
God watered a covenant with passion that brought us together

سقى الله عهدا بالحمى قد تقدما

1. God watered a covenant with passion that brought us together
And a living through which the most delicious and blissful is fulfilled

١. سقى الله عهداً بالحمى قد تقدَّما
وعَيشاً تقضّى ما ألَذَّ وأنعَما

2. I partook in it of comfort mixed with affliction
And an intoxicated blonde whose glances are as if

٢. تعاطيتُ فيه الراح تمزج باللمى
وعفراء سكرى المقلتين كأنَّما

3. They were given to drink from the wine of my predecessors' poetry
I sported with it while time's refuge was sweet

٣. سقتها الندامى من سلافة أشعاري
لَهَوْتُ بها والدهر مستعذب الجنى

4. And I attained as I love, my wishes for her fulfilled
And I did not forget her as the branch when it leaned and bent

٤. ونلتُ كما أهوى بوصلي لها المنى
ولم أنْسَها كالغصن إذ مال وانثنى

5. Passing by the loved ones in the afternoon from Mina
Like meanings passing through the expanses of my thoughts

٥. تمرُّ مع الأتراب بالخَيف من مِنى
مرورَ المعاني في مفاوز أفكاري

6. And innocent white ones from smooth and soft
Like the coevals of loved ones - so for the coevals!

٦. وبيضٍ عذارى من لويٍّ وغالبِ
كواعبَ أترابٍ فيا للكواعبِ

7. Stepping in the most magnificent step, close
And covering the traces of steps with tails

٧. تَخُطِّينَ في أبهى خُطاً متقاربِ
وعَفِّين آثار الخُطا بذوائبِ

8. As it covered in the abode of humility the traces of me
When she looked, her glances unleashed gazelles

٨. كما قد عَفَتْ في منزل الذلِّ آثاري
إذا نظَرَتْ سلَّت بألحاظها الظبا

9. And when she appeared, she was like the appearance of the flag
She did not look except with whiteness to be copied

٩. وإن خَطَرت كانت كما خطر القنا
فما نَظَرتْ إلاَّ بأبيض يُنتضى

10. Nor did she appear unless I remembered in tumult
The perilous fateful glance of my tilting specifier

١٠. ولا خَطَرَتْ إلاَّ وتذكّرتُ في الوغى
بهام خطير القدر ميلة خطّاري

11. As if with her what is between a sister and a wife
She confided to me with the secrets of passion

١١. كأنِّي بها ما بينَ أختٍ وضرّةٍ
إليَّ بأسرار الغرام أسَرَّتِ

12. She was straitened like my straitness among my people and my family
And from her straitness she almost made lawful my concealment

١٢. أضيمَتْ كضَيْمي بين قومي وأُسْرتي
ومن ضَيْمها كادَت تبيحُ طمرَّتي

13. From the straitness I hid beneath my pretendings
Her love passed in my heart and whatever it contained

١٣. من الضَّيْم ما أخفَيْتُه تحت أطماري
أمضَّ هواها في فؤادي وما حوى

14. Apart from her love until I was pained but did not argue
And she asked about what I face from burning

١٤. سوى حبّها حتَّى أُليم فما ارعوى
وقد سألتْ عمَّا أُلاقي من الجوى

15. So I went to her complaining of the torment of passion
As the pens complained from me to the Creator

١٥. فَرُحْتُ إليها أشتكي مضض الهوى
كما شَكت الأقلام مني إلى الباري

16. The girls of the neighborhood saw my eyes and their confusion
So they increased then in reproaching her their blaming

١٦. رَأتْ فَتَياتُ الحيّ عَيني وَوَبْلَها
فأكْثَرْنَ بالتأنيب إذ ذاك عَذْلَها

17. I was glad when the eye unlocked its floods for her
And her female neighbors went reproaching her

١٧. فَرُحْتُ وقد أجْرَتْ لها العينُ سَيْلَها
وجاراتها راحَتْ مُؤَنِّبة لها

18. For what occurred in the plain from my streaming tears
I wander about her mirror and the beauty of her figure

١٨. على ما جرى في السفح من مدمعي الجاري
أهيمُ بمرآها وحسن قوامها

19. And indeed I am excusable for the like of my infatuation
And how many a night have I spent its darkness

١٩. وإنِّي لمعذورٌ بمثل هيامها
وكم ليلةٍ قد بِتُّ جنح ظلامها

20. Keeping me company all night long from her passion
A conversation I whisper to in its meanings my murmurer

٢٠. يسامرني طول الدجى من غرامها
سميرٌ أُناغي في معانيه سُمّاري

21. When she drew near my sight or was delayed
She was depicted in the image of the shining sun

٢١. إذا قَرُبَتْ من ناظري أو تأخَّرَتْ
ففي صورة الشَّمس المنيرة صُوِّرَتْ

22. Whether she revealed her face or veiled
In her nearness to me when she reveal it

٢٢. متى أسْفَرَتْ عن وجهها أو تَستَّرَتْ
على قربها منِّي إذا هي أسْفَرَتْ

23. Beauty distances from her what between my journeys
She has a gaze like the youth of its shooting

٢٣. يباعدُ منها الحسنُ ما بين أسفاري
لها مقلةٌ كالمشرفيِّ شباتُها

24. To my patience's certainty her breaths weakened
If she rang or intoned her words

٢٤. لعقيدة صَبري أوهَنَتْ نفثاتُها
إذا ما رَنَتْ أو رُتّلت كلماتها

25. For the softness of my sorcery her moments belong
And her words attributed to the softness of my poetry

٢٥. لرقّةِ سِحْري تنتمي لحظاتُها
وألفاظُها تُعزى لرقَّةِ أشعاري