
You have sublime ranks to choose from

لك بالمعالي رتبة تختارها

1. You have sublime ranks to choose from
So take pride, for you are our pride and its pride

١. لك بالمعالي رُتبة تختارُها
فافخر فأَنتَ فخارُنا وفخارُها

2. O helper of the upright religion and its seller
The supreme eye has looked upon you

٢. يا ساعدَ الدِّين القويم وباعَه
لَحَظَتْكَ من عين العُلى أنظارها

3. What an elevation you have attained unto God!
It has settled and none but you is its settlement

٣. لله أَيَّةُ رفعةٍ بُلّغْتَها
قَرَّتْ وليس بغيرك استقرارها

4. In the peak of glorious nobility is its position
And in the meadows of sublime is its dwellings

٤. في ذروة الشَّرف الرَّفيع مقامها
وعلى أهاضيب العُلى أوكارها

5. So let the law be happy in you, for it has become
Upon you lies what revolves among the people

٥. فلتَهْنَ فيك شريعة قد أصبَحتْ
وعليك ما بين الأَنام مدارها

6. And you have filled the universe with the light of guidance
Like the sun that filled the horizons with its lights

٦. ولقد ملأْتَ الكون في نور الهدى
كالشَّمس قد ملأَ الفضا أنوارها

7. And you uncovered mysteries from the secret of knowledge
Without you, its secrets would not have been revealed to us

٧. وكشفْتَ من سرِّ العلوم غوامضاً
لولاك ما انكشَفَتْ لنا أسرارها

8. O tree of excellence that cannot be attained
Except by palms of his generosity its fruits

٨. يا دوحةَ الفضل الَّذي لا يجتنى
إلاَّ بنائل جوده أَثمارها

9. God is Greatest, you are greatest role model
The heaviest matters, it knows not its weight

٩. الله أكبر أَنت أكبر قدوة
لم تعرف الثقلات ما مقدارها

10. And let the Muslims fast in you as they fasted
In his grandfather Adnan and his offspring Nizari

١٠. ولتسمُ فيك المسلمون كما سمتْ
في جدّه عدنانُها ونزارها

11. From where his tongue is its sword
A gone past, and its present a cutting blade

١١. من حيث أنَّ لسانه صمصامُها ال
ماضي وإنَّ يراعَهُ خطَّارُها

12. A unique one with attributes like his perfection and gift
The world did not allow, nor its eras

١٢. فردٌ بمثل كماله ونواله
لم تسمح الدُّنيا ولا أعصارها

13. A world in which the generous perished, so it sinned
So it is as though by his existence it seeks forgiveness

١٣. دنياً بها انقرض الكرام فأَذنبت
فكأنَّما بوجوده استغفارها

14. And it is as though it apologized to its children through him
And its apology through him was accepted

١٤. وكأَنَّما اعتذرت إلى أبنائها
فيه وقد قُبِلَتْ به أعذارها

15. Hoping to gain riches from his palms
It makes you needless of other palms and their stinginess

١٥. أَمُؤمّلاً نَيْلَ الغنى بأَكُفِّه
يُغنيك عن تلك الأَكُفِّ نضارها

16. His virtues have spread fingers of comfort
Flowing over his heart rivers

١٦. بَسَطَتْ مكارمُه أَنامِلَ راحةٍ
تجري على وُفَّاده أنهارها

17. The free among us from those whom he set free
And his slaves from those he gifted freedom

١٧. أَحرارنا فيما تنيل عبيدُها
وعبيدُه من سيبه أحرارها

18. There the "shanashina", known through him
Did not spend except with the dew their times

١٨. هاتيك شِنْشِنَة وقد عُرِفَتْ به
لم تقضِ إلاَّ بالنَّدى أوطارها

19. How many gardens the life made blossom early
So it rained with the downpour of his generosity its flowers

١٩. كم روضةٍ بالفضل باكرها الحيا
فزهتْ بوابل جوده أزهارها

