1. You knew the illness of this languishing gazelle,
So why do you ask about her sickness
١. عَرَفْتَ صَبابَةَ هذي النِّياق
فما لكَ تسأل عن دائها
2. As if you didn’t know that passion
Is what cures her and brings her afflictions.
٢. كأنَّك لم تَدْرِ أنَّ الهوى
دواها وجالبُ ضرَّائها
3. I seek refuge for you from her, O critic,
It is an obsession that resides in her veins.
٣. أُعيذك ممَّا بها يا هذيم
غرامٌ أقام بأحشائها
4. She departed from her abodes in the clouds,
The rain quenched her with its streams
٤. نَأَتْ عن منازلها في الغميم
سَقَتْها السَّماءُ بأنوائها
5. And she shed tears of regret
For those who share her bitter cups.
٥. وأَجْرَتْ مدامعها حسرةً
على النَّازلين بجرعائها
6. Indeed, the rain greeted those homes
And revived the places of her neighborhoods,
٦. ألا صبَّح الغيث تلك الدِّيار
وحيَّى منازلَ أحيائها
7. Which are but the tryst of lovers
Beckoning from all its corners.
٧. فما هي إلاَّ منى العاشقين
تلوح الدِّيار بأرجائها
8. So unleash your riding beast despite her
And accept her changing passions.
٨. فَخَلِّ المطيَّ على ما بها
ووافِقْ تَخَالُفَ أَهوائها
9. If she paused for you at the two stopping places
You’d grasp some of her cures.
٩. لئن وَقَفَتْ بك في الرّقمتين
وَقَفْتَ على بعض أدوائها
10. For the faces of passionate lovers were not known,
By your life, except by their markings.
١٠. فما عُرِفَتْ أوجُهُ المغرمين
لعمرك إلاَّ بسيمائها
11. And you, if you blame the infatuated,
Then you are her biggest enemy.
١١. وإنَّك إنْ تَعْذِلِ الوامقين
فإنَّك أكبر أعدائها