
If my enemy is my judge, what shall I do?

إذا كان خصمي حاكمي كيف أصنع

1. If my enemy is my judge, what shall I do?
To whom shall I complain of my state, to whom shall I groan?

١. إذا كانَ خصمي حاكمي كيفَ أصْنَعُ
لمن أشتكي حالي لمن أتَوَجَّعُ

2. My love is my executioner, no doubt of that,
And how many a lover of passion bows down and yields!

٢. غرامي غريمي وهو لا شك قاتلي
وكم ذَلَّ من يهوى غراماً ويخضع

3. He who I love has made my blood free among mankind,
So I said, while my heart was torn with passion:

٣. أباحَ دمي بين الورى من أحِبُّه
فَقُلْتُ وقلبي بالهوى يتقطع

4. My tears bear witness that my heart loves him,
And I will not turn back from loving him, by right of passion!

٤. دموعي شهودٌ أنَّ قلبي يحبّه
وحقّ الهوى عن حبّه لست أرجع

5. The slanderers sought to turn him from his love of me,
But by right of his love I do not listen or hear!

٥. وراموا سُلُوّي في هواه عواذلي
وحقّ هواه لست أصغي وأسمع

6. I am the passionate, the sick with love, the one consumed with passion,
And because of his love the tale-bearers grew and defamed me,

٦. أنا المغرم المُضنى المقيم على الهوى
وفي حُبِّه نمُّوا الوشاة وشنَّعوا

7. And they said: 'The youth is no doubt destroyed by love,'
But I said: 'Let him do what he will!'

٧. وقالوا الفتى في الحبِّ لا شك هالك
فَقُلتُ دعوه كيفما شاءَ يصنع

8. And if they knew what agony and sorrow is in me,
They would pity my state in love and share my agony.

٨. ولو عَلموا ما بي من الوجد والأسى
لرقُّوا لحالي في الهوى وتوجَّعوا

9. He made me drunk with a draft of his wine,
So I rejoiced, and my cup is overflowing with wine!

٩. سقاني سُحَيراً من حميَّا شرابه
فَطِبْتُ وكأسي بالمدامة مترع

10. From my intoxication tears of passion flowed from me,
With what was in my heart, and my ardour flared up,

١٠. ومن نَشْوَتي باحت من الوجد عبرتي
بما في فؤادي والحشا متولع

11. And I became like a madman in a crowded street,
Crazed with love for Layla, wandering lost in passion!

١١. وأصْبَحْتُ كالمجنون في حيّ عامرٍ
بلَيْلى ومن وجدي أهيم وأولع

12. If in sleep the phantom of him should visit me,
I would be content with a phantom of him, and ask no more.

١٢. فلو زارني بالنَّوْم طيف خياله
لكنتُ بطيفٍ منه أرضى وأقنع