20. He is a rain that did not cease its spouts
And a cloud that did not clear its showers

٢٠. هو دِيمةٌ لم تنقطع أنواؤها
وسحابةٌ لم تنقشعْ أمطارها

21. He gave life to the lands of knowledge after its lessons
A knowledge whose times have returned through him

٢١. أحيا ربوعَ العلم بعد دروسها
عِلْماً وقد رَجَعَتْ لها أعمارها

22. And so did the strange rhymes after their recession
Profit through the market of Ukaz and its trade

٢٢. وكذا القوافي الغرّ بعد كسادها
رَبحَتْ بسوق عكاظه تجارها

23. Carried the beauty of his praise its transports
And talked of his works its brokers

٢٣. حَمَلَتْ جميل ثنائه ركبانها
وتحدَّثت بصنيعهِ سمَّارها

24. And narrated the ancient glory its narrators
And circulated the validity of its news

٢٤. ورَوَتْ عن المجد الأَثيل رواتها
وتواتَرَتْ عن صحَّة أخبارها

25. Virtue that spreads in every land his mention
And so are the stars, the greatest its rover

٢٥. فضلٌ يسير بكلِّ أرضٍ ذكرُه
وكذا النجوم أَجلُّها سيَّارُها

26. And his excellent prose, they have revealed
Through them his excellence and its books

٢٦. وله التصانيف الحسان وإنَّها
قد أسفَرَتْ عن فضله أسفارها

27. Like gardens that blossomed its flowers
Or beautiful women that undid their buttons

٢٧. هي كالرِّياض تفتَّحت أزهارها
أو كالحِسان تفكَّكتْ أزرارها

28. Revealing from the hidden what makes existence weary
And confuses with its emergence minds

٢٨. تبدي من المخفيّ ما يُعيي الورى
وتحير عند بروزها أفكارها

29. Still swimming its night in penetrating
From a thought until its day came out

٢٩. لا زالَ خائضُ ليلها في ثاقب
من فكرة حتَّى استبان نهارها

30. Poured from his words with eloquence
Pleasant for the listener is reiterating it

٣٠. مصبوبة من لفظه بعبارة
يحلو لسامع لفظها تكرارها

31. If Malik's wealth was like your knowledge, it would transgress
The lands and its regions

٣١. لو كانَ مالُكَ مثل عِلْمكَ لاغتدت
من مالِكَ الأَرضون أو أقطارها

32. And you have included the Muslims with a blessing
Sufficient to thank for the blessing of its God

٣٢. ولقد شملت المسلمين بنعمةٍ
كُفَّار نعمةِ ربِّها كُفَّارها

33. The eyes of the faith are pleased in you, and only
Your envious enemies, their settlement does not settle

٣٣. قرَّتْ عيونُ الدِّين فيك وإنَّما
حُسَّاد فضلك لا يقرّ قرارها

34. They wished to attain the happiness of its happiness
But you distanced them from it and erased their landmarks

٣٤. راموا الوصول إلى سعاد سعودها
فنَأَتْ بهم عنهم وشطَّ مزارها

35. You choose for the essence of perfection over desires
That ordeal, few choose it

٣٥. تختار لذَّات الكمال على الهوى
تلك المشقَّة قلَّ مَنْ يختارها

36. So when you spread, you are most eloquent spreader
Stringer of pearl of wisdom, its spreader

٣٦. فإذا نثرتَ فأَنتَ أَبلغُ ناثِرٍ
نظَّام لؤلؤ حكمةٍ نثَّارها

37. Letters, where is youth from its words
Al-Shafi'i and where is its fragrance and nectar

٣٧. رسائلٌ أين الصّبا من لفظها
الشَّافي وأَين أريجُها وعَرارُها

38. A scripture interchanged with the night of glory circulated in it
The pleasant morning breeze and its times

٣٨. خَطٌّ كليلاتِ السُّعود تراوَحَتْ
فيها بطيب نسيمها أَسحارها

39. Do you know what stream comes to you in discourse
And from the wondrous, your recollection of it

