1. And of His doing on the day Al-Fil were let loose
When they sent against his followers clouds of birds
١. ومن صنعه يومَ فيل الحبو
ش إذ كلما بعثوه رزم
2. Pelting them with stones of baked clay
And they rendered them like straw eaten down
٢. محاجنهم تحت أقرابه
وقد شرموا أنفه فانحزم
3. And He made their torment wrathful
When He sent down upon them birds in flocks
٣. وقد جعلوا سوطه مغولاً
إذا يمموه قفاه كلم
4. Drafting them as with one draft
Like locusts scattered abroad
٤. فولى وأدبر أدراجه
وقد باء بالظلم من كان ثم
5. Then their wise men were put to a trial
And they complained like unto frightened sheep
٥. فأرسل من فوقهم حاصباً
فلفهم مثل لف القزم
٦. تحض على الصبر أحبارهم
وقد ثأجوا كثؤاج الغنم