
For whom are the swift steeds and the trained horses,

لمن السوابق والجياد الضمر

1. For whom are the swift steeds and the trained horses,
Prancing, driven on by passion, stumbling?

١. لِمَن السوابقُ والجيادُ الضُمَّرُ
تخدي ويزجرها الغرام فتعثَرُ

2. Surrounding them are groups of men as if they were
A flock driven to Paradise to be gathered.

٢. حفَّت بها أُمَمُ الرِّجال كأَنّها
زمرٌ تساق إلى الجنان وتحشر

3. They are honored to carry the garment of their Prophet
Upon their heads - it is the green brocade.

٣. يَتَشرَّفون بحمل ثَوبِ نبيِّهم
فوق الرؤوس هو الطراز الأخضر

4. And the sweetness of faith fills their hearts
And their tongues do not cease mentioning Him.

٤. وحلاوة الإِيمان حشو قلوبهم
ولسانهم عن ذكره لا يفتر

5. They weep from joy for Him with tears
Like pearls flowing down their cheeks.

٥. يبكون من فرحٍ به بمدامعٍ
كالدّرّ فوقَ خدودهم تتحدر

6. Each has been pierced by yearning -
A melting liver, a blazing passion.

٦. كلٌّ له ممَّا اعتراه صبابة
كبدٌ تذوب ومهجة تتسعر

7. As though a gentle wind intoxicated them
Or itself was intoxicated.

٧. مترجّلين كأنّما مالت بهم
راحٌ يسكِّر ذكرها أو تسكر

8. Serenity and dignity are upon them
And the horses strut proudly in their adornment.

٨. وترى السَّكينة والوقار عليهم
والخيل من تيه بها تتبختر

9. They carried the garments of our Prophet, seeking
Earnestly, through the nights, His blessing.

٩. حَمَلَت ثياب نبيِّنا وسعت به
سعياً على أيدي الليالي يشكر

10. They prided themselves in touching them, gaining blessing -
Rightfully they pride themselves in this.

١٠. وتفاخروا في لَثْمها وتبركوا
حقًّا لمثلهم بها أن يفخروا

11. With it they came to the Prophet's tomb, and when
They saw the radiance of his shrine they rejoiced.

١١. أمُّوا بها النّعمان حتَّى شاهدوا
إشراقَ نور ضريحه فاستبشروا

12. Where guidance is found, where nobility and piety -
Where virtues from him spread.

١٢. حيث الهدى حيث المكارم والتقى
حيث الفضائل منه عنه تنشرُ

13. A sacred land, a pure soil,
And scenes where sins are forgiven.

١٣. أرضٌ مقدَّسةٌ وترب طاهر
ومشاهد فيها الذنوب تكفر

14. And they wept in the places of his intimacy -
Drowsiness overcame their eyes and they sobbed.

١٤. وبكوا سروراً في معاهد أُنسِهِ
غشَّى عيونهم السنا فاستعبروا

15. When these domes appeared to them they cried "God is Great!"
And when this place appeared they pronounced "Allahu Akbar!"