٣٩. هل تدري أيّ رويّة لك في الحجى
ومن العجيب فديتك استحضارها

40. Comes like the flood of al-Muzn wherever you called it
And like your palm's generosity, abundant its pouring

٤٠. تأتي كسَيْل المزن حيث دعوتها
وكجُودِ كفّك وافرٌ مدرارها

41. So how much darkness of perplexing I lit for you
Its darkness and illumination unravels through you

٤١. فلكم دجوت دُجنَّةً من مُشْكِلٍ
ينجابُ فيك ظلامُها وأُوارها

42. And you have elucidated in it from the sciences brides
So you came from the possession of time its strewing

٤٢. وجَلَيْتَ فيه من العلوم عرائساً
فأتاك من ملك الزَّمان نثارها

43. You have increased in it elevation and humility
And I see men disdain its arrogance

٤٣. قد زدتَ فيها رفعةً وتواضعاً
وأرى الرِّجال يَشينُها استكبارها

44. Verily composure is in the souls and did not transgress
A soul, dignity of the calm and its calmness

٤٤. إنَّ الرَّزانةَ في النُّفوس ولم تطش
نفسٌ وقار الرَّاسيات وقارها

45. If you take pride in wearing a mark
Then your deeds, O honor of existence, its pride

٤٥. إنْ كنتَ مفتخراً بلبس علامةٍ
فعُلاك يا شرف الوجود فخارها

46. It was molded for your honor my master from essence
Where essences, you are, you are its seas

٤٦. صِيغَتْ لعِزّك سيِّدي من جوهر
حيث الجواهر أَنتَ أَنتَ بحارها

47. As if extracted from your chest
Or from your beauty its light shone

٤٧. فكأَنَّما من صَدرِك استخراجها
أَو من جمالك أشْرَقتْ أنوارها

48. Still takes the sights its light
But in the chests of the envious its fire

٤٨. لا زالَ يأخذ بالنواظر نورها
لكنْ بأحشاء الحواسد نارها

49. Verily providence came with all that
It desires upon you and these are its traces

٤٩. إنَّ العناية أَقْبَلَتْ بجميع ما
تهوى عليك وهذه آثارها

50. It has killed others with its reaching, as though it were
The dead of eyes, so none can attain its revenge

٥٠. قتلت عداك بلوغُها وكأَنَّها
قتلى العيون فلبس يُدركُ ثارها

51. And suffice you the acknowledgement of enemies with what
Pleases the governors, and their denial did not benefit

٥١. وكفاك إقرار العداة بما به
قَرَّ الولاة ولم يفد إنكارها

52. And you have created a sky of each virtue
Risen on its horizons its moons

٥٢. ولقد خَلَقْتَ سماء كلّ فضيلةٍ
طَلَعَتْ على آفاقها أقمارها

53. Is there in Iraq, and who is over it, and who has from it
And not a thousandth of it for them all?

٥٣. هل في العراق ومن عليه ومن له
منها وليس لأَلْفِهِمْ معشارها

54. And you have covered the disgraces of a land
Were it not for you, none could cover, and it is your right its shame

٥٤. ولقد سَتَرْتَ على عوادي بلدةٍ
لولاك لم يستر وحقّك عارها

55. O pole of the orbit of leadership and sublimity
Revolving for its affairs have become its spinner

٥٥. يا قطبَ دائرة الرئاسة والعلى
أضحى يدور لأمره دوارها

56. Your prior virtues have reached them, so you surpassed them
With virtues whose dust was never stirred

٥٦. لحقت سوابقك الأُلى فسبقتهم
بسوابقٍ ما شقَّ قط غبارها

57. Take it, angering the envious with a poem
I did not tire, O Abu Al-Thana', of its increase

٥٧. خذها تغيظ الحاسدين قصيدةً
ما ملَّ فيك أبا الثنا إكثارها

58. The days do not cease conferring upon you wishes
And flow upon what you desire its fates

٥٨. لا زالت الأَيَّام توليك المنى
وجرتْ على ما تشتهي أقدارها