عضده عضد
موازن لأخيه بل مؤازره

11. Yet we turned like two sides that cannot see
One another, or meet face to face

١١. لكن غدونا كما الطرفين ليس يرى
طرفٌ أخاه ولا يلقاه باصره

12. Like Suhail and Suhayl, separated by the vastness
Of the revolving celestial sphere

١٢. أو كالسهى وسهيلٌ حيل بينهما
بالبعد في فلك ما دار دائره

13. Such is the nature of fate - its waters are never sweet
Except when its sources are muddied

١٣. ذي شيمةُ الدهر ما لذت موارده
إلا وقد أكدرت منه مصادره