1. God and all people know
That the one who left this world was unique
١. الله يَعْلَمُ والأنام شهودُ
أنَّ الَّذي فَقَد الورى لفريدُ
2. He was the imam whom all imams emulated
So he had guidance while others followed his lead
٢. كانَ الإمام به الأئمة تقتدي
فَلَه الهدى ولغيره التقليد
3. His existence was a shade over Islam
Until his extended shade shrank
٣. ظلاًّ على الإسلام كانَ وجوده
حتَّى تقلّص ظِلُّه الممدود
4. So for his loss every heart grieves
And remembering him, his praise is repeated
٤. فَلِفَقْده في كلِّ قلب لوعة
ولذكره في حمده ترديد
5. The disappearance of that towering mountain after its firmness
Shows you that even firm things will perish
٥. فزوال ذاك الطود بعد ثباته
ينبيك أنَّ الراسيات تبيد
6. Alas, after him no banners will be raised for schools
And a tree of virtues will not grow and flourish
٦. هَيْهات يُرفَعُ للمدارس بعده
عَلَمٌ ويورقُ بالمكارم عود
7. All the highest virtues and merits
Were strewn over him, necklaces of tears
٧. سِمْط الفضائل والفواضل كلّها
نُثِرَتْ عليه من الدموع عقود
8. A lion among lions whom fate laid low
While among men there are beasts and hyenas
٨. أسدٌ من الآساد يصرعه الرّدى
ومن الرِّجال بهائمٌ وأُسودُ
9. It is strange that the vast universe was too small for his knowledge
Yet how can the narrowness of graves contain him?
٩. عجباً لمن ضاق الفضاءُ بعلمه
أنّى حَوَتْهُ من القبور لحود
10. And if angels rejoiced at his coming
Why do eminent men weep and wail?
١٠. وإذا الملائك بُشّرت بقدومه
فَعَلام تنتحب الرِّجال الصيد
11. No tomb could contain your flow of life
Watering your grave and increasing it
١١. لا جاز قَبرَك صَوبُ غادته الحيا
تسقي ثراك بصوبها وتزيد
12. And you were rewarded well for a nation
Whose scholars benefit from what you offered
١٢. وجُزيت خيراً بعدها عن أُمَّةٍ
علماؤها مما أفَدْتَ تفيد
13. So your praised station is above their station
And over all, your banner is planted
١٣. فمقامك المحمودُ فوقَ مقامهم
وعلى الجميع لِواؤك المعقود
14. You showed clearly through signs that when apparent
Hypocrisy is hidden and monotheism proclaimed
١٤. أظهَرْتَ بالآيات ما بظهورها
يُخفى النفاق ويُعلن التوحيد
15. And you unveiled the ambiguity of what was ambiguous
So doubts on the face of truth became dark
١٥. وكشَفْتَ غامضَ ما تشابه فانجلَتْ
شُبَهٌ على وجه الحقيقة سود
16. O you who rest in the most hallowed earth
By God, you are resolute and steadfast
١٦. يا أيُّها الثاوي بأكرم تُربَةٍ
تالله أَنْتَ الصارم المغمود
17. Oh how suddenly Iraq was shaken
At a harsh hour that splits even the stubborn
١٧. يا شدَّ ما دهم العراق بساعة
خشناء يُصدعُ عندها الجلمود
18. When the time came for the Father of Praise and he was given
Among the generous, his promised day
١٨. إذ حان حَينُ أبي الثناء وجاءه
بين الأكارم يومُه الموعود
19. His elegy was his eulogy, and the historian said
Alas, Father of Praise Abu al-Thana' has died
١٩. ونعماه ناعيه وقال مؤَرِّخاً
قد مات ويك أبو الثنا محمود