
The tears of my eyes keep flowing over you

عليك دموع العين لا زال تنهل

1. The tears of my eyes keep flowing over you
And my love for you is like that of the departed - it knows no comfort

١. عليكَ دُموعُ العَين لا زال تَنْهَلُّ
وَوَجْدي بكم وَجْدَ المفارقِ لا يَسْلو

2. And here I am, in darkness from being deprived of you
I have spent the night in anguish, its heat ever rising

٢. وها أنا من فقدانكم ما دَجا ليل
أبيتُ ولي وَجْدٌ حرارته تعلو

3. And a teardrop flows down my cheek like pouring rain
I have busied my heart with this anguish, renewing it

٣. ودمعٌ لي في عارضي عارض هطلُ
شُغِلْتُ بهذا الوجد قلباً مجدَّدا

4. And I have not seen any savior from this tearful occupation
Except - what suffering do I suffer from harm?

٤. ولم أرَ لي من شاغل الدَّمع منقذا
إلامَ أُعاني ما أُعانيه من أذى

5. I endure embers and turn a blind eye to thorns
And I busy my limbs and heart, which is preoccupied

٥. وأطوي على جمرٍ وأُغْضي على قذى
وأُشغِلُ أعضائي وقلبي له شغلُ

6. I spend my days hoping and sometimes
I weep for you every now and then

٦. أُقضِّي نهاري في عسى ولربَّما
وأبكي عليكم كلّ آونةٍ دَما

7. And I, who lived with you, have become destitute
When the night comes, I become extremely distressed to the point of fever

٧. وإنِّي وعيشٍ فيكم قد تصرَّما
إذا اللَّيل وافى ضِقْتُ ذرعاً إلى الحمى

8. And passions poured out that no mind can comprehend
A heartrending conversation that revealed the state of barrenness

٨. وفاضت شؤون ليس يعقِلُها عَقْلُ
شَجاني حَديثٌ بالبَوار مُصَرِّحُ

9. And clarified to me the condition of emptiness
So if it reveals and expresses this yearning

٩. وأوْضَحَ لي حالَ الرُّصافةِ مُوضح
فمن ثَمَّ إنْ يُفضِحْ وللشوقِ مفصح

10. It leads me to Az-Zawra' with a refreshing longing
So why did what spoke of its condition seem easy

١٠. حَداني إلى الزَّوراء شوق مبرِّح
فلماذا الَّذي حَدَّثَتْ عن حالها سهل

11. And they said, vegetation has grown there with people of merit
And its elite have treated it with justice after its rectitude

