
She sparked a fire with water in her mixing,

قدحت في مزجها بالماء نارا

1. She sparked a fire with water in her mixing,
And brought back the darkness of night as day.

١. قَدَحت في مزجها بالماء ناراً
فأعادت ظلمةَ اللَّيل نهارا

2. A traveling sun in the darkness carries her,
Like the rising moon when the full moon lights up.

٢. شمس راحٍ في الدجى يحملها
طلعة البدر إذا البدر استنارا

3. She was liberated in life until she
Knows what was in the past and what happened.

٣. عُتِّقَتْ في الدَّنِّ حتَّى إنها
لتعي ما كانَ في الماضي وصارا

4. So ask her how she was before us,
The first ones, young and old.

٤. فسلوها كيف كانت قبلنا
عادٌ الأولى صغاراً وكبارا

5. What caller to passion was there then
When we called out to joy and amusement?

٥. أيّ نادٍ للهوى يومئذٍ
يوم نادينا إلى اللهو البدارا

6. We crowned her a bride for so long,
A lover who stirred the mixing into foam.

٦. وجلوناها عروساً طالما
حبيب من حَبَب المزج نثارا

7. We clothed the body of night with splendor,
And put on it the ornaments of virginity.

٧. وكسونا بالسَّنا جسم الدجى
وخلعنا في اللذاذات العذارا

8. A leg moved with her you’d think
A branch giving us wine from its clusters.

٨. وسعى ساقٍ بها تحسبُه
غصناً يهدي إلينا الجلَّنارا

9. The branch taught bending and the zephyr
The rapture of souls and the roe’s shying.

٩. علَّمَ الغصن التثني والصّبا
طرب الأنفس والظبي النفارا

10. With the surplus of its delight
It excelled the white camels in excellence.

١٠. وبما فُضِّل من بهجته
تفضل المرو على البيض العذارى

11. Gentle yet prohibitive, it was told:
“Pass the cup around to us,” so it passed around.

١١. سمحٌ ممتنعٌ قيل له
أدِرِ الكأسَ علينا فأدارا

12. You see the people drunk with passion for
That cup-bearer, though they are not drunk.

١٢. فترى الناس سكارى في هوى
ذلك الساقي وما هم بسكارى

13. O match of the rose, myrtle and what
A fine match—a cheek and place of tattoos!

١٣. يا شبيه الورد والآس وما
أحسن التشبيه خدًّا وعزارا

14. By my father you are, though my father
Is gone, give me the likes of your red cheeks.

١٤. بأبي أنتَ وإن جلَّ أبي
عاطنيها مثل خدَّيك احمرارا

15. And serve me from you something sweet and delectable,
I have a craving from you though not for wine.

١٥. واسقني من فيك عذباً سائغاً
إنَّ بي منك ومالسكر خمارا

16. Among two repenting ones who shed her blood,
A daughter of nobility who robs the revered old man of dignity.

١٦. بين ندمانٍ أراقوا دَمَها
بنت كرم تسلبُ الشيخ الوقارا

17. Upright ones who made lawful what she prohibited,
And saw in taking her the view of Christians.

١٧. حنفاءٍ حلَّلوا ما حرّمت
ورأوا في أخذها رأي النصارى

18. They rode amusement in its racecourse,
A blond who collides with their chariots unexpectedly.

١٨. ركبوا لِلَّهو في مضماره
أشقراً يصدم أجراهم عثارا

19. And a protected one who never entered
The arena for commotion, neither raising dust a day.

١٩. وكميتاً ما جرتْ في حلبةٍ
للوغى يوماً ولا شقَّت غبارا

20. So it is as if the cup, in what she did,
Attained vengeance in the minds of the people.

٢٠. فكأَنَّ الكأسَ فيما فَعَلَتْ
أدركتْ عند عقول القوم ثارا

21. All boastful through her in pride
Went pulling up the skirts of arrogance.

٢١. كلُّ مختال بها في عزَّةٍ
قد مضى يسحبُ في الفخرِ الإِزارا

22. And if ecstasy came over him again
It would dress him in Khusraw’s crown and bracelet.

٢٢. وإذا ما عاودته نشوةٌ
ألبسته تاج كسرى والسوارا

23. One feather-light with happiness, if a man flew
