
Abu al-Thana' Shhab al-Din, wealth's ropes have not reached

أبو الثناء شهاب الدين ما بلغت

1. Abu al-Thana' Shhab al-Din, wealth's ropes have not reached
Except from his gifts

١. أبو الثناء شهابُ الدِّين ما بَلَغَتْ
عقائلُ المالِ إلاَّ من مواهِبه

2. He spent money obtaining it
So I said, O success of its seeker and desirer

٢. قضى على المال بالإِنفاق نائله
فقلتُ يا فوزَ راجيه وطالبه

3. And whenever I went to ask for rain from its clouds
I was quenched with fresh, pure water from its clouds

٣. وكلَّما رُحْتُ أستسقي سحائبه
سُقيتُ عذباً نميراً من سحائبه

4. The generous whose charity reaps honey
As it becomes lawful and pleasing to its drinker

٤. مستعذب الجود يجني الشّهد سائله
كما يَسوغ ويُستحلى لشاربه

5. The sword of Sharia, decisive in its sharpness
So did you gain from its finest striking?

٥. سيف الشَّريعة ماضي الحدّ منصلت
فهل ظفِرْتَ بأمضى من مضاربه

6. And have you heard of a virtue in an era
That was not taking from it with its breeze?

٦. وهل سَمِعتَ بفضلٍ عُدَّ في زمنٍ
ولم يكن آخذاً منه بغاربه

7. O gem, the gem of an era of its wonders
If the strangest thing was among its wonders

٧. يا دَرَّ دَرُّ زمانٍ من غرائبه
إنْ كانَ أغربَ شيءٍ في غرائبه

8. Its lofty side became dear and supreme exaltation
So the dearness and height altogether in its side

٨. قد عزَّ جانبه العالي وبزَّ عُلًى
فالعِزُّ أجمعُ والعليا بجانبه

9. It shone to the highest celestial orbit its attributes
It counted them and they are clearer than its planets

٩. ولاح للفَلَكِ الأَعلى مناقبه
فَعَدَّها وهي أبهى من كواكبه

10. O you who talks of knowledge, support it
Talk of the sea and water from its wonders

١٠. يا من يُحَدِّثُ عن العلم يسنده
حدِّثْ عن البحر وارْوِ من عجائبه