
A grave wherein lies a noble master

قبر به سيد شريف

1. A grave wherein lies a noble master
In the like of him sorrows are uncovered

١. قَبرٌ به سيِّدٌ شريفٌ
تُكْشَفُ في مثلِهِ الكرُوبُ

2. The decrees of death besiege his lofty place
And for death we are bespoken

٢. دهى عُلاه خطبُ المنايا
وللمنايا بنا خطوبُ

3. So no doctor and no beloved
Neither a distant one nor a near

٣. فلا طبيبٌ ولا حبيبٌ
ولا بعيدٌ ولا قريبُ

4. Can repeal what his Lord has ordained
And He is watchful over His servant

٤. يَرُدُّ ما قَد قضاه ربٌّ
وهو على عَبده رقيبُ

5. Alas for his absence
For the absent of a people do not return

٥. وآهاً له من فراق
فغائب القوم لا يؤوبُ

6. The nobility of a people weep over him
Weeping and wailing over him

٦. تبكي عليه أشراف قومٍ
لها بكاءٌ به نحيبُ

7. A day when it was said, record
He has passed on to his Lord the bringer

٧. يومٌ به قد قيل أَرِّخ
مَضى إلى ربّه النقيبُ