
Deliver unto the reverend Sheikh this message from me,

ألا بلغ جناب الشيخ عني

1. Deliver unto the reverend Sheikh this message from me,
A precise account of the matter, fully informed.

١. ألا بلِّغ جنابَ الشَّيخ عنِّي
رسالَة مُتْقِنٍ بالأمرِ خُبرا

2. And ask that tomorrow morn, as his head nods
In the circle of his remembrance, and he turns his throat,

٢. وسَل منه غداةَ يهُزُّ رأساً
بحلقة ذكره ويدير نحرا

3. May God still his hands' applause for me and check
His singing of blasphemy, naming unbelief as praise.

٣. أقال الله صفِّق لي وغنِّ
وقُلْ كفراً وسمِّ الكفرَ ذكرا

4. What guardianship was ever attained through ignorance?
Who ever gained reward by denial?

٤. وأيُّ ولاية حَصَلتْ بجهلٍ
ومن ذا نالَ بالكفران أجرا

5. If you say you strove with all your knowledge,
Then explain to me, if you met Omar,

٥. فإن قُلتَ اجتهَدْتَ بكلِّ علمٍ
فأعربْ لي إذَنْ لاقيت عمرا

6. And this deed does not suffice you until
You lied about the Prophet and came as a stranger.

٦. وما يكفيك هذا الفعل حتَّى
كذبتَ على النبيِّ وجئت نكرا

7. When did the weak clans of Quraish become
Noble lines? List for us their lineage, front and back.

٧. متى صارت هيازع من قريش
فعدِّدها لنا بطناً وظهرا

8. If supremacy lies in greens' flourishing,
Then vegetables are nobler than you in merit.

٨. فإنْ تكن السِّيادة باخضرار
لكان السلقُ أشرفَ منك قدرا

9. You say Al-Aidarous was able to revive
With his breath one long dead for ages.

٩. تقول العيدروسي كانَ يحيي
من الأَنفاس من قد مات دهرا

10. Did you set up a partner for the Creator,
To rule without Him, benefiting or harming?

١٠. أكان شققتَ للباري شريكاً
فيَمْلِكُ دونه نفعاً وضرَّا

11. Woe unto you! You blasphemed and knew not.
You persisted upon this and would not turn back.

١١. فويلك قد كفرتَ ولستَ تَدري
ولم تبرح على هذا مُصِرَّا

12. Woe unto you! Worship is not beating a drum
Nor glory found in the length of this beard.

١٢. وويحك ما العبادة ضربُ دُفٍّ
ولا في طول هذا الذقن فخرا

13. Seeing you, people think goodness,
Though had you hanged, they'd have thought evil.

١٣. برؤيتك الأنام تظنُّ خيراً
ولو علقتَ لظنَّت فيك شرَّا

14. Answer what I have asked and soothe my chest,
Although I knew you before the bull was agitated.

١٤. أجب عمَّا سألتكَ واشف صدري
وإنْ أكُ قد عرفتك قبل ثورا