1. He breathed a sigh for inner turmoil set aflame,
So tears flowed and droplets rained like a flood.
١. تنفَّسَ عن وَجْدٍ تَوقَّدَ جمرُهُ
فأجرى مَسيلَ الدَّمع يَنهلُّ قَطرُهُ
2. By night he suffered endless worries and griefs
That weighed upon his heart though he showed boldness and cleverness.
٢. وبات يعاني الهَمَّ ليس ببارحٍ
على قلبه إقدامه ومكرُّه
3. He wished in vain, for wishing brings no wants to men,
Fate would be kind, were it not for life's vileness.
٣. تمنّى وما يغني التمنّي مطالباً
حَرِيٌّ به لولا الدَّنيَّةُ دهره
4. Before his hopes stood barriers strong
That even in the spacious abode straitened his chest.
٤. ودون أمانيه عوائق جمّة
يضيق لها في المنزل الرحب صدره
5. He bore life's burdens and met
The caprice of time and its treachery.
٥. تحمَّل أعباءُ المتاعب والتقى
على غرّة صرف الزمان وغدره
6. Of all people in this age, he found most woe
And most weariness of spirit fell to his lot.
٦. وأشقى بني هذا الزمان أريبه
وأتعبُ من فيه من النَّاس حرُّه
7. How oft, though ashamed, the poor man's belly rumbles,
While responsibilities weigh down his back!
٧. وربَّ خميص البطن مما يشينه
ينوءُ بأثقال الأُبوَّة ظهره
8. Daily he halts again and again,
His heart aflutter and nerves a-tremble.
٨. له كلّ يوم وقفة بعد وقفة
يهيجُ جوى أحشائه وتقرّه
9. As days go by his complaints grow long.
At night he wakes though dawn is at hand.
٩. يطول مع الأيام فيها عتابه
ويسهر ليلاً ما تبلّجَ فجره
10. He saw in his hopes, now shattered, once
A gleam like lightning, which now deceives him not.
١٠. يشيم سنا برق المطامع وامضاً
تألَّقَ إلاَّ إنّه لا يغرّه
11. So he turns his gaze from them and their course,
For the youth's road leads but to harm and injustice.
١١. فأمسى يغضّ الطرف عنه ودونه
وقوف الفتى يفضي إلى الضّيم أمره
12. Yet still to honour he pledges his soul
Unbowed, and no disgrace can make him yield.
١٢. وحالَف مختاراً إلى العزّ نفسه
إباءً ولم يُؤْخَذْ على الذُّلِّ إصره
13. By my life! A man so hardened to fate,
Whose rock-firm soul the blows of fortune rend not!
١٣. بنفسي امرؤ يقسو على الدهر ما قسا
ولم يتصدَّع في الحوادث صخره
14. When he sees the lowly enjoy the fine pasture,
The vile made welcome, baseness showing its face,
١٤. إذا ما رأى المرعى الدنيّ تنوشُه
يَدُ الرذل يُستحلى مع الهون مرُّه
15. Still God's grace is linked to him
And God's veil spread protecting over him.
١٥. فلا زال موصولاً من الله لطفه
إليَّ ومسبولاً من الله ستره
16. With a face white and radiant he is dazzled.
Glory to him of the radiant visage!
١٦. بأبلج وضاح الجبين أغرّه
فلله وضّاح الجبين أغرّه
17. He was always faithful to me and still is,
My praises of him lasting through the years.
١٧. كما لم يزل منِّي عليه ولم يَزلْ
ثنائي على طول الزمان وبرّه
18. Worldly matters, all of them, are enough for me,
I care only that time has not marred him.
١٨. كفاني مهمّات الأمور جميعها
فما سرَّني أن ساءني الدهر غيره
19. When he speaks his words like stars shine bright,
As time sheds its light that reveals its secrets.
١٩. وما بات إلاَّ وهو في الخطب كالئي
بطرف يريع الدهر إذ ذاك شزره
20. To me no man's deeds seem fairer than his.
How could they, when his river has flooded the sea?
٢٠. وما لامرئٍ عندي جميلاً أعدُّه
وكيف وقد غطّى على البحر نهره
21. True beauty of essence and form in full
Is in his nature, renown, and mention.
٢١. وإنَّ الجميل المحضَ معنىً وصورةً
خلائقه بين الأنام وذكره
22. For Sir Beautiful is life itself.
The life of high deeds and fatherliness is his age.
٢٢. حياة جميل الصنع فيها حياته
وعمر المعالي والأبوّة عمره
23. His palms overflow with never-ending bestowal,
And from their plenitude pours copious bounty.
