
O father of a glorious son, rejoice

أبا جميل قر عينا بمن

1. O father of a glorious son, rejoice
For Allah has granted you what you wished for

١. أبا جميلٍ قُرَّ عيناً بمَنْ
بَلَّغَك الله به ما تريدْ

2. And may Allah increase your joy for him
An increase that does not cease to grow

٢. وزادك الله سروراً به
زيادةً ما برحت في مزيد

3. With this accomplished son of an accomplished one
For the accomplished begets none but the accomplished

٣. بالولد الماجد من ماجد
لا يَلِدُ الماجدُ إلاَّ مجيد

4. How excellent is the father of this father
And how excellent is the advent of this newborn

٤. يا حبَّذا الوالد من والدٍ
وحبَّذا طلعة هذا الوليد

5. Your virtues shine on his face
Like the full moon rising in a blessed mansion

٥. لاحت مزاياك على وجهه
كالبدر في طالع برج سعيد

6. Were you not the Lord of the beautiful one who
Filled the free with nothing but devotion?

٦. أَلَمْ تكنْ ربَّ الجميل الَّذي
مل ترك الأَحرار إلاَّ عبيد

7. And you are to the people whoever yearns
For the rhyme of glory and the poem's creation

٧. وأَنْتَ في النَّاس لمَنْ يقتفي
قافية المجد وبيت القصيد

8. And all who seek refuge in his grace
Seek shelter in shade and sturdy pillar

٨. وكلّ من آوى إلى فضله
آوى إلى ظلٍّ وركنٍ شديد

9. So let this birth bring you utmost joy
With eternal glory that will never fade

٩. فليهنك المولود كلّ الهنا
بخالد الذّكر الَّذي لا يبيد

10. On the nights of his birth celebrations
While you remain far from him each day

١٠. كلَيْلَةِ الأَعياد ميلاده
وأَنْتَ منه كلّ يومٍ بعيد

11. When he appeared before my eyes I dated him
The world shone with the servant of the Praised

١١. لمَّا بدا للعين أَرَّخْته
أَشرقتِ الدُّنيا بعبد الحميد