Before this day with happiness, he would have flown.

٢٣. خَفَّ بالراح فلو طارَ امرؤٌ
قبل هذا اليوم بالراح لطارا

24. And we passed the night with what delights us
Of talk, and drank it as a healing potion.

٢٤. وسمرنا بالذي يطربنا
من حديث وشربناها عقارا

25. And we recited to the tune of her goblets
Praise that flourishes in meter and prose.

٢٥. وتناشدنا على أقداحها
مِدَحاً تزهو نظاماً ونثارا

26. Of a tender one whiter than the noble Hāshim
Who whitened the radiant branch and carpenter.

٢٦. بأغرٍّ أبلج من هاشم
أبلَجَ المحتد فرعاً ونجارا

27. The moons shine in his blushing,
For he is the sun that never sets.

٢٧. تشرق الأقمار في غُرَّته
فهو الشمسُ التي لا تتوارى

28. The secret code of glory is built on his house,
A standard of felicity secretly and openly.

٢٨. سرّ رمز المجد مبنى بيته
علم السؤدد سرًّا وجهارا

29. Like the outstretched serpent, or sharper, more cutting sword,
His hands that one of them inherits good fortune, and with the other, ill fortune.

٢٩. كالحيا المنصبِّ بل أندى يداً
والحسام العضب أو أمضى شفارا

30. Bounty overflows from him, a spring of dew,
A day you meet with him nothing but honors.

٣٠. تلك أيديه التي إحداهما
تورثُ اليُمْنَ وبالأخرى اليسارا

31. The foreign rhymes in his days
He harvests with his hands as fruits.

٣١. مستفاض الجود منهلُّ الندى
يوم لا تلقى به إلاَّ الأوارا

32. In a time of sin, none apologized
With a generous one, to the noble people, an apology.

٣٢. والقوافي الغرّ في أيَّامه
يجتنيها بأياديه ثمارا

33. He left time humble and obedient
To the Protector, of the most honorable people, a neighbor.

٣٣. في زمانٍ مذنبٍ لم يعتذر
بكريم لبني الفضل اعتذارا

34. To me belongs the pride that I am a poet
Of people who wear piety as their motto.

٣٤. ترك الدهر ذليلاً طائعاً
لمنيع من أعزّ الناس جارا

35. They established the pillars of religion, and they
Clarified the truth for people, a beacon.

٣٥. ولي الفخر بأنِّي شاعر
لأناس لبسوا التقوى شعارا

36. Every ornament of pride and elevation
Was an ornament borrowed from their ornaments.

٣٦. هم أقاموا عَمَدَ الدِّين وهم
أوضحوا في الحقِّ للخلق المنارا

37. For the cause of God, what they spent
From hands, so ask them as thriving and prosperous.

٣٧. كلّ حِلي من فخارٍ وعُلًى
كانَ حِلياً من حُلاهم مستعارا

38. A people from whom rain is implored
And through them people uncover harm.

٣٨. في سبيلِ الله ما قد أنفقوا
من أيادٍ فاسألوها نضارا

39. When you seek their help, they are angry lions,
And when you seek rain from them, they are pouring clouds.

٣٩. أمَّةٌ يستَنزَلُ الغيثُ بهم
وبهم تَستكشِفُ الناس الضرارا

40. They compelled every obstinate one to elevation,
And they returned unbelief, disgraced and broken.

٤٠. فإذا استنجدتهم كانوا ظبا
وإذا استمطرتهم كانوا قطارا

41. They stirred up its fires on the day of battle
In their dwellings, though they were seas.

٤١. جبروا كلّ مهيض للعُلى
وأنابوا الكفر ذلاًّ وانكسارا

42. In a position the speeches fell short in
Which were long, and they were not short.

٤٢. أجَّجوا نيرانها يوم الوغى
بمواضيهم وإن كانوا بحارا

43. So bestow upon them prayers forever,
That accompany them morning and evening.

٤٣. في مقامٍ قَصُرَتْ فيه الخُطا
بالطَّويلات وما كنَّ قصارا

44. Or are you not now, after them,
A spark from that light which illuminated?

٤٤. فعليهم صلوات أبَداً
تَتولاّهم غُدُوًّا وابتكارا

45. Whenever an ode guided it as rhythm,
Unfettered, it did not take on earth a house.

٤٥. أو لستَ الآن من بعدهم
قبساً من