
He came with proofs, and every denier

أتى ببراهينٍ غدا كل جاحد

1. He came with proofs, and every denier
Was confounded by his proof in the wilderness

١. أتى ببراهينٍ غدا كلُّ جاحدٍ
ببرهانه بين البرية مفحما

2. So I compelled him with the truth, and the truth is his saying
Thus he surrendered after denial, and submitted

٢. فألزمه بالحقّ والحقّ قوله
فأسْلَمَ من بعد الجحود وسلّما

3. Sometimes you see him directing matters rightly
And sometimes you see him teaching sciences

٣. فطوراً تراه للأمور مسدّداً
وطوراً تراه للعلوم معلّما

4. So to God belongs whatever each author has composed
Flowing smoothly in the world, and being blamed

٤. فلله ما صنّفت كل مصنّف
سرى منجداً في العالمين ومتهما

5. And from the problems in sciences I knew
So I expressed what was ambiguous in them

٥. ومن مشكلات بالعلوم عرفتها
فأعربت عما كانَ فيهم معجما

6. And I made the pens of excellence and prohibition weep
So I pleased the edge of the sword until it smiled

٦. وأبكيت أقلام البراعة والنهى
فأرضيت حد السيف حتَّى تبسما

7. And I did not attain, empty of glory, what was proper for glory
And I did not cease, full of gentle knowledge

٧. وما نلت عما شان بالمجد خالياً
وما زلت بالعلم اللّدنيّ مفعما

8. You were singled out in knowledge, understanding and wisdom
So here you are, and the scholars, have become twins

٨. تفرَّدت في علم وفهم وحكمة
فها أنت والعلياء أصبحت توأما

9. And if you come to us at the end of time a mercy
When glories are counted, you will be the first

٩. وإن جئتَنا في آخر الدهر رحمة
إذا عُدَّت الأمجاد كنت المقدما

10. And it suffices you, O master, that among the people is your likeness
To gain little or to be generous when destitute

١٠. وحسبك ما في الناس مثلك سيد
أنال مقلاًّ أو تكرّم معدما

11. And how much you have scattered your eloquence
With which you wanted to string the pearls of glories

١١. وكم نثرت نثراً بلاغتك الَّتي
أردت بها دُرَّ المعالي منظما

12. You have made me speechless with your sublime eloquence
Do you not see me, speechless and dumbfounded?

١٢. وقد أخرستني من علاك فصاحة
ألست تراني أخرس النطق أبكما