
May God increase you in joy and dignity

زادك الله بهجة ووقارا

1. May God increase you in joy and dignity
And majesty from Him, so His majesty was sublime

١. زادك الله بهجةً ووقارا
وجلالاً منه فجَلَّ جلالُه

2. And we were singled out to attain you since you were
Granting us attainment, so His bounty was abundant

٢. ولقد خصّنا بنيلك مذ كنتَ
مُنيلاً لنا فَعَمَّ نواله

3. The holiday has returned to you with joy and loyalty
Like a crescent indicating happiness in its new moon

٣. عادك العيدُ بالسرور ووافا
ك مُشيراً إلى الهناء هلاله

4. You are the full moon of good fortune in the ascendant of glory
And your perfection has dazzled minds

٤. أَنْتَ بدرُ السُّعود في طالع المج
دِ وقد أبْهَرَ العقول كماله

5. Whoever hopes in you succeeds,
Their hopes were brought down in your sanctuary

٥. فاز من يرتجيه بالنّجح راجٍ
أُنْزِلَتْ في رحابه آماله

6. And when suspicions were bad in a situation
In you, not in others, the situation was good

٦. وإذا ساءت الظنون بحالٍ
حَسُنَتْ فيك لا بغيرك حاله

7. By my father you are of generous temperament
Those are his morals and merits

٧. بأبي أَنْتَ من كريم السجايا
تِلك أخلاقه وتلك خلاله

8. And whenever I came to him one day
His beautiful reception delighted me

٨. وإذا ما أقْبَلْتُ يوماً عليه
سرَّني من جميله إقباله

9. And whenever he spoke about requests
His words and actions were true to me

٩. وإذا قال في المطالب شيئاً
صَدَقَتْني أقواله وفعاله

10. So he deserves my praise of him
Where his generosity and bounty were mine

١٠. فَلَه مِنِّي الثناء عليه
حيثُ لي منه جوده ونواله

11. He attained what none attained of virtue
His likes fell short of attaining his attainment

١١. نال ما لم يُنَلْ من الفضل حَظًّا
قَصَّرَتْ عن مناله أمثاله

12. O father of Mustafa, a servant whose sacrifice is you
For you, epitome of nobles, his attachment

١٢. يا أبا مصطفى فداؤك عبدٌ
بك يا صفوة الكرام اتصاله

13. In you, my Master, his request and purpose
And when you were absent, his question was of you

١٣. فيك مولاي سؤْلُه ومناه
وإذا غبتَ كانَ عنك سؤاله

14. Your supplicant despite many preoccupations
Is sincere to you in his prayer and devotion

١٤. إنَّ داعيك والشواغل شتّى
لك في خالص الدعاء اشتغاله

15. And his prayer and supplication to God for your enduring glory
Has always been his prayer and plea

١٥. وإلى الله في بقائك في العِزِّ
قَديماً دعاؤه وابتهاله

16. I did not neglect you except for a matter
Whose burdens prevented me

١٦. ما تأخَّرْتُ عنك إلاَّ لأمرٍ
ولحظٍّ تعوقني أغلاله

17. And in my affection there is no difference
Between its connection and separation

١٧. وسواءٌ لدى المودَّة عندي
بعد ذاك اتّصاله وانفصاله

18. And in any case, you are for people, by my life
Their refuge and destination

١٨. وعلى كلِّ حالةٍ أَنْتَ في النا
س لعمري ملاذه ومآله

19. O you whose youth is unconditionally charming
Your blossoming youth and completeness delighted my eye

١٩. أيُّها المطلق العذار لقد راق
لِعَيني شبابُه واكتهاله

20. All who saw you said reveal
The charm Salman gained in youth increased his beauty

٢٠. كلُّ من قد رآك قال فأرِّخ
زادَ سلمان بالعذار جماله