
You are greeted by one whose arrival brings joy,

حييت من قادم حل السرور به

1. You are greeted by one whose arrival brings joy,
And he will not delay in reaching the abode of glory.

١. حُيِّيتَ من قادم حَلَّ السُّرورُ به
وما له عن مَقام العزِّ تأخيرُ

2. Hardships and terrors are now gone,
And adversities have changed and altered.

٢. إنَّ الشدائدَ والأهوال قد ذَهَبَت
وللخطوب استحالات وتغيير

3. He has shown you the truthfulness of men's affection,
And truth and falsehood have become evident to you.

٣. أرَتْك صِدْقَ مَوَدَّات الرجال بها
وبانَ عِندَك صِدْقُ القولِ والزُّورُ

4. You have not found a brother like Solomon,
Whose good deeds towards you are limited.

٤. ولم تجدْ كسليمان لديك أخاً
عليك منه جميل الصنع مقصور

5. Thanks for his good acts, for his hand is over you,
And that deed is appreciated.

٥. شكراً لأفعاله الحُسنى فإنَّ له
يداً عليك وذاك الفعل مشكور

6. He has fulfilled his duty and pleased the advisor,
Leaving no shortcomings or flaws.

٦. لقد وفى لك واسترضى المشير فما
أبقى قصوراً ولا في الباع تقصير

7. Indeed the advisor, may God honor his rule,
Is righteous and forgiving, erasing sins.

٧. إنَّ المشيرَ أعزَّ الله دولته
برّ رحيمٌ لديه الذنب مغفور

8. I imagine you immersed in his blessings,
Observed by the eye of good fortune.

٨. كأنّني بك مغمورٌ بنِعْمَتِه
وأنْت ملحوظ عين السعد منظور

9. He sends you greetings from his joy,
Subtleties and hints included.

٩. أهدى إليك سلاماً من سعادته
لطُّف فيه إشارات وتفسير

10. So his gaze will satisfy you,
And the gaze of a sultan is an elixir.

١٠. فسوف يغنيك من سلطانه نظرٌ
وإنَّما نَظَرُ السلطان إكسير

11. What happened has happened, and fate flows on,
Planning is no use against fate.

١١. قد كانَ ما كانَ والأقدار جاريةٌ
ولا يفيد مع الأقدار تدبير

12. It suffices the noble one to apologize to God's decree,
And man is pardoned for what God decrees.

١٢. حسب الفتى من قضاء الله معذرة
والمرء فيما قضاه الله معذور

13. Rejoice in the care you will receive from him,
And you are pleased by what satisfies you.

١٣. وابشِرْ بما سوف تحظى من عنايته
وأنتَ منه بما يُرضيك مسرور

14. Victory and all good are his regarding you,
For you, oh Victorious One, are made victorious.

١٤. والنصر فيك له والخير أجمعه
وإنَّما أنتَ يا منصور منصور