١١. وقالوا نَبَتْ لكنْ بأرباب فضلها
وجارَتْ على أشرافها بعد عدلها

12. So I said: There is no refuge but in its shade
When the Abode of Peace has grown with its people

١٢. فقلتُ ولا مأوًى إلى غير ظلّها
إذا ما نبت دارُ السلام بأهلها

13. So neither mountain nor plain can shelter the generous
Despite the great calamity that has befallen it

١٣. فلا جبلٌ يؤوي الكرام ولا سهل
على ما أُصيبَت من عظيم مصابها

14. And the events that have signaled its destruction
So there is no shade but in its expansive sanctuary

١٤. وما آذَنَتْ أحداثها بخرابها
فلا ظِلَّ إلاَّ في فسيح رحابها

15. And if the shade that is in its side has shrunk
Then where in other than it is there shade in the burning heat?

١٥. وإنْ قَلُصَ الظلّ الَّذي في جنابها
فأين من الرَّمضاء في غيرها ظلّ

16. Is life's lowness known except through its lowness?
And the flowing of fresh water except through its flowing?

١٦. أَيُعْرَفُ خفضُ العيش إلاَّ بخفضها
وفيض النمير العذب إلاَّ بفيضها

17. If one day it becomes barren, is there any garden like it?
And if the flowing water dries up in its land

١٧. لئنْ أجْدَبَتْ يوماً فهل مثل روضها
وإنْ نَضِبَ الماء النمير بأرضها

18. Then what sweet drink but it can we have?
May God protect the past era of my life

١٨. فأيّ شراب في سواها لنا يحلو
رعى الله ماضي عَهديَ المتقادمِ

19. In Baghdad, in ease and soft living
And in Karkh - Karkh facing the clouds

١٩. ببغدادَ في رغدٍ منَ العَيش ناعمِ
وفي الكرخِ جاد الكرخ صوبُ الغمائمِ

20. An abode in which my amulets were tied
And I had family and roots there long ago

٢٠. ديارٌ بها نيطَتْ عليَّ تمائمي
قديماً ولي فيها نما الفرع والأَصلُ

21. Remembering it wearies me beyond my capacity
My intoxication with recalling it and waking from it

٢١. يكلِّفُني عنها النَّوى فوقَ طاقتي
فسُكري بتذكاري بها وإفاقتي

22. The dwellings of my loved ones and the origin of my attachment
In it my she-camel settled in its fertile expanse

٢٢. منازلُ أحبابي ومنشا علاقتي
بها سَكني في رَبعها الخصب ناقتي

23. In it my camel bellows, and my price with it soars
I remembered loved ones in the days of their company

٢٣. بها جَملي يرغو بها قِيمتي تغلو
تَذكَّرْتُ أحباباً لأيَّامِ جَمعها

24. And separation has not ripped its seam
Oh! For my union with it after its separation

٢٤. ولم يَصْدَعِ البينُ المشتُّ بصَدْعها
فآهاً على وصلي لها بعد قطعها

25. I wish I knew - will it show me one of its quarters?
Settled, with loved ones reunited

٢٥. ألا ليتَ شعري هل أراني بربعها
مقيماً وبالأَحباب يجتمع الشمل

26. Its countryside has vanished, its meadows transformed
So does the downpour revive it with its flooding?

٢٦. عفا ربعها من رَسْمِه وطلوله
وأضحى هشيماً روضها بمحوله

27. And will its meadows green after withering?
And will ruin and decay assail its leaves?

٢٧. فيا هلْ يروِّيها الحيا بهموله
وهل روضها يخضرُّ بعد ذبوله

28. Indeed, noble and glorious people have made it hard for me
Their resting places are goals for all people

٢٨. ويهمي على أوراقه الوبل والطّلّ
لقد شاقني منها كرامٌ أماجدُ

29. So am I sitting in those seats?
And am I on the day of glory headed for

٢٩. مشاهِدُهم للعالمين مقاصِدُ
فهلْ أنا في تلك المقاعد قاعد

30. The courtyard whose separating and uniting are supreme?
And will I one day obtain my goals

٣٠. وهل أنا في يوم العروبة قاصد
لحضرة بازٍ شأنها الفصلُ والوصلُ

31. Honored by my loved ones and suppressing my envious enemies
And will I follow the custom of my habits with the brethren

٣١. وهل أنا يوماً ظافرٌ بمقاصِدي
فمكرمُ أحبابي ومكبتُ حاسِدي

32. And will I every day kiss the palm of my father
My father Mustafa, whose resolve is always lofty

٣٢. وأجري مع الإِخوان مجرى عوائدي
وهلْ كلّ يوم لاثم كفَّ والدي

33. And will scholars whose knowledge has encompassed the earth
And whose understanding has perplexed minds

٣٣. أبي مصطفى ذي همَّة أبداً تعلو
وهلْ علماءٌ طبَّقَ الأرض علمُهُمْ

34. Draw near them, lightening their worries?
And will the poets of both lands gather them

٣٤. وحَيَّرَ أفهام البريَّةِ فَهْمُهُمْ
تَقَرّ بهم عيني وينجاب غمّهم

35. While I have the capacity to convey their morals?
So I come in the morning, not as we were separated

٣٥. وهل أدباء الجانبين يضمّهم
وإيَّاي طاقٌ نقله الأَدب الجزل

36. Faces I have watered with tears from missing them
With a capacity that has risen above those contained in minarets

٣٦. فأَغدو ولا كانَ التفرُّق لاقيا
وجُوهاً عليها قد بَلَلْتُ المآقيا

37. And this is the capacity of the valiant, still enduring
For him is the necklace in its corners, and for him the solution

٣٧. بطاقٍ رقى فيمن حواه المراقيا
وذلك طاقُ الشّهم لا زال باقيا

38. Will the dawn show me each intrepid one
And seasoned diver in the depths of calamities

٣٨. له العَقْد في أرجائه وله الحلّ
وهل يُرِيَنِّي مُصبِحاً كلّ منجب

39. And every refined, eloquent youth
And will it show me, after sunset

٣٩. وخوَّاض أغمارِ الخطوب مجرّب
وكلّ فتًى عذب الكلام مهذّب

40. Going to the shaykh of the era's retreat - the one whose oppression is justice
He built it for venerable shayks

٤٠. وهل يرينّي ذاهباً بعد مغرب
لتكيّة شيخِ العصرِ مَن جَوْرُه العَدل

41. And made them its elite and took them into his protection
Even if he did not comprehend the indication of their cipher

٤١. بناها لأشياخٍ قرارة عِزِّهم
وصَدَّرَهم فيها ولاذَ بحرزهم

42. For in it are breasts who kept to it due to their frailty
And they did not complain of traveling to him, though they are exhausted

٤٢. وإنْ كانَ لم يفقه إشارة رمزهم
ففيها صدورٌ لازموه لعجزهم

43. We endured its apartments after determination tired of diverting us
And the affliction of enduring its like became impossible

٤٣. وما ظعنوا بالسير عنه وقد كلّوا
بَلَوّنا سراها بعد إصرام حبلها

44. An abode whose merit we recognized after it
Greetings upon that abode and its people

٤٤. فكان من البلوى تعذُّرُ مثلها
ديارٌ عَرَفنا بعدها كنه فضلها

45. For they are always in my heart wherever they are
It pleases my eye that it be illuminated

٤٥. سلام على تلك الديار وأهلها
فهم في فؤادي دائماً أينما حلّوا

46. And my soul yearns for its land and sky
And whoever said I forget its water and air

٤٦. يَروقُ لعَيْني أنْ تكونَ جلاءها
وتشتاقُ نفسي أرضَها وسماءها

47. By God, I do not forget its air and water
When my heart is there, then when could I forget?

٤٧. ومن قال أسلو ماءها وهواءها
فوالله لا أسلو هواها وماءها

48. My loved ones, from me is peace upon you
When the scrolls of passion are spread before you

٤٨. إذا كانَ قلبي عندها فمتى أسلو
أحبَّتَنا مِنِّي السلامُ عليكمُ

49. My loved ones, though time has distanced you from me
My loved ones, is there any reaching you?

٤٩. إذا نُشِرَتْ صحفُ الغرام لديكمُ
أحبَّتنا والدهرُ أبعد عنكمُ

50. For the messengers have tired between me and you
I lost touch with you though passion is with me

٥٠. أحِبَّتنا هلْ من وُصولٍ إليكمُ
فقد تعبت بيني وبينكم الرسل

51. As if I had not been seen or heard by you
And my distance from my lands and dwellings has been long

٥١. تناءيت عنكم والهوى فيكم معي
كأنْ لم أكنْ منكم بمرأىً ومسمع

52. Oh! For an aspiration hoped for and a union to return me
To you, if you wish, through it the love will reconnect

٥٢. وقد طالَ بُعدي عن دياري وأربعي
ألا هِمَّةٌ تُرجى ووصلٌ مُرجّعي

53. My loved ones, I aspire to your good words
And if I taste bitterness in it from the sweetness of your affection

٥٣. لديكم إذا شئتم به اتصل الحبل
أحِبَّتنا أصبو إلى حسن قولكم

54. I yearn for your songs and your sublime position
And I, in calling upon you for your misdeeds

٥٤. وإنْ ذُقْتُ فيه المُرَّ من حُلو عذلكم
أحِنُّ لمغناكم وسامي محلكم

55. Always see its bitterness as sweet with me
I asked a God whose request I spoke sincerely

٥٥. وإنّي بناديكم على سوء فعلكم
أرى أبداً عندي مرارته تحلو

56. To attain the purpose through His grace and bestowal
And I supplicate the supplication of Eid in beseeching Him

٥٦. سألتُ إلهاً لم أخِبْ بسؤاله
بلوغَ المنى من فضله ونواله

57. And I ask my Lord by the Prophet and his progeny
To facilitate my return to you - and to Him belongs all bounty

٥٧. وأدعو دعاءَ العيد عند ابتهاله
وأسأل ربي بالنبيّ وآله

٥٨. يسهّل عَودي نحوكم وله الفضل