
O Abaa Mustapha, you have married off

أبا مصطفى زوجت بالخير والهنا

1. O Abaa Mustapha, you have married off
Your brother for the best, and you have attained what you wished for at his wedding

١. أبا مصطفى زوَّجْتَ بالخيرِ والهَنا
أخاكَ وقد بُلِّغْتَ في عُرسِه المنى

2. You did well in marrying him off and making him happy
And you have always been righteous and a doer of good

٢. وأحْسَنْتَ في تزويجهِ وسرورِه
وما زلْتَ بَرًّا في الأماجد محسنا

3. You announced the joys in every place
So it became a tradition to announce joys

٣. وأعْلَنْتَ بالأفراح في كلِّ موطنٍ
فأصبحَ رسْماً بالمسرَّات معلنا

4. O Lord of generosity and highness
You have perfected doing beautiful deeds

٤. وإنَّك يا ربَّ المكارم والعلى
تفَنَّنْتَ بالفعل الجميل تَفَنُّنا

5. We were called to joys by a caller of bliss
So he announced in us bliss and declared

٥. دعانا إلى الأفراح داعٍ من الهنا
فأذَّنَ فينا بالسرور وأعلنا

6. What a good brother you congratulated when marrying him
By Allah, you deserved congratulations

٦. فنعمَ أخٌ هُنِّيتَ فيه مزوَّجاً
وحقَّ وأيم الله فيه لك الهنا

7. Godfearing, pure, immaculate and son of the immaculate
Of high lineage, strong in building

٧. تقيٌّ نقيٌّ طاهرٌ وابن طاهر
رفيعُ منارِ المجدِ مستحكم البنا

8. Your eyes feel comfort seeing him as a child or youth
And you have good expectations of him

٨. تَقَرُّ به عيناك طِفلاً ويافعاً
وتلقى به الظنَّ الجميلَ تيقُّنا

9. The poems dictates its rhymes about the likes of him
And the tongues of noblemen speak his praise

٩. على مثله تملي القوافي نشيدها
وأسنَةُ الأشراف تنطق بالثنا

10. The masters acknowledge the merit of a young man
Who has thus taken benefaction as his wont

١٠. وتعتَرفُ السَّادات بالفضلِ من فتًى
قد اتخذ المعروف إذ ذاك ديدنا

11. So that God may reveal in him the mysteries of his grandfather
And the splendor of what is in him of glory has appeared to sights

١١. ليظهَرَ فيه الله أسرار جدِّه
وقد لاح للأبصار ما فيه من سنا

12. A rising star for leadership is shining upon him
Do you not see his obvious glory?

١٢. يلوح عليه للرئاسة طالعٌ
ألَسْتَ تراه ظاهر المجد بيِّنا

13. If the star of might claims glory
It presents evidence from his splendor, proving it

١٣. إذا ما ادَّعى بالمجد طالع عِزّة
أقام دليلاً من سناه مبرهنا

14. The Master has granted you him as a brother and you have made him beloved
And the Master has been generous to you through him and done good

١٤. حباك به المولى أخاً وحَبَبْتَه
وجادَ به المولى عليك وأحسنا

15. So thanks for what you have been given and granted
For thanking the Bestower is the best possession

١٥. فشكراً لما خُوِّلتَه ورُزِقتَه
فشكرانك النعماء أفضل مقتنى

16. And here he is, a branch that has thrived, goodly as his origin
Through him hopes bear sweetest fruit, my Master

١٦. وها هو فرعٌ قد زكا طيب أصلِه
به ثمر الآمال مولاي يجتنى

17. You have always been joyous of heart because of the like of him
So the bird of bliss wards off misfortune

١٧. فلا زِلتَ مسرور الفؤاد بمثله
فتزجرُ منه طائر السعد أيمنا

18. And in all that you hope to attain from God
A supplicant has prayed for you, giving you good tidings and saying "Amen"

١٨. وفي كلّ ما ترجو من الله نَيْلَهُ
دَعا لك داعٍ بالتهاني وأمَّنا

19. Through your merit you have been enriched without all people
So those hoping for your merit have not been deprived of wealth

١٩. بفضلك استغني عن النَّاس كلّها
فلا حُرِمَ الراجون من فضلك الغنى