
O Mahmoud's grave, no passerby waters your soil

يا قبر محمود لا جازتك غادية

1. O Mahmoud's grave, no passerby waters your soil
With a water skin that is not yet lost

١. يا قبرَ محمود لا جازَتْك غاديةٌ
تَسقي ثَراكَ بصَوْبٍ غير مفقودِ

2. I have lost through you all favor combined
O best of those who left, missing to the existing

٢. لقد فَقَدْتُ بك المعروفَ أجمَعَهُ
يا خيرَ من راحَ مفقوداً لموجود

3. I hated a life in which I cannot see you
Since your death was the death of virtue and generosity

٣. وقد كرهتُ حياة لا أراكَ بها
مذ كانَ موتُك موت الفضل والجود

4. And after you my living is not one I rejoice in
What is living without Mahmoud with Mahmoud

٤. وليس بعدكَ عيشي ما أُسَرُّ به
ما العيش من بعد محمود بمحمود

5. Through your grace we were in fertility and in abundance
And a spring of dew from your overflowing palms

٥. كنَّا بفضلك في خِصبٍ وفي سعةٍ
ومنهلٍ من ندى كفَّيك مورود

6. We sought shade wherever time emigrated
And no shades in a shadow cast by you outstretched

٦. ونستظلُّ بحيث الدَّهر هاجرة
ولا ظلال بظلٍّ منك ممدود

7. I cry for you and in truth I cry blood over you
With tears above my cheek in a depression

٧. أبكيك والحقّ أن أبكي عليك دماً
بأَدْمُعٍ فوقَ خدّي ذات أخدود

8. You who tell of his virtues
With a witness of his excellencies and testified

٨. أَنْتَ الَّذي تحكي مناقبه
بشاهدٍ من معاليه ومشهود

9. His days were holidays I recall them
They did not please me after him, the appearance of Eid

٩. أيَّامه كانت الأَعيادَ أذكرها
فلم تَرُقْ بعده لي طلعةُ العيد

10. After the owner of this grave there is no one
From whom good is expected or who is called on for generosity

١٠. ما بعد صاحب هذا القبر من أحَدٍ
يُرجى الخيرُ أو يُدْعى إلى الجود

11. I have tried after him the masters all together
So my dependence on him after Allah was proven right to me

١١. جَرَّبْتُ من بعده السَّادات أجمعها
فَصَحَّ لي فيه بعد الله توحيدي

12. And perhaps my assumption led me to hope
But my assumption was dashed and I did not attain my goal

١٢. وربَّما قادَني ظنِّي إلى أرب
فخاب ظنِّي ولم أظفر بمقصودي

13. And after him there is no share for one who hopes
Not even a mirage even if it is overflowing

١٣. وليس من بعده حظٌّ لذي أملٍ
ولا السَّراب وإنْ يطغى بمورود

14. I cry over him whenever I am reminded
Of his white days during my black days

١٤. إنِّي لأبكي عليه كلَّما ذُكرت
أيَّامه البيضُ في أيَّاميَ السُّود

15. I cry over the son of the Messenger of Allah leaving me
In losing him between distress and subjugation

١٥. أبكي على ابن رسول الله يتركني
في فقده بين تنغيصٍ وتنكيدِ

16. I wish death with all it has taken and left
Had substituted a thousand existents for one missing

١٦. ليتَ المنايا بما غالت وما تركت
قد بَدَّلَتْ أَلْفَ موجودٍ بمفقود

17. I blame a life I do not praise
And I do not praise a living after Mahmoud

١٧. أَذمُّ دهراً لعيشٍ لَسْتُ أَحْمدُهُ
ولستُ أحمدُ عيشاً بعد محمود

18. On Eid I would congratulate him and praise him
I have come to cry over him or eulogize him on Eid

١٨. بالعيد كنتُ أُهنِّيه وأمْدَحُهُ
فصِرْتُ أبكيه أو أرثيه بالعيد