٢٣. حياض العطاء المستفاض أكفُّه
ومن فيضها جزل العطاء وغمره
24. A hand that pours its generosiy like rain,
A face as lovely as a meadow in bloom.
٢٤. يمينٌ كصوب المزن يهرق جودها
ووجه كروض الحزن قد راق بشره
25. To righteousness his soul gently calls him,
Such is his way and his nature's balance.
٢٥. دعاه إلى المعروف من نفسه لها
وتلك سجاياه وذلك طوره
26. For him successive generations of nobility
Have rolled like pearls so that God is his precious pearl.
٢٦. أدَرَّتْ له أخلاف كُلِّ حَلوبَةٍ
من المجد حتَّى قيل لله دَرُّه
27. Time excuses itself through him for its own sins,
So do not blame the night or dawn for its neglect.
٢٧. تنصّل هذا الدهر من ذنبه به
فلا تعتبنّ اللَّيل والصبح عذره
28. For after that, none of its sins are really sins,
Nor any burden it bears a real burden.
٢٨. فما ذنبه من بعد ذلك ذنبه
ولا وزره من بعد ذلك وزره
29. From him I receive what gifts are bestowed on me
And praise that spreads fair by his merit.
٢٩. ولي منه ما أهدي لديه وأبتغي
ومنِّي له المدح الَّذي طاب نشره
30. O moon in the sky of all glory!
Quick to righteous deed and kindness is his steed.
٣٠. فيا قمراً في أُفق كلّ أبيّةٍ
سريع إلى المعروف والبرّ سيره
31. Soul and all the stars are his ransom!
For he is the pride of people far and wide.
٣١. فداؤك نفسي والمناجيب كلّها
ومن سرَّه في النَّاس أنَّك فخره
32. But for you, who would spread good amongst mankind
And scatter the evil of the day when it flies?
٣٢. أفي النَّاس إلاَّ أنتَ من عَمَّ خيرُه
بيوم على الدنيا تطايَرَ شرّه
33. When events flare up angry and fierce
Who else is called but you to confront and subdue them?
٣٣. وما غيرك المدعوُّ إن شبَّ جمرها
وأنشبَ نابُ الخطب فينا وظفره
34. A righter of time's caprice, a white rock
When fate turns dark, its glint brings light.
٣٤. قواضٍ على صرف الحوادث بيضه
مواضٍ لعمري في الكريهة سمره
35. Whenever his good meets with rejection,
God grant him victory for God is his aid!
٣٥. إذا ما غزا معروفه النكر مَرَّةً
فلله مغزاه وبالله نصره
36. His generoisity flows in the basin of glory,
His falcon soars through the air in a halo of honor.
٣٦. تدفَّق في حوض المكارم جوده
وحَلَّق في جَوٍّ من الفخر صقره
37. Will glory not realise that you are its pride?
Will generosity not realise that you are its sea?
٣٧. فهل يَعْلَمَنَّ المجدُ أنَّك فخره
وهل يعْلَمنَّ الجود أنَّك بحره
38. Certain of your power, dignity seeks refuge in you
When the world is full of fear and has nowhere to flee.
٣٨. ومستعصم بالعزِّ منك وثوقه
إليك إذا هاب الدنايا مفره
39. No state of affairs remains hidden from you.
How could it when a man's secret is plain before you?
٣٩. وما خَفَيت حال عليك ظهورها
وكيف وسرُّ العَبد عندك جهره
40. Think not that I flatter for gain,
Though many a wealthy man remains ever poor.
٤٠. فلا تحسبنِّي من ثراك مملّقاً
ورُبَّ غنيٍّ ليس يبرح فقره
41. None who behold you are poor, for in you they have riches,
Nor lost who live, for in you lies their treasure.
٤١. وليس فقيراً من رآك له غنىً
ولا آيساً مَن أنتَ ما عاش ذخره
42. Thanks be for your hands that unceasingly
Bring blessings that deserve praise and gratefulness.
٤٢. فشكراً لأيديك الَّتي قد تتابعت
إليَّ بما يستوجب الحمد شكره
43. If the stars sought to praise you in verse
Their stringing of pearls would not begin to express you.
٤٣. ولو نظم الجوزاء فيك لما وفى
بها نظمه المُثني عليك ونثره
44. The horizons can barely contain your praise,
And only hymns to you make poetry sweet.
٤٤. وما يملأ الأقطار إلاَّ ثناؤه
ويعذُب إلاَّ في مديحك شعره