١٥. لاحتْ لهم هذي القباب فهلَّلوا
وبدا لهم هذا المقام فكبَّروا

16. This is the Imam of the Muslims and the clearly guided path,
Its secret and its manifestation.

١٦. هذا إمامُ المسلمين ومذهب ال
حقَّ المبين وسرّه والمظهر

17. This is the ink of knowledge, this is its portal -
From his breast the sciences gush forth.

١٧. هذا مداد العلم هذا بابُه
إنَّ العلوم بصدره تتفجَّر

18. This is the dawn of truth, this is its sun -
Its splendid sight delights the observant eye.

١٨. هذا صباح الحقّ هذا شمسه
قد راقَ منظره ورق المخبر

19. He who in every state continues to be
A flag above all flags, unchanging.

١٩. هذا الذي في كلِّ حالٍ لم يزل
عَلَماً على الأَعلام لا يتنكر

20. He who perfectly embodied all virtues -
The confessor of them succeeded, while the denier failed.

٢٠. هذا الذي أوفى الفضائل كلَّها
فازَ المُقِرُّ بها وخابَ المنكِرُ

21. This is the object of desire, this is riches, this is piety,
This is guidance, this is supremacy and pride.

٢١. هذا المنى هذا الغنى هذا التقى
هذا الهُدى هذا العُلى والمفخر

22. This is the greatest Imam, unique and peerless,
Whose effects remain while ages perish.

٢٢. هذا الإِمامُ الأعظم الفرد الذي
آثاره تبقى وتفنى الأَعصر

23. If the deviants deny the merit of our Imam,
They will recognize the truth and right, and deny it.

٢٣. إنْ تنكر الأَرفاض فضل إمامِنا
عَرَفوا الحقيقة والصواب فأنكروا

24. Cursed are the Rafidah, their tales
Are lies about the Prophet's family, fabricated.

٢٤. لُعِن الرَّوافض إنَّما أخبارهم
كذِبٌ على آل النبي تُزَوّر

25. The honored brilliant nobles
Are absolved of what they attribute and purified.

٢٥. السَّادة الغرّ الميامين الأُلى
قد نزّهوا ممَّا سمته وطُهروا

26. A despised sect attributed lies to them -
They spoke like the Jews and blasphemed.

٢٦. كذبت عليهم شيعة مخذولة
قالوا كما قالَ اليهود وكفَّروا

27. And likewise the two Hishams who turned unbelievers -
The Imam Ja'far ruled they were infidels.

٢٧. وكذا الهشامان اللَّذان تزندقا
فقضى بكفرهما الإِمام وجعفر

28. They evilly slandered the Prophet's companions,
And by saying scandal, he declares them unbelievers.

٢٨. ساؤوا رسول الله في أصحابه
وبقولهم بالإِفك وهو يكفر

29. They are cursed for what they said, and from them hands
Were cut off, then they were humiliated and scorned.

٢٩. لعنوا بما قالوا وغُلَّت منهم ال
أيدي وذلّوا بعدها واستحقروا

30. Every year they slander Al-Husayn again,
Acting out enmity and imagining slander.

٣٠. هتكوا الحسين بكلِّ عامٍ مرَّةً
وتمثَّلوا بعداوةٍ وتصوَّروا

31. Woe to them from that disgrace! It is folded up
While in the hands of the Rafidah it is spread.

٣١. وَيلاهُ من تلك الفضيحة إنَّها
تُطوى وفي أيدي الروافض تُنْشَرُ

32. They concealed their religion out of hypocrisy and fear -
If it could emerge, they would make it prevail.

٣٢. كتموا نِفاقاً دينَهم ومخافةً
فلو اسْتُطِيعَ ظهوره لاستظهروا

33. Or if his command could be implemented, they would be moved,
Or if they could hear his saying, they would be confused.

٣٣. أو كانَ ينفذ أمره لتأثَّروا
أو كانَ يَسمع قولهم لتحيَّروا

34. There is no good in a religion whose people
Conceal it from the common folk or hide.

٣٤. لا خير في دين ينافون الورى
عنه من الإِسلام أو يتستَّروا

35. This ostentatious piety is nothing but
Hypocrisy and that which the wicked desire.

٣٥. ليس التقى هذي التقيّة إنَّما
هذا النّفاق وما هواه المنكر

36. They distorted the words of the Prophet and opposed
Him, altering the rulings within it.

٣٦. هم حرَّفوا كَلِمَ النَّبيّ وخالفوا
هم بدَّلوا الأَحكام فيه وغيَّروا

37. If it were not for cursing the companions being their creed,
They would have become Jews in their religion or Christians.

