
A lightning flash gleamed and lit up,

سنا برق تبلج واستنارا

1. A lightning flash gleamed and lit up,
Stirring up the youthful passions within me.

١. سَنا بَرْقٍ تَبَلَّجَ واستَنارا
أثارَ من الصَّبابة ما أثارا

2. Love kindled in me, igniting
A heart, O Umima, aflame with desire.

٢. وهاج لي الغرام وهيّجت بي
فؤاداً يا أُميمة مستطارا

3. The lightning whose flash I perceived in the dark night
Was like a fire you kindled in the gloom.

٣. فبرقاً شِمْتُه واللَّيل داج
كما أوْقَدْتَ في الظَّلماء نارا

4. Its glimmer was like the shining of wrath
Ripping through the darkness in fiery shreds.

٤. كأَنَّ وميضَه لمعانُ عَضبٍ
يشقُّ من الدُّجى نقعاً مثارا

5. It reminded me of your smile, O Suleima,
Which made me weep in yearning and recollection.

٥. ذكرتُ به ابتسامك يا سُليمى
فأبكاني اشتياقاً وادّكارا

6. Thus did memory pass before my eyes
And I tasted nothing but deceitful mirage.

٦. فما مرَّ الخيال إذنْ بطرفي
ولَمْ أذُقِ الكرى إلاَّ غرارا

7. The memory of a life of goodness gone by
Has dragged away my mantle of youth.

٧. وذكرى ما مضى من طيب عيشٍ
سحبت من الشباب به إزارا

8. And the passion of days of trysts,
Although their nights were brief.

٨. وعهد هوىً لأيام التصابي
وإنْ كانت لياليه قصارا

9. I took my share of pleasures from them,
Disturbing my joy and keeping away the cups.

٩. أخَذْتُ بجانب اللَّذات منها
على طَربي وعاقرتُ العقارا

10. How many delights we neglected in our haste,
Driving them away to distance and remoteness!

١٠. وكم من لذَّةٍ بكُمَيْت راحٍ
أغَرْناها فأبْعَدْنا المغارا

11. The wine-pourer Dispenser of drinks was as though
Khosrow had removed his collar and bracelet for her.

١١. منظمة الحباب كأنَّ كسرى
أماطَ الطَّوق فيها والسّوارا

12. We blended the wine, and it had been pure ruby,
But blending turned it refreshing for us.

١٢. مزجناها وقد كانت عقيقاً
فصيَّرها المزاج لنا نضارا

13. Had joy flown with it to its drinking haunts
It would have flown that day to each grapevine.

١٣. فلو طار السرور بمجتليها
على الندمان يومئذٍ لطارا

14. For youth was our garb,
Taking pleasure in our shedding it like a slough.

١٤. وقد كانَ الشباب لنا لبوساً
يَلَذُّ بِخَلْعِنا فيه العذارا

15. Alas for youth! How it deserted us,
And I could not recover a loaned ornament.

١٥. فواهاً للشبيبة كيف ولّتْ
وما استرجعتُ حلْيا مستعارا

16. The gazelles are scattered, and the herd is manifest;
I do not deny that the small gazelles have fled from me.

١٦. تنافَرَتْ الظباء وبان سِربٌ
ولم أُنْكِرْ من الظبي النفارا

17. The blossoms of those I loved have departed from me,
And who do I have to visit or keep company with?

١٧. وشطّ نزارُ من أهواه عنِّي
ومن لي أن أزورَ وأنْ أُزارا

18. Why should I ask the caravans about them
Or inquire about the dwellings and abodes?

١٨. إلام أُسائل الرُّكبانَ عَنهمْ
وأستَقْري المنازلَ والديارا

19. Standing beside my mount at the ruins
I suffer what is suffered by the sleepless night.

١٩. وقوفاً بالمطيِّ على رسومٍ
أُعاني ما تُعانيه البوارا

20. I whimper with sadness and melt with yearning,
Yearning deprives me of rest at every halt.

٢٠. أُرقْرِقُ عَبرة وأذوبُ شوقاً
ويَعدِمُني بها الشَّوقُ القرارا

21. My companions have grieved for me and wept,
Sending copious tears flowing forth.

٢١. وحنَّتْ أنيقي وبكَتْ رفاقي
وأرسَلَتِ الدُّموع لها غزارا

22. Longing for the land of Najd makes you homesick,
But you have not smelled its winds or inhaled its dust.

٢٢. أشوّقك العرارُ لأرض نجدٍ
ولا شيحاً شَمِمْتَ ولا عرارا

23. Passion has harmed you, not by your choice,
For passion is nothing but compulsion.

٢٣. أضَرَّ بك الهوى لا باختيار
وما كانَ الهوى إلاَّ اضطرارا

24. It drove them to give a draught from a waterskin,
And poured down showers on its landmarks.

٢٤. سَقَتْها المزنُ سحًّا من نياقٍ
وصَبَّ على معالمها القطارا

25. I reached the stony plains and wilderness with it,
Traveling the Bedouin deserts and wastelands.

٢٥. وصَلْتُ بها المهامه والفيافي
وجُبْتُ بها الفدافد والقفارا

26. Justifying my treatment at the hands of my nurse
Is that I have been healed by drink from the imbiber of wine.

٢٦. مُعلِّلتي بممرضتي حَديثاً
لقد داويت بالخمرِ الخمارا

27. With her whose glance still gives me life
And whose estrangement kills me, little by little.

٢٧. بمن لا زلت تحييني التفاتاً
وتقتُلُني صُدوداً وازورارا

28. She is the tender-eyed gazelle, so she glanced at us,
More gentle than the shy wild cows with lovely eyes.

٢٨. هي الحدق المراض فتكْنَ فينا
وألطف من ظبا البيض احورارا

29. If not for her slaughtering me, I would not complain
Of the deep, gaping wounds she has torn in my guts.

٢٩. فلولا فتكها ما بتُّ أشكو
بأحشائي لها جرحاً جُبارا

30. As if by sorcery, her eyelids intoxicate
Souls until they are drunk, all drunk.

٣٠. كأنَّ جفونَها بالسِّحرِ منها
سُكارى والنفوس بها سُكارى

31. I have tasted the days, and they have taught me;
Their intimate secrets lay bare to me.

٣١. بَلَوْتُ بني الزمان وعرفَتْني
تجاريبي سرائِرَهم جهارا

32. And if you tested people as I have,
You would find most people wicked.

٣٢. وإنَّك إن بلوتْ النَّاس مثلي
وجَدْتَ النَّاس أكثرهم شرارا

33. If you judged men when they were elders
By the glory of Muhammed, they would seem small.

٣٣. وإنْ قِسْتَ الرجال وهم كبار
بمجد محمد كانت صغارا

34. In guiding them to righteousness and goodness
And hastening them to the most virtuous abodes.

٣٤. بأهداهم إلى المعروف برًّا
وأسرعهم إلى الحسنى بدارا

35. How much virtue he attained in the arena of merit,
Not stirring up in it a speck of dust!

٣٥. وكم لحقته في ميدان فضل
فما شَقَّتْ له فيه غبارا

36. By my soul! When disaster befalls,
I flee to him for refuge and escape.

٣٦. بروحي من إذا ما جار خطبٌ
فَرَرْتُ إليه يومئذٍ فرارا

37. In his shade the prosperous live a life
That delights the eye with its greenery and freshness.

٣٧. يرى في ظلِّه العافون عيشاً
يَروقُ العينَ بهجته اخضرارا

38. And he spends money in God's cause,
Hoarding reward for himself by stockpiling it.

٣٨. ويُنفِقُ في سبيل الله مالاً
بهِ ادَّخرَ الثوابَ له ادِّخارا

39. And he cares in his affairs for the weak,
Few care for the weak as he cares!

٣٩. ويَرعى في صَنائِعِهِ ذِماراً
بجيلٍ قلَّ من يرعَى الذّمارا

40. Insight illuminates his affairs,
And his experience tests and deduces.

٤٠. تبصَّر في الأُمور وحنكته
التجاريب اختباراً واعتبارا

41. His virtues have adorned him with an ornament
That will surely neither be sold nor lent.

٤١. وحلَّتْهُ فضائله بحِلْيٍ
لعمرك لن يُباعَ ولنْ يُعارا

42. He created novel acts of kindness and charity
Rarely accomplished except through invention.

٤٢. وأبدعَ بالمكارم والأَيادي
فما يأْتي بها إلاَّ ابتكارا

43. The nobility of the Bani Zuhayr
Have always been the elite who engender the elite.

٤٣. وما زالتْ كرامُ بني زهير
خياراً تنتجُ القوم الخيارا

44. Carpentry of glorious ancestry and product of pride,
May God keep you, that excellent carpenter!

٤٤. نِجار أُبوَّةٍ ونتاج فخرٍ
فحيَّا الله ذيَّاك النجارا

45. They are the lofty mountain of glory,
Sheltering from disasters whoever seeks their refuge.

٤٥. هم الجبل المنيع من المعالي
يُجيرُ من الخطوب من استجارا

46. Indeed, Muhammad was the most loyal ally,
The most abundant winner and the noblest neighbor.

٤٦. وإنَّ محمَّداً أندى يميناً
وأَوفرُ نائلاً وأَعزُّ جارا

47. O Father of Abdul-Hamid, you have been raised in esteem
And granted forbearance and ability.

٤٧. أبا عبد الحميد رُفِعتَ قدراً
وقد أُوتِيتَ حِلماً واقتدارا

48. You surpassed past peoples, so none can compare
To your stature and glory, or rival you.

٤٨. سَبقْتَ الأَوَّلين فلا تُجارى
إلى أَمَد العلاء ولا تبارى

49. Glory to Him who granted you forbearance
So you outweighed mountains in dignity and gravity!

٤٩. فسبحان الَّذي أَعطاك حِلماً
فوازَنْتَ الجبالَ به وقارا

50. And inspired you with wisdom in every view,
Showing you the bright sunlight in its darkness.

٥٠. وألهَمَكَ الصَّوابَ بكلِّ رأيٍ
يُريك ظلامَ حندسِهِ نهارا

51. The people have not ceased being your dependents,
Never ceasing to revolve around you.

٥١. عليك النَّاس ما بَرحتْ عيالاً
ولم تبْرح لدائرها مدارا

52. You built with your ascendancy a station for them
And illuminated with your brilliance a beacon for them.

٥٢. تُشَيِّدُ من عُلاك لهم مقاماً
وتُوضِحُ من سَناك لهم منارا

53. Yours is the discerning view from which guidance appears,
A guide that led people who had been perplexed.

٥٣. لك النَّظر الدَّقيق يلوح منهم
هُدى قومٍ به كانتْ حيارى

54. In you are shrewdness and sharpness of mind,
The advisor and consultant see you thus.

٥٤. وفيك فطانة وثقوب ذهنٍ
يَراكَ به المشيرُ المستشارا

55. Your outstanding qualities have risen so high
That they have not taken any home on earth.

٥٥. بقد سارَتْ مناقبك السَّواري
فما اتَّخذت في الأرض لها دارا

56. You have assumed the most eloquent rhymes,
Better than the virgins assume their necklaces.

٥٦. تَقَلَّدْتَ القوافي الغرَّ منها
بأحسنَ ما تقلَّدتِ العذارى

57. The rhymes have not encompassed your praises,
Neither in the systemization nor scattering of verse.

٥٧. وما استَقْصَتْ مدائحك القوافي
نظاماً في علاك ولا نثارا

58. If I fall short in what I have brought of them,
Recitation of them has been both concise and brief.

٥٨. لئنْ قصَّرتُ فيما جئتُ منها
فقد تتلى اقتصاراً واختصارا

59. May you occupy a rank, ascending and soaring,
And a title that we can proudly commemorate!

٥٩. ليهنِك رُتْبَةٌ تعلو وتسمو
ونيشانٌ نُؤرِّخه افتخارا