
You have cured every noble heart by banishing the corrupt

شفيت بطرد صالح كل صدر

1. You have cured every noble heart by banishing the corrupt
And have remained a healer of hearts

١. شَفَيْتَ بطردِ صالحِ كلّ صدرٍ
ولم تَبْرَحْ شِفاءً للصدورِ

2. You have purified the Law from the base
Who sells religion for a small coin

٢. وطهَّرْتَ الشَّريعة من دنيٍّ
يبيعُ الدِّين في فلسٍ صغيرِ

3. His selfish desires have deformed him
As you know, to wretched destiny

٣. مطامعُ نفسِه قد صَيَّرَتْهُ
كما تدري إلى بئس المصير

4. And he complains of poverty falsely to people
While he and your Lord know he's no pauper

٤. ويشكو فَقره للنَّاس طرًّا
وما هو وربّك بالفقير

5. He has undertaken from his insolence matters
That delight your enemies in those matters

٥. تعاطى من تجاسُرِه أُموراً
يَسُرُّ عِداك في تلك الأُمور

6. And he lashes with the lash of a tyrant, though
He has a feeble spirit that flees from hissing

٦. ويبطِشُ بطشَ جبَّار على أنْ
له جأشٌ يَفِرُّ من الصفير

7. So how could our Master be gentle to a foe
Harder on you than deaf rocks

٧. فكيفَ يلينُ مولانا لخصمٍ
أشَدَّ عليك من صُمِّ الصّخور

8. Ungrateful, if you are mentioned to him in absence
Woe to the ungrateful dog

٨. عقورٍ إنْ ذُكِرْتَ له بغيبٍ
له الويلات من كلْبٍ عقور

9. He who makes himself filthy and wicked
When will he meet you with a pure heart?

٩. ومن يك ذاته نَجِساً خبيثاً
متى يلقاك في قلب طهور

10. If he were thrown into the sea's turbulence one day
His old age would taint the water of oceans

١٠. فلو يُرمى بلجّ البحر يوماً
لنَجَّسَ شيبُه ماءَ البحور

11. You looked upon him with the eyes of the Merciful
All-forgiving of his crime

١١. نظرتَ إليه في عيني رحيمٍ
صفوحٍ عن جنايته غفور

12. And revived his name after death
When he was counted among the dead

١٢. وأَحْيَيْتَ اسمَه من بعد موتٍ
وكانَ يُعَدُّ من أهل القبور

13. But he returned to what he was forbidden and spent the night
Upon that idiocy and immorality

١٣. فعاد لما نُهي عنه وأمسى
على تلك السَّفاهة والفجور

14. In his ignorance without knowledge he supposes
That you are not aware and informed

١٤. يظنُّ لجهله من غير علمٍ
بأنَّك غير مُطَّلعٍ خبير

15. And he bears ingratitude until
His villainy has thrown him down a well

١٥. ولك يتحمَّل الإِكرام حتَّى
رماه لؤمه في قعرِ بير

16. He staggers wildly whenever he turns to you
By the Lord of al-Khornaq and al-Sadeer

١٦. يطيش إذا الْتَفَتَّ إليه طيشاً
ولا ربَّ الخورنق والسَّدير

17. If his hands ever reached you one day
I see you meeting a short death

١٧. فلو طالت يداه عليك يوماً
أراك الحتفَ ذو الباع القصير

18. Though hearing the news of him from you
Be little however plentiful

١٨. وإنَّ سَماعَك الأَخبارَ عنه
وإنْ كَثُرتْ قَليلٌ من كَثير

19. And he has disturbed all who love you from us
While we were before like limpid water

١٩. وكدَّرَ كلّ من يهواك منَّا
وكنَّا قبلُ كالماء النَّمير

20. And donkeys would not accept him if we
Attributed him to the genus of donkeys

٢٠. ولا ترضى الحميرُ به إذا ما
نَسَبْناه إلى جنس الحمير

21. You have removed his existence, so you have gained
The greatest reward there can be

٢١. أَزَلْتَ وجودَه فغَنِمتَ أجراً
كأعظم ما يكون من الأُجور

22. For you - may I be sacrificed for you - are a fortress
And battlements for the Law, what battlements!

٢٢. فأنتَ فُدِيتَ للإِسلام حصنٌ
وسُورٌ للشريعة أَيُّ سور

23. Defending the Law of the religion of Taha
With its past, like the zealous defender

٢٣. تحامي عن شريعة دين طه
بماضيها محاماة الغيور