
You erased corruption with the sword of your authority

محوت بسيف سطوتك الفسادا

1. You erased corruption with the sword of your authority
With a rule that brought relief to the servants

١. مَحَوْتَ بسَيف سَطوتك الفَسادا
بحكْمٍ قَد أَرَحْتَ به العبادا

2. You entered Basra the fragrant in the morning
And the fire of evil burned kindling

٢. دَخَلْتَ البصرة الفيحاءَ صُبحاً
ونارُ الشّرِّ تَتَّقِدُ اتّقادا

3. The hands of evildoers toyed with it
And their corruption in it increased and multiplied

٣. وقد عَبَثَتْ يدُ الأَشرار فيها
وطالَ فسادهم فيها وزادا

4. Ignorant people had ruled it
Who saw misguidance that day as righteousness

٤. لقد حَكَمَتْ بها جُهَّال قومٍ
يَرَوْنَ الغيَّ يومئذٍ رشادا

5. They were blind to what you saw
So they never achieved what they wanted

٥. عَمُوا عمَّا بَصُرْتَ به وصَمُّوا
فما بلغوا بما صنعوا مرادا

6. If truth was presented to them
They would stubbornly turn away from it

٦. فلو عُرِضَ الصَّوابُ إذَنْ عليهم
بحالٍ أَعْرَضوا عنه عنادا

7. And can souls trust the sight of someone
Who sees the color white as black?

٧. وهل تثِقُ النفوسُ بعين راءٍ
يرى لونَ البياض بها سوادا

8. Minds differed in what we see
Their perceptions differ in reasoning and consistency

٨. تفاوَتَتِ العُقول بما نراه
مَداركُها قياساً واطّرادا

9. And the right of leadership that we see
Is to the one of soundest opinion, if opinions clash

٩. ومن حقّ الرّئاسة أنْ نراها
لأَورى النَّاس إنْ قَدَحَتْ زنادا

10. And highest among views
With the firmest and tallest pillar

١٠. وأَعلاها لدى الآراء رأياً
وأرفعها وأطولها عمادا

11. Misfortunes of the past nights except
That returned at daybreak

١١. خطوبٌ ما مضى منهنَّ خطبٌ
بطارقِ ليلةٍ إلاَّ وعادا

12. And how much blood of people was spilled
And wealth of theirs exhausted

١٢. وكم هَدَرَتْ دماءٌ من أُناسٍ
وأموالٌ لهم نَفِدَت نفادا

13. Until the miserable were weakened
And misery prolonged and persisted

١٣. بحيثُ الأَشقياء استضعفتهم
وَقدْ طال الشقا وقد تمادى

14. And when conditions worsened among them
And precautions did not benefit or help

١٤. ولمَّا ساءَت الأَحوال فيهم
ولا نَفَعَ الحِفاظُ ولا أفادا

15. And no one was seen who could mend
That which lacked integrity, if matters needed rectifying

١٥. ولم يُرَ مَنْ يُسَدُّ به خِلالٌ
إذا ما أَعْوَزَ الأَمر السدادا

16. And people were in tremendous turmoil
That shocked the hearing and hearts

١٦. وباتَ النَّاس في وَجَلٍ عظيم
يُريعُ السَّمعَ منه والفؤادا

17. You were called to relieve this harm from it
And none but you is called or appealed to

١٧. دُعيتَ لكشفِ هذا الضرّ عنها
ولا يُدعى سواك ولا يُنادى

18. And since you arrived, invited to it
You brought relief with your arrival to the servants

١٨. ومنذُ قَدِمْتَ مدعوًّا إليها
أَرَحْتَ بما قَدِمْتَ به العبادا

19. We knew your opinion to be philosophical
That you reveal the most severe afflictions

١٩. عَلِمْنا أنَّ رأيَك فلْسفيٌّ
وأنَّك تَكشِفُ الكُرَبَ الشدادا

20. And look with insight and certainty
Critiquing men thereby

٢٠. وتَنْظُرُ بالفَراسة مِن يقينٍ
فَتَنْتَقِدُ الرِّجالَ بها انتقادا

21. And you did not arbitrarily appoint them over it
Except by striving for what's right

٢١. وما قَلَّدتهم بالرأي منهم
وَلَمْ تحكُم لهم إلاَّ اجتهادا

22. Indeed you extinguished blazing flames
And those flames have turned to ashes

٢٢. لقد أَخمدْتَ نيراناً تَلَظَّى
وتلك النار قد أمستْ رمادا

23. And eyes that - were it not for you - would stay
Awake in turmoil, not tasting sleep

٢٣. وقَرَّتْ أعيُنٌ لولاك باتَتْ
على وَجَلٍ ولم تذق الرقادا

24. May you - House of Rashid - have all good
For through you people recognise righteousness

٢٤. جُزِيتُم آل راشد كلَّ خيرٍ
ففيكُمْ تعرِفُ النَّاس الرشادا

25. Yours are the noble traits
And you amongst the highbred are unique

٢٥. لكم صَدْرُ الرئاسة في المعالي
وأَنتُمْ في بني العليا فُرادى

26. Far and near submit to you
And matters are obedient to you

٢٦. تدين لك الأَقاصي والأَداني
وتنقادُ الأُمور لك انقيادا

27. You overcame its formidable aspects till they
Yielded, having refused to be tamed before

٢٧. وقُدْتَ صِعابها ذُلُلاً وكانتْ
على الأَيَّام تأبى أنْ تقادا

28. The counselor, relying upon you
Hoping and depending on you, prevailed

٢٨. لقد فازَ المشيرُ بك اتّكالاً
عَلَيْك بما يُؤَمّل واعتمادا