٣٧. لو لم يكن سَبُّ الصَّحابة دينَهم
لتهوَّدوا في دينهم وتنصَّروا

38. They cursed our leaders and the stars of our faith -
Whom we hope for on Judgement Day and treasure.

٣٨. سبُّوا أئمَّتنا وأنجمَ ديننا
من نرتجي يوم المعاد ونذخر

39. They struggled fully in God's cause -
They overreached, but did not fail.

٣٩. قد جاهدوا في الله حقّ جهاده
وتطاولوا لكنَّهم ما قصَّروا

40. They opened lands by force
While misguidance within them was shattered.

٤٠. فتحوا البلاد ودوَّخوها عنوة
جمع الضلال بفتحها يتكسر

41. Fighting the Rafidah is obligatory
And its practitioner is rewarded by Him and hired.

٤١. إنَّ الجهاد على الروافض لازمٌ
ويثاب فاعله عليه ويؤجر

42. Whoever does not hate them is wavering,
Whoever does not declare them unbelievers is an unbeliever.

٤٢. من لم يعادِهمُ فذاك مذبذبُ
أو لم يكفرهم فذاك مكفَّر

43. O exemplar of Islam, O flag of guidance -
Guidance appears from the light of your knowledge.

٤٣. يا قدوة الإِسلام يا عَلَم الهُدى
إنَّ الهُدى من نور علمك يظهر

44. You inherited the sciences of the Prophet
For they flow in you like seas.

٤٤. ولقد ورثت عن النَّبيِّ علومه
فجرت لديك فإنَّما هي أبحر

45. We came to you in the garment of Muhammad -
In it is pride, in it we choose.

٤٥. جئناكَ في ثوب النَّبي محمَّدٍ
فيه الفخار وفيه ما نتخيَّر

46. Illuminated by the tomb of the best Messenger -
Blessed is that shining tomb!

٤٦. ومنوّرٍ بضريح أفضل مرسلٍ
يا حبَّذا ذاك الضريح الأَنور

47. And perfumed with the soil of the noblest presence -
Musk is some of its scent, and ambergris.

٤٧. ومعفّرٍ بترابِ أشرفِ حضرةٍ
فالمسك بعض أريجه والعنبر

48. It is a mercy to the worlds and a kindness -
He is the giver of glad tidings to His creation, and the warner.

٤٨. هو رحمةٌ للعالمين ورأفةٌ
وهو البشير لخلقه والمنذر

49. Seeking nearness through the Prophet Muhammad's intercession -
His tomb veils the Prophet's tomb.

٤٩. متوسِّلين بسترِ قبرِ محمَّدٍ
ستر به قبر الرَّسول مسَتَّر

50. O Lord, by Muhammad and his Household
By whom the traces of guidance have effect.

٥٠. يا ربَّنا بمحمَّدٍ وبآلِهِ
مَن منهم أثر الهداية يؤثر

51. And by the aid of those who supported his religion -
Who clarified the paths of guidance when they appeared.

٥١. وبصحبة النَّاصرين لدينه
من أوضحوا سبل الهُدى إذ أظهروا

52. O Lord, by the scholars, the pillars of guidance,
Who act upon what You say and command.

٥٢. يا ربّ بالعلماء أعلام الهُدى
العاملين بما تقول وتأمر

53. We are Your servants, as You know of our state,
And a servant, my Lord, falls short.

٥٣. نحنُ العبيد كما علمت بحالنا
والعَبْدُ يا ربّ العباد مقصّر

54. All hope for the grace of their Lord's mercy
And fear the return of sins, cautious.

٥٤. كل يرجّي فضل رحمة ربِّه
ويخاف إيعاد الذنوب ويحذر

55. Humbled for their sins, falling short -
O You before Whose might the arrogant are abased.

٥٥. متذلِّلين مقصّرين لذنبهم
يا من يذلّ لعزِّهِ المستكبر

56. So clothe us in the garment of Your clemency, we have
Naught but Your clemency, O Benevolent, to cloak us.

٥٦. فاسبل علينا ثوب حلمك مالنا
إلاَّ بحلمك يا كريمُ تَسَتُّرُ

57. And forgive our sins by Your pardon, O Pardoning One -
Sins are insignificant next to Your pardon.

٥٧. واغفر بعفوك يا غفور ذنوبنا
إنَّ الذنوب بجنب عفوك تغفر

58. And aid the Imam of the Muslims and his army -
What an excellent Imam by whom we seek aid!

٥٨. وانصر إمام المسلمين وجيشه
نعم الإِمام لما به نستنصر

59. O Lord, forgive us for our slips -
Our sins are greater than what we know.

٥٩. يا ربّ سامحْنا على هفواتنا
فذنوبنا ممَّا علمنا أكبر

60. This is Ali who has come seeking intercession -
Hoping for reward when creation is gathered.

٦٠. هذا عليٍّ قد أتى متوسِّلاً
يرجو الثواب إذا الخلايق تحشر

61. So answer him with forgiveness and disappoint his foe -
O You who succeeds by his pardon, give victory.

٦١. فأجبه بالغفران واخذل ضدَّه
يا من يفوز بعفوه المستنصر

62. And raise his worth above the enemies' spite -
You are my Master, the One who gives victory.

٦٢. واعلِ على رغم الأعادي قَدْرَهُ
وانصره إنَّك سيِّدي مَن تنصرُ

63. Destroy by him all the people of misguidance -
To be dispersed by his sword and destroyed.

٦٣. دمِّر به أهل الضلال جميعها
ليفرّقوا في سيفه ويُدمَّروا

64. Support by him the upright religion - he is
Zealous for the faith, never changing.

٦٤. أيِّد به الدِّين القويم فإنَّه
ذو غيرة بالدِّين لا يتغيَّرُ

65. He does not fear in God the blame of any blamer -
The adversary of enemies and greatest foe.

٦٥. لا يتَّقي في الله لومة لائمٍ
خصم الأَعادي والعدوُّ الأكبرُ