
Who will protect me from a heart that flares

من مجيري من فؤاد كلما

1. Who will protect me from a heart that flares
Whenever the Yemeni lightning flashes?

١. مَنْ مُجيري من فؤادٍ كلَّما
اتَّقد البَرْقُ اليماني اتقَدا

2. Were it not for my tears extinguishing it,
My anguish would have consumed it in the flames it kindled.

٢. كادَ لولا أدمُعي تحرِقُه
زفرةُ الوجدِ بما قد وجدا

3. The heart knows the hand of the eye controls it -
Indeed, the eye holds sway over the heart.

٣. عَرَفَ القلب يد العين بها
إنَّ للعينِ على القلبِ يدا

4. I spend the night sleepless,
Watching the stars traverse the boundless sky.

٤. لا أبيتُ اللَّيلَ إلاَّ راعياً
أنجُماً سارتْ على غير حَدا

5. The long night of ecstasy seemed endless
Until it was granted eternity.

٥. طال ليلُ الصّبّ حتَّى خِلْتُه
جُعِلَ الليلُ عليه سرمدا

6. Yet they did not endeavor to walk the path of righteousness -
By my life, they never endeavored to walk the righteous path.

٦. وتحرّوا رشداً عُذَّالُه
ولعَمري ما تحرّوا رشدا

7. I have a beloved against whom I have thrown myself in passion -
He has inflicted upon me such wounds as an enemy would cause.

٧. بي حبيبٌ أنا ألقى في الهوى
منه ما ألقاه من كيد العِدى

8. The night visitor seeks nothing but to ignite
Suffering that rises up, and patience that sits still.

٨. تطلبُ السُّلوان إلاَّ إنَّ لي
لوعةً قامتْ وصبراً قعدا

9. My shooter missed not the mark when he struck my heart -
He intended it in his love, he meant no misstep.

٩. ما رمى الرَّامي فؤادي خطأً
منه في الحبِّ ولكن قصدا

10. O you who blame passionate love, passion itself
Has revolted against your judgment and transgressed your bounds.

١٠. يا رعى عهد الهوى إنَّ الهوى
جارَ بالحكمِ عليه واعتدى

11. Constant tears that never cease
Flow from fear of slanderers while anguish lies dormant within.

١١. خشية الواشين صبٌّ لم يزلْ
يُظهِرُ الدَّمع ويخفي الكمدا

12. Can you see, the day our loved ones left,
The agony and desolation they felt?

١٢. أترى أحبابنا يوم التقى
وجدوا من لوعةٍ ما وجدا

13. After they left, we stood in the place they dwelled
Our tears flowed until they were depleted.

١٣. قد وَقَفْنا بعدَهم في ربعِهِم
فبكَيْنا الدَّمع حتَّى نفدا

14. Then when our tears on the ruins of that abode were spent
We wept blood, our skin itself weeping.

١٤. ثمَّ لمَّا نفد الدَّمع على
طَلَل الربع بكيْنا الجَلَدا