1. Your question, where is its answer in this land?
Who does not understand speech, how can he respond?
١. سُؤالُكِ هذا الربعَ أين جَوابُهُ
ومن لا يعي للقول كيف خطابُهُ
2. You stood still, but standing avails you nothing in this abode,
The rain of early clouds watered this house.
٢. وقفتِ وما يغنيكِ في الدار وقفة
سقى الدار غيث مستهل سحابُهُ
3. Your singing in those dwellings, onlooker,
With tears that kept flowing copiously.
٣. غناؤكِ في تلك المنازل ناظر
بدمع توالى غربُه وانسكابه
4. To shadows stronger, yet after them
Nothing of your companion remained, his nearness or avoidance.
٤. إلى طلل أقوى فلم يك بعدها
بمغنيك شيئاً قربه واجتنابه
5. You recalled the days of youth, that era,
But can youth return after old age?
٥. ذكرتِ كأيام الشبيبة عهده
وهل راجع بعد المشيب شبابه
6. That life and tender branch once
Pleased and purified like pure drink.
٦. وقد كانَ ذاك العيش والغصن ناعم
يروق ويصفو كالرحيق شرابه
7. I found for my heart, not what you find,
Sorrow in my chest that parked its steeds.
٧. وجدت لقلبي غير ما تجدينه
أسىً في فؤادي قد أناخ ركابه
8. The seal of tears flows, O Mayya, regrets,
The passing of youth that will not return.
٨. يفض ختام الدمع يا ميَّ حسرة
ذهاب شباب لا يرجّى إيابه
9. And a lifetime whose calamities I suffer daily,
That is my wont, O Umayma, and its habit.
٩. ودهرٍ أعاني كل يوم خطوبه
وذلك دأبي يا أميم ودأبه
10. Led to the one with a gap tooth among the people his humiliation,
And standing by the free man in them his affliction.
١٠. مسوقٌ إلى ذي اللب في الناس رزؤه
ووقفٌ على الحر الكريم مصابه
11. It suffices you from me a patience most glorious,
When dwelling narrowed for my like its expanses.
١١. وحسبك مني صبر أروع ماجد
بمستوطن ضاقت بمثلي رحابه
12. He spends the night sighing worries every night,
With days prolonging for him blame.
١٢. يبيتُ نجيَّ الهم في كل ليلة
يطول مع الأيام فيها عتابه
13. Strangely determined he spent his life persevering,
And this life will not end its wonders.
١٣. قضى عجباً منه الزمان تجلُّداً
وما ينقضي هذا الزمان عجابه
14. The black of water exceeds his clearness
And the Euphrates eliminates its pure dogs.
١٤. تزاد عن الماء النمير أسوده
وقد تلغ العذب الفرات كلابه
15. Did not the brilliant heads bow down
As the leader of the people among them bent his tail?
١٥. ألم يحزن الآبي رؤوس تطامنت
وفاخر رأس القوم فيها ذنابه
16. And magnify through it the lowly, as it is great,
When the darkness enshrouded the shining its veil.
١٦. وأعظِمْ بها دهياء وهي عظيمة
إذا اكتنف الضرغامَ بالذل غابه
17. When will this darkness I see disperse
And the face of dawn uncover its mask?
١٧. متى ينجلي هذا الظلام الَّذي أرى
ويكشف عن وجه الصباح نقابه
18. And after despair shine the glimmer of hope
And he who promised hope prove his lies?
١٨. وتلمع بعد اليأس بارقة المنى
ويصدق من وعد الرجاء كذابه
19. Who can I have, a lifetime that does not keep fighting me
Whose valleys collapse and whose wars flare up?
١٩. ومن لي بدهر لا يزال محاربي
تُفلُّ مواضيه وتنبو حِرابُهُ
20. Disloyal, biting its fingers,
Its wolves raiding the meadows against us.
٢٠. عقور على شِلوي يعضُ بنابه
وتعدو علينا بالعوادي ذئابه
21. It threw insults and blame,
But its blame does not harm the villain’s honor.
٢١. رمته الروامي بالسباب مذمَّة
وما ضرّ في عِرضِ اللئيم سبابُه
22. I reviewed my brethren but did not see among them
One straight on the path of loyalty, accompanying.
٢٢. تصفحت إخواني فلم أر فيهمُ
قويماً على نهج الوفاء اصطحابه
23. Is there not, by Allah, among people one whose brotherhood
Ties the slings on the cracked bone?
٢٣. أفي الناس لا والله من في إخائه
تُشدُّ على العظم المهيض عصابه
24. The cup of worries keeps my company as if
Its pure poison moistened its lips.
٢٤. يساورني كأس الهموم كأنّما
يمجُّ بها السمَّ الزعاف لعابه
25. The furthest I tried freely nearing it
Was your nearing of what pleases and its approach.
٢٥. وأبعد ما حاولت حرًّا دنوُّه
دنوك مما يرتضي واقترابه
26. Your share of it is its honey without bees,
If it is mixed with honey is its bees.
٢٦. نصيبك منه شهده دون صابه
إذا كانَ ممزوجاً مع الشهد صابه
27. It shows you contentment while fate is averse
And you hope for the matter you dread.
٢٧. يريك الرضا والدهر غضبان معرض
وترجوه للأمر الَّذي قد تهابه
28. Your view is not law in the streets
Nor a fresh spring suitable for drinking.
٢٨. ورأيك ليست في المشارع شرعة
ولا منهل عذب يسوغ شرابه
29. People are only as you know them,
So do not seek what is dear in its quest.
٢٩. وما الناس إلاَّ مثلما أنت عارف
فلا تطلبنَّ الشيء عز طلابه
30. I tested the sweet and bitter of fate,
To me they are equal, its sweetness and punishment.
٣٠. بَلَوتُ بهم حلوَ الزمان ومرَّه
فسيّان عندي عذبه وعذابه
31. It is as if I see Abdel Ghani with his family
Strange from nobles, prolonged his estrangement.
٣١. كأنّي أرى عبد الغني بأهله
غريب من الأشراف طال اغترابه
32. Distinguishes him from them composed manners
In the finest of the arrangement of stars and his aura.
٣٢. يميّزه عنهم سجايا منوطة
بأروع من زهر النجوم سخابه
33. Precious for the nights of the necklaces his state in it
Of superiority, necks of destinations and their napes.
٣٣. ثمين لئالي العقد حالية به
من الفضل أعناق الحجى ورقابه
34. If he turns from enduring sorrows, he
Turns to sorrows if he does not turn to them.
٣٤. إذا ناب عن صرب الغمام فإنه
إذا لم يصب صوب الغمام منابه
35. He shone so his loftiness drank full and quenched
By it the sorrow of his hopeful one and its valleys flooded.
٣٥. تألق فانهلّت عزاليه وارتوى
به حزن راجيه وسالت شعابه
36. Do you know other than that stubborn hero
Defiant of fate whether it hardens or softens?
٣٦. أتعرف إلاَّ ذلك القرم آبياً
على الدهر يقسو أو تلينُ صلابه
37. He wore flowing robes of fatherhood entire
And the lion-like was clad in garments.
٣٧. تسربل فضفاض الأبوة كلَّها
وزُرَّت على الليث الهصور ثيابه
38. He did not alight on the ground that submitted
Even if that land was musk in its soil.
٣٨. ولم ينزل الأرض الَّتي قد تطامنت
ولو أن ذاك الربع مسكاً ترابه
39. He struck above the lofty heights and stomped
Upon the peaks of eternal glory his domes.
٣٩. لقد ضربت فوق الرواسي وطنَّبَتْ
على قُلَل المجد الأثيل قبابه
40. The radiant suns became beneath him
And his eagle soared in the atmosphere of pride.
٤٠. فأصبحتِ الشُّم العرانين دونه
وحلَّق في جوّ الفخار عُقابه
41. God refused and the defiant soul that his concerns
Be seen as other than the lofty and his gloom.
٤١. أبى الله والنفس الأبيَّة أن يُرى
بغير المعالي همُّه واكتئابُه
42. So dangers submitted to him after defiance
And those of every hardship bowed to him in hardness.
٤٢. فدانت له الأخطار بعد عتوِّها
وذلّت له من كل خطب صعابه
43. Had he willed he would have removed the harm and scattered its sum
And the Yemeni sword never left its sheath.
٤٣. ولو شاء كشف الضرّ فرّق جمعه
وما فارق العضبَ اليماني قرابه
44. And exerting in every science of defiance
None exceeds it, by my life, in judgment.
٤٤. ومجتهدٍ في كلّ علم أبيّةٍ
فلا يتعداها لعمري صوابه
45. With a reason that sees what no other reason sees
His meteors splitting the darkness of night.
٤٥. بفكرٍ يرى ما لا يرى فكر غيره
يشقّ جلابيب الظلام شهابه
46. Intent on his convoy never swerving
Aiming it and that is its aim and pouring.
٤٦. مقيم على أنْ لا يزال قطاره
يصوب وهذا صوبه وانصبابه
47. While had that cloud gone barren then a refuge
In a little time its mist would fade.
٤٧. وإمّا خلا ذاك الغمام فمقلع
وعمّا قليل يضمحل ضبابه
48. As for elegy, if I were to elegize him
Suffices you the tribulations of matters elegizing him.
٤٨. وناهيك بالندب الَّذي إنْ ندبته
كفاك مهمّات الأمور انتدابه
49. The weapon of might, essence of his wrath
As the Indian sword but for its flies.
٤٩. ذباب حسام البأس جوهر عضبه
وما الصارم الهندي لولا ذبابه
50. Knowledgeable of what poetry necessitates and one
Who calls to great good, responding.
٥٠. عليم بما يقني الثناء وعامل
وداعٍ إلى الخير العظيم مجابه
51. When a good deed pertains, it pertains
To the Lord of good, its pertinence.
٥١. إذا انتسب الفعل الجميل فإنَّما
يكون إلى رب الجميل انتسابه
52. Are favor and benevolence anything but His making?
Or praise and gratitude anything but its gain?
٥٢. هل الفضل والإحسان إلاَّ صنيعة
أمْ الحمد والشكران إلاَّ اكتسابه
53. And I, whenever I am devoid of wealth
And the doors of hopes are shut to me,
٥٣. وإنّي متى أخليتُ من ثروة الغنى
وأغلق من دون المطامع بابه
54. It appears to me I should incline to the light of his fire
And lean toward that brilliant side.
٥٤. بدا لي أن أعشو إلى ضوء ناره
وأصبو إلى ذاك المريع جنابه
55. So he drove me from it with diversions
Of bliss, bubbles of bounty its clouds.
٥٥. فأصدرني عنه مصادر وارد
من اليمّ زخّار النوال عبابه
56. And I became lofty in fortune after
Emptiness, then never ceased, fulfillment and its sweetness.
٥٦. وأصبحُ مرموق السعادة بعدما
خَلَتْ ثُمَّ لا زالت ملاءً وطابه
57. Whenever goodwill takes every course
To you despite misfortunes, its destination,
٥٧. إذا ذهب المعروف في كل مذهب
إليك برغم الحادثات مآبه
58. You will never see me, alive, hopeful
Of other than you, nor has baseness attached its blame to me.
٥٨. فلست تراني ما حييت مؤملاً
سواك ولم يعلق بي النذل عابه
59. Nor seeking from a lowly a rewarded
Forbidden to the free, its reward.
٥٩. ولا مستثيباً من دنيٍّ مثوبةً
حرام على الحرِّ الأبيّ ثوابه
60. And none else have I raised to it the lightning of glory
Nor did a mirage in the thirsty deceive me.
٦٠. وغيرك لم أرفع إلى شيم برقه
ولا غرّني في الظامئين سرابه