1. Spring came with its roses and blooms
So let our cupbearer quench us with a cup of its perfume
١. جاءَ الرَّبيعُ بوردِهِ وبهارِهِ
فَلْيَسْعَ ساقينا بكأس عقاره
2. And let the breeze drink, craving the pleasure
That it found only near its flowers
٢. وليشربنَّ الرَّاح ناشد لذَّة
لم يُلفِها إلاَّ لدى أزهاره
3. O you, my boon companions, you have wine
That heals the worries of one in distress after misery
٣. يا أيُّها الندماء دونكم الَّتي
تشفي نجيَّ الهمِّ بعد بواره
4. Yellow, pure, it eliminates with its purity
What man has endured of troubles
٤. صفراء صافية تزيل بصفوها
ما كابدَ الإِنسان من أكداره
5. With it the love-sick wanders as rich as
A desert rain in its prime and fecundity
٥. يسعى بها أحوى أغنُّ كأَنَّه
ريمُ الفلاة بجيده ونفاره
6. In a gathering where its hopes have blossomed
And its moons and suns were revealed to us
٦. في مجلسٍ بزغَتْ شموسُ مرامه
وجلى لنا فيه سنا أقماره
7. What joy did to a place
Where the gentle breeze blows in its expanse
٧. لله ما فعلَ السُّرور بموطنٍ
تجري كُمَيْتُ الرَّاح في مضماره
8. Hastening pleasures, which verse
Set in motion in the assembly and its abode
٨. أمبادرَ اللّذّات أَيَّةَ آية
أجرى بسعي منادمٍ وبداره
9. Take it when cups are filled with its color
As solemnity takes off its clothes and gravity
٩. خذها إذا اكْتَسَتِ الكؤوس بصبغها
خلع الوَقُورُ بها ثياب وقاره
10. And if you greet its elbow-crooked one
He will greet you with his bent arm and forearm
١٠. ومورد الوَجَنات إنْ حيَّيْتَه
حيّى بوجنته وآس عذاره
11. A black antelope of the forest, deadly to its hunters
And sharp swords to its supporters
١١. ظبيٌ أُسودُ الغاب من قُتَلائِه
وصوارم الأَلحاظ من أنصاره
12. A moon that when the light of its forehead appeared
Set aflame the heart of the beholder with its fire
١٢. قمرٌ إذا ما لاحَ ضوءُ جبينه
أَصلى فؤادَ الصَّبِّ جذوةَ ناره
13. And a rebel says, when annihilated by its glance,
Who will take vengeance, O men, for his vengeance?
١٣. ويقول ثائر من أُبيدَ بلحظه
من آخذٌ يا للرجال بثاره
14. I know that in its saliva
The breeze did not quench its thirst at its watering place
١٤. إنِّي لأعْلَمُ أَنَّه في ريقه
ما راح يسقي الرَّاح في مِسْطاره
15. Spring has laid out for us green pillows of chintz
Whose blossoms and flowers exude fragrance
١٥. فرشَ الرَّبيعُ لنا خمائِلَ سُنْدُسٍ
خضرٍ تَفوحُ برنده وعراره
16. Thanks for the traces of clouds in its meadow
For it has the white hand in its traces
١٦. شكراً لآثار الغَمام بروضهِ
فَلَهُ اليدُ البيضاءُ في آثاره
17. A meadow whose beauties are like its sky
And the rising of its joy like its daytime
١٧. روضٌ محاسنُ أَرضِه كسمائه
وشروقُ بهجة ليله كنهاره
18. So drink to the melodies of its birds
As if they are melodies from its strings
١٨. فاشرب على النَّغمات من أطياره
فكأَنَّها النغماتُ من أوتاره
19. The branches dance out of rapture through it
Between the cooing of its doves and their murmurs
١٩. تتراقَصُ الأَغصان من طربٍ به
ما بينَ شدوِ حمامه وهزاره
20. Do not deny the branches' inclination, for they are
Branches that drank from its rivers
٢٠. لا تنكروا ميلَ الغصونِ فإنَّما
هذي الغصونُ شَرِبْنَ من أنهاره
21. And when the spring season comes, hasten
To pluck pleasures in its months
٢١. وإذا أَتى فصلُ الرَّبيع فبادروا
لتناهب اللّذّات في آذاره
22. It is as if it were the radiant face of virgins
All beauty shining through in their unveiling
٢٢. فكأَنَّه وَجْه الخرائد مسفراً
كلّ الجمال يلوحُ في أسفاره
23. And go on a promenade in every verdant garden
Especially those with Soft breezes and ripples
٢٣. وتَنَزَّهوا في كلّ روضٍ معشبٍ
لا سيَّما بالغضِّ من نوَّاره
24. And the breeze has whispered to me the fragrance
Of news that the perfume told about its perfumer
٢٤. ولقد أسَرَّ لي النَّسيم أَريجَه
خبراً رواه العِطر عن عَطَّاره
25. So when the morning breeze exhales with what
It has concealed of secrets in its breath
٢٥. فإذا تَنَفَّستِ الصّبا باحتْ بما
كتمته بالأَنفاس من أسراره
26. O excellent is a time that increases your delight
When fate relates to me in its monopoly
٢٦. يا حبَّذا زمنٌ يزيدك بهجةً
يحكي عليَّ القدر باستيثاره
27. Joyful to newcomers as if it were
A meadow watered by heavy rains from its cloudburst
٢٧. متهلّل للوافدين كأَنَّه
روضٌ سقاه الغيث من مدراره
28. Its breaths then became fragrant and
Its flowers bloomed in its wetness and train
٢٨. فتعطَّرَتْ أنفاسه وتبرَّجت
أزهاره في وَبْلِهِ وقطاره
29. The beauties of its fold spread after
The clouds drew away their overhanging hem
٢٩. نَشَرَتْ محاسنُ طيّه من بعد ما
سَحَبَ السَّحاب عليه فضلَ إزاره
30. That leader has many merits
As many as the stars, his traces declare
٣٠. ذاكَ النَّقيب له مناقبُ جَمَّةٌ
عَدَدَ النُّجوم يَلُحْنَ من آثاره
31. By my father, the noble Hashimite, he
Has surpassed all people with his glory and pride
٣١. بأبي الشَّريف الهاشميّ فإنَّه
سادَ الأنامَ بمجده وفخاره
32. Fine-natured from the good, a twig
Of the Messenger of God, the root of his carpenter
٣٢. زاكي العناصر طيِّبٌ من طيِّبٍ
فَرْعٌ رسول الله أَصْلُ نجاره
33. The light of prophecy radiant from his face
Or do we not see what shines from his lights?
٣٣. نورُ النُّبوَّة ساطعٌ من وجهه
أوَ ما نرى ما لاحَ من أنواره
34. Sweet of gifts to those who ask, and he
Is like honey, harvested by a hand that picks it
٣٤. عذب النوال لسائليه وإنَّه
كالشّهد تجنيه يدا مشتاره
35. The current of that sea, its water is sweet
So draw a drink of the water from its currents
٣٥. تيَّار ذاك البحر يعذُبُ ماؤه
فاغرفْ نميرَ الماء من تيَّاره
36. Repeat to me your words praising the glorious
Whose repetition is sweet to hear
٣٦. كرِّرْ حديثك لي بمدْح ممجَّدٍ
يحلو إلى الأَسماع في تكراره
37. If I were to praise him with a thousand eulogies
I would not reach a tenth of a tenth of him
٣٧. إنْ أَمْتَدِحْهُ بألفِ ألف قصيدةٍ
لم أَبْلُغِ المعشار من معشاره
38. If fate had guaranteed him safety
No transgressor would have wronged his freemen
٣٨. جَرَّدْته لوَ انَّ الدهر حازَ أمانه
ما جارَ معتدياً على أحراره
39. He is a mercy sent down upon his virtuous ones
And he is the elite chosen ones for his elite
٣٩. هو رحمةٌ نزلتْ على أخياره
وهو الخيار المصطفى لخياره
40. He has indeed transcended in the loftiness of his status
Until I saw the moon from his eyes
٤٠. فَلَقَدْ تعالى في علوِّ مقامه
حتَّى رأيت البدر من أنظاره
41. He feels safe from the frightening world as if
He had taken covenants from its dangers
٤١. أَمِنَ المخوفَ من الزَّمان كأَنّما
أخَذَ العهودَ عليه من أخطاره
42. Good fortune he created and luck - both
In life obey his right hand and his left
٤٢. اليُمن كوَّن واليسارُ كلاهما
في الدَّهر طوع يمينه ويساره
43. He has facilitated the difficult matter - return to
A servant whom you see easiness in his hardship
٤٣. أميسّر الأَمر العسير أَعِدْ إلى
عبدٍ يراكَ اليسر في إعساره
44. A look you give him with which he sees all
Good fortune, O he whom fortune sees in his eyes
٤٤. نظراً تريه به السَّعادة كلَّها
يا مَن يراه السَّعد في أنظاره
45. In you is praise ready and with you
Wealth forever while remembering it
٤٥. مستحضر فيك المديح وحاضرٌ
منك الغنى أبداً مع استحضاره
46. O master, your benevolence does not cease
To distinguish him with its freshness and youth
٤٦. يا سيِّداً لا زال في إحسانه
من فضله بلجينه ونضاره
47. You have granted him your generosity so he has gained
Fruits from the orchards of your ideas
٤٧. أوليته منك المكارم فاجتنى
ثمرات غرسِ يديك من أفكاره
48. So how many beautiful orchards have you planted
Whose praises of you were among its fruits?
٤٨. فلكم غرستَ من الجميل مغارساً
كانَ الثناء عليك من أثماره
49. And accept from one who prays for your glory his lifetime
However little he can offer of his poetry
٤٩. واقْبَلْ من الدَّاعي لمجدك عُمْرَهُ
ما يستقلّ لديك من أشعاره