
God has a house built by the generous Jabir,

لله منزل جابر من منزل

1. God has a house built by the generous Jabir,
Where the noble visitor is honored.

١. لله مَنْزِلٌ جابرٍ منْ منزِلٍ
فيه الكرامةُ للمحبِّ الزائرِ

2. Its foundations were raised and its structure built
With generosity, nobility, and greatness.

٢. رُفعَتْ قواعده وشيد بناؤه
لمكارمٍ وأكارمٍ وأكابر

3. It fills the hearts of visitors with joy,
Making their watching eyes content.

٣. مَلأَت قلوب الزائرين مَسَرَّةً
فَغَدَتْ تقرّ بها عيون النَّاظر

4. With all that Jabir gathered in service,
Of mighty lions and sleeping wolves.

٤. من كلِّ ما جمعت بخدمة جابرٍ
من شادنٍ أحوى وليثٍ خادر

5. He attained courage and generosity, thus ascending
To the highest ranks of glory and pride.

٥. حاز الشَّجاعة والسَّماحةَ فارتقى
رتب العُلى من سؤدد ومفاخر

6. The destitute come to its springs of his endless generosity
That satisfies and overflows with bounty.

٦. تَرِدُ العُفاة مناهلاً من جوده
الوافي وتصدُرُ بالعَطاء الوافر

7. Its buildings bear witness to his good work
And the wonders he renews in splendid feats.

٧. شَهِدَتْ مبانيه بحسن صنيعه
وبما يجدّد من بديع مآثر

8. The generous prince Abu al-Makarim Jabir
Stayed in it, so it shined with splendid radiance.

٨. حلَّ الأَميرُ أبو المكارم جابرٌ
فيها فزانَتْ بالبهاء الباهر

9. And when I stayed in it, I said as a chronicler:
The house of emirate was built by Jabir.

٩. ولقَدْ نَزَلْتُ بها فقلتُ مؤرِّخاً
دارُ الإِمارة قد بُنِيتِ بجابر