1. The wind blew by it with the spirits.
So it yearned for the ruins and fervor.
١. أمرَّ بها مع الأرواح رَنْدُ
فَشَوَّقها إلى الأطلال وَجْدُ
2. Or did it recall its loved ones in Sallaj
So it stirred in it the covenant of ages past.
٢. أمْ ادَّكَرَتْ أحبَّتُها بسلع
فهيَّجها بذات الأثلِ عهد
3. I see it cannot keep composure or fervor
And longing took hold in its heart and kindled.
٣. أراها لا تُفيقُ جوىً ووجداً
وشبَّ بقلبها للشوق وقد
4. Love sharpened in it the longing for the abode of Mayy.
So its journey came to a halt in the desert and cheek.
٤. حدا فيها الهوى لديار ميٍّ
فَثَمَّ مسيرُها في البيد وخد
5. And passion for Najd's youth obsessed it.
So neither Sallaj nor Najd granted it respite.
٥. وتَيَّمها صبا نجدٍ غراماً
فما فَعَلَتْ بها سَلْعٌ ونجد
6. And my tears are like the flowing tears
That flow back and forth on my cheeks.
٦. ولي كدموعها عبراتُ جَفْنٍ
لها في وجنتي عكس وطرد
7. I wish you both would relate to me
About loved ones who in my heart have affection.
٧. بودِّي أنْ تعيدا لي حديثاً
بأحبابٍ لهم في القلب ودّ
8. For them I have an increasing passion
While they shun and avoid me.
٨. لهم منِّي غرامٌ مستزادٌ
ولي منهم منافرةٌ وصدّ
9. I lost patience in their love
Yet I feel it is guidance and righteousness.
٩. ضَللْتُ عن التَصَبُّر في هواهم
وعندي أنَّه هديّ ورشد
10. So their love created my cloak of endurance
While the cloak of fervor in them is renewable.
١٠. فأخْلَقَ حبُّهم ثوبَ اصطباري
وثَوْبُ الوَجْد فيهم يُسْتَجدُّ
11. I poured myself out to them so they enslaved me
And pouring oneself out to the beloved is to be a slave.
١١. صَبَوْتُ إليهمُ فاستعْبَدوني
وإنَّ الصَّبَّ للمعشوق عبد
12. And in their district I have a sly fox
Whose glance the valiant lions dread.
١٢. ولي في حيّهم رشَأ غرير
تخاف لحاظَهُ بالفتك أُسْد
13. Whenever it rubbed against the lofty sands
And how many times it stabbed the tender breasts.
١٣. إذا ما ماس أزرى بالعوالي
وكم طَعَنَ الجوانحَ منه قَدُّ
14. And a night at Al-Ubayriq where I spent
Its folds and my cheek carried from it.
١٤. وليلٍ بالأُبيرقِ بِتُّ أُسقى
ثناياه ونَقْلي منه خد
15. Inclination makes us lean wherever we incline
While our livelihood in it is plentiful.
١٥. يميل بنا التصابي حيث مِلْنا
وأمَّا عيشُنا فيه فرغد
16. We rode our whims to exhaustion.
So we do not refuse delight.
١٦. رَكِبْنا من ملاهينا جُموحاً
فنحنُّ عن المسرَّة لا نُردُّ
17. Nights that passed down to us when they turned -
A moan arises in us that finds.
١٧. لَيالي أوْرَثَتْنا حين وَلَّتْ
تَصَعُّدَ زفرةٍ فينا تجدّ
18. So will you bring me happiness, Saad?
For I lost patience from not seeing you lost.
١٨. فهل يا سعد تُسْعِدُني فإني
فَقَدْتُ الصَّبر لا لاقاك فقد
19. And not all can be hoped for in time of need
When the timeless one disputes.
١٩. وما كلٌّ يُرَجَّى عند خطبٍ
إذا ما خاصَمَ الدهرُ الألدّ
20. Except Mahmoud, Mahmoud of excellent traits.
For me he is the firmest pillar.
٢٠. سوى محمود محمود السجايا
فلي من عطفه الركن الأَشدّ
21. When the traits of a people's generous one are counted
The first of his traits to count.
٢١. إذا عُدَّتْ خِصالُ كريمِ قومٍ
فأَوَّلُ ما خصائله تعدّ
22. My joy in worries when they beset me
And my plentiful life wherever life is arduous.
٢٢. سروري في الهموم إذا اعترتني
وعيشي الرغد حيث العيش كدّ
23. By the grace of his right hand and prey of his hands -
One accompanied succeeds and one opposed fails.
٢٣. بفضل يَمينه وظبا يَدَيْه
يفوز مصاحبٌ ويخيب ضدّ
24. And the overflow of his knowledge openly
Indicates he is an abundant sea.
٢٤. وفيض علومه للناس جهراً
يدلُّ بأنَّهُ بحرٌ مُمدّ
25. His springs have been sweetened so he has become
For all people from his purity a drink.
٢٥. وقد عَذُبَتْ موارده فأَمسى
لكلِّ النَّاس من صافيه وِرْد
26. He has mastered knowledge, kindness and generosity -
A confluence that no limit can take stock of.
٢٦. طمى علماً ومكرمةً وجوداً
خضَمٌّ ليس يستقصيه حدّ
27. The generosity of his tongue is a precious pearl
And the generosity of his mind is generosity and boons.
٢٧. فجود لسانه درٌّ ثمينٌ
وجود بنانه كرم ورفد
28. He has assumed the sword of piety, ardor -
For him is the awesomeness of the Merciful an army.
٢٨. تَقَلَّدَ صارمَ التقوى همام
له في هيبة الرحمن جند
29. Ask him the obscure points in sciences -
None quicker to reveal than him in response.
٢٩. سَلُوا منه الغوامض في علوم
فما في الكشف أسْرَعَ من يردّ
30. Sciences he set before his eyes dazzled
The minds of its seekers however they can find.
٣٠. علومٌ نصْبَ عينيه أَحارَتْ
عقولَ طلابها أنَّى تجدّ
31. Brilliant, penetrating of thoughts in his mind -
So no flint to his mind can strike fire.
٣١. ذكيٌّ ثاقبُ الأَفكار ذهناً
فلم يَصْلد له بالفكر زند
32. Question him and he reveals a stream of pearls
And reveals from the sword of severity a flame.
٣٢. تسائله فيبدي الدّرّ سيلاً
ويُنبي عن حُسام العَضب قدُّ
33. And how he has rendered the pretentious helpless in response
With answers, by your life, that cannot be countered.
٣٣. وكم قد أعْجَزَ الأَغيار ردًّا
بأجوبةٍ لعمرك لا تردّ
34. When he uncovers the truths in his discourse
It is as if its prosody in prose is strung together.
٣٤. إذا كشف الحقائق في كلام
كأَنَّ نظامه في النثر عقد
35. And he answered the scholar of untruth with what
Neither Iran nor India can answer in response.
٣٥. وجاوَبَ عالِمُ الزَّورا بما لا
تُجاوبُ فيه إيرانٌ وهند
36. And in his presence the pretentious became mute
And their misguidance and his guidance became manifest.
٣٦. وأَمْسَتْ عندَه الأَغيار خرساً
وبانَ ضلالُهم وأُبينَ رُشْد
37. Your Lord has certainly given him great bounty
And that is from the God of the Throne a promise.
٣٧. لد آتاهُ ربُّك أَيّ فضل
وذلك من إِله العرش وعد
38. He upheld the law of the honorable one through it
And with it the religion of God was supported.
٣٨. أقامَ شريعةَ الغرَّاء فيه
وشُدَّ به لدين الله عضد
39. A leader, exemplar of the scholars, a date palm -
He has certainly gathered virtues and he is unique.
٣٩. إمامٌ قدوةُ العلماء قرمٌ
لقد جَمَعَ الفضائل وهو فرد
40. So in two oceans of grace and knowledge
One gifted and visiting gains abundance.
٤٠. ففي بَحْرينِ إفضالٍ وعلمٍ
يفوزُ بوَفْرها عافٍ ووفد
41. To you, O father of praise, I stay up praising
Even if my tongue falters in praising you it efforts.
٤١. إليك أبا الثناء أبيتُ أُثْني
وإنْ أَثنى لساني عنك جهد
42. And of the duties recited to you
Is thanking your favor, bounty with praise.
٤٢. ومن جُمَل الفروض عليك تتلى
لشكر صنيعك الإِحسان حمد
43. May a happy feast delight you my master
For you through the years lasting return.
٤٣. ليهْنِك سيِّدي عيدٌ سعيدٌ
عليك له مدى الأَعوام عَوْد
44. And here is from the needy a poem
Your pleasure with it is generosity and boon.
٤٤. وهاكَ من الفقير قصيد شعر
رضاكَ له بها كرم ورفد
45. Permit me in praising you my saliva
For it is to me hope and purpose.
٤٥. أَجِزْ لي في مديحك لي بلثمي
يمينكَ فهو لي أملٌ وقصد