1. Indeed, Al-Naqib Ali's virtue prospered
And God ennobled among the masters his zeal
١. إنَّ النَّقيب عَليًّا طابَ عنصُرُه
وشَرَّفَ الله في السادات محتدَه
2. For his grandfather Sheikh Baz, when he built
A mosque for the sake of God, making it everlasting
٢. لجدّه الشيخ باز الله حين بنى
معمّراً في سبيل الله مسجدَه
3. The sheikh of the path, no visitor came to him
Except the Lord of the Throne gave him his purpose
٣. شيخ الطريقة لم يقصده قاصده
إلاَّ وأعطاه ربُّ العرش مقصده
4. Or he came seeking salvation through him
Except he guided him to piety and showed him the way
٤. أو جاءَ مسترشداً يبغي النجاة به
إلاَّ هداه إلى التقوى وأرشده
5. So pray to God at that time
And visit the tomb of the Pole of succor
٥. فصلِّ لله وادع الله حينئذ
وَزُرْ من الشيخ قطب الغوث مرقده
6. For inspirations of holiness continued
Flowing from him to you, which you never knew before
٦. فلم تَزَلْ نفحاتُ القدس سارية
منه إليك بما لا كنتَ تعهده
7. And bear witness to the resolve of its builder
For what he built, elevated and erected
٧. واشْهَدْ لبانيه إعجاباً بهمَّتِه
بما بناه وعَلاّه وشيّده
8. And say to whoever wanted to date it
This is a mosque, and Ali of great worth renovated it
٨. وقل لمنْ رام منه أن يُؤرِّخَه
ذا جامعٌ وعليُّ القَدْر جَدَّده