1. He began auspiciously with good tidings proclaiming
Presenting the achievements of delight and deferring
١. بدا مُسْتَهلاًّ بالبشارة يَهْتُفُ
يقدِّمُ إنجازَ الهَنا ويُسَوِّفُ
2. A bright face appeared to us, it was the full moon
Except that it does not disappear
٢. ولاح لنا من ذلك الوجه نيّرٌ
هو البدر إلاَّ أنَّه ليس يُخْسَف
3. A youth, as for his beauty it is scattered
Upon him, and as for his being it is composed
٣. غلامٌ فأمّا حسْنُه فمفرَّقٌ
عليه وأمّا كونُه فمؤلّف
4. Pleasing to the eyes of onlookers with gladness
Which makes known from its meaning what is not known
٤. يروق لعين الناظرين ببهجة
تُعَرِّفُ من معناه ما ليس يُعْرَف
5. The mouth of companionship smiled at his existence
As white flowers smiled in a goblet
٥. تَبَسَّم ثَغْر الأُنس حين وجوده
كما ابتسمت صَهْباء في الكأس قرقف
6. We read in him lines of happiness
With meanings from that beauty as letters
٦. قرأنا عليه للسَّعادة أسطراً
لها من معاني ذلك الحسن أحرف
7. He resembles his father in all perfections
And is described with the attribute in which he is described
٧. يحاكي أباه بالمحاسن كلِّها
ويوصف بالنعت الَّذي فيه يوصف
8. So blessed is the newborn and blessed is the father
By whom remembrance remains and praise accumulates
٨. فبورك مولودٌ وبورك والدٌ
به الذكر يبقى والمحامد تخلف
9. And in Rajab he came with goodness, so give glad tidings
Of his birth, and glad tidings at that time were plentiful
٩. وفي رَجَبٍ بالخير وافى فبَشَّروا
بميلادِه والبشرُ إذ ذاك مسعف
10. And he made every hearing listen with his inauguration
Flapping the ears of wishes and freshening
١٠. وأسْمَعَ باستهلاله كلَّ مَسْمَعٍ
يُقَرِّط آذانَ المنى ويشنّف
11. And in that birth date with our words
Suleiman was born with joys, protected
١١. وفي ذلك الميلاد أرِّخْ بقولنا
وُلِدَتْ بأفراحٍ سليمانُ آصفُ