1. I drew the companions' eyes to the distance,
As the night stretched its halls upon us.
ูก. ูุจููููุชู ูููููุฃูู ุนููููู ุงูุฑูููุงูู
ูุงููููู ูุฏ ู
ูุฏูู ุนููููุง ุฑูุงูู
2. How many drunk with the wine of battles,
I awakened with separation until they were alert.
ูข. ูุฑูุจูู ุณูุฑุงู ุจุฎู
ุฑ ุงููุฑู
ุฃูููููุชูู ุจุงูุนูุฐู ุญุชููู ุฃููุงู
3. I said to him who sought the heights arduous,
Send the envoys racing toward it.
ูฃ. ููููุชู ูู ู
ู ุฑุงู
ูุง ุตูุนุจุฉู
ุญูุซูู ุงูู
ุฑุงุณููู ุฅูููุง ูุณุงู
4. Why hesitate to seek the heights?
Do you not yearn with the longing of she-camels?
ูค. ู
ุงุฐุง ุงูุชูููุงูู ุนู ุทูุงุจ ุงูุนููู
ุฃููุง ุชุญูููู ุญููู ุงูููุงู
5. Neither have your lids been lined with battles,
Nor have you turned aside to aught but the rugged.
ูฅ. ูุง ุงูุชุญูุช ุฃูุฌูุงููู
ููุง ุชูุตูุฏููููุชูู
ุฅูู ุบูุฑ ุดุงู
6. Verily, to defy battles for the heights
Is sweeter than to yield to desireโs embrace.
ูฆ. ุฅููู ู
ุนุงุตุงุฉ ุงููุฑู ููุนูู
ุฃููุฐูู ู
ู ุทูุน ุงูููู ููุนูุงู
7. So roll up your sleeves, for I see
Bearing disgrace is beyond all bearing.
ูง. ูุดู
ููุฑูุง ููู
ุฌุฏ ุฅูููู ุฃุฑู
ูุงุจุฏุงุช ุงูุฐูู ู
ุง ูุง ุชุทุงู
8. For the beeโs harvest for its keeper
With dishonor, if you ponder, is bitter to taste.
ูจ. ุฅููู ุฌูู ุงููุญู ูู
ุจุงูุฐููู ูู ููุฑุช ู
ุฑู ุงูู
9. This, while in you is a will rising
To the celestial spheres and up to the highest watchtower.
ูฉ. ูุฐุง ููููู
ููุฉู ุชุฑุชูู
ุฑุงููู ุงููุฌู
ูุฃุนูู ู
10. If you draw near to glory,
The full moon may return after waning.
ูกู . ูุฆู ุชููุฑููุจูุชูู
ุฅูู ุนูุฒููุฉู
ููุฏู ูุนูุฏู ุงูุจุฏุฑู ุจุนุฏ ุงูู
11. And the freeman if he seeks great hopes,
Let him seek them atop the noble steeds.
ูกูก. ูุงูุญุฑูู ุฅูู ุญุงูููู ุฃู
ุญุงูููุง ููู ุงูุฌูุงุฏ ุงูุนุชุงู
12. And distinguished remoteness over others,
Having no wish for union after separation.
ูกูข. ูู
ูููุฒู ุงูุจูุนุฏู ุนูู ุบูุฑู
ููุง ูุฑูุฏ ุงููุตูู ุจุนุฏ ุงููุฑุงู
13. Thus were they when I roused them,
Like eggs I gingerly gathered.
ูกูฃ. ููู
ูููููุง ููู
ุฅูุงูู ูู
ุง ุงูุถููุชู ุจูุถุงู ุฑูุงู
14. And maidens agreed with me,
Who know love only as concord.
ูกูค. ููุงููุชูู ู
ูุง ููุนูุฑูููููู ุงูููุฏูู ุฅูุงูู ุงูููุงู