
The ardent lover did not bid farewell, nor did he stop sending

ما ودع الصب المشوق وما قلى

1. The ardent lover did not bid farewell, nor did he stop sending
Flashes more melodious than the nightingales' warbling.

١. ما ودَّع الصبُّ المشوقُ وما قلى
رشأً أغنَّ من السوانح أكحلا

2. He takes aim, launching arrows from his quiver,
An arrow that strikes to the heart of the one he yearns for.

٢. يرنو فيُرْسِلُ من سهامِ لِحاظِه
سَهماً يصادف من مَشوقٍ مقتلا

3. Take from the love-struck what you see as the affliction of love -
Tales of passion, in summary or detail.

٣. خُذ ما تراه هم المتيَّمِ في الهوى
خَبَرُ الصبابة مجملاً ومفصّلا

4. My critic did not believe the signs of my passion
Until he saw tears for you streaming from my eyes.

٤. ما آمن الواشي بآيةِ صَبْوَتي
حتَّى رأى دمعي بحبّك مرسلا

5. He still persists in blaming and reproaching me -
For the lover is tried by affliction and disgrace.

٥. لا زال يكثر بالملامة عاذلي
إنَّ المتيَّمَ بالمرمَة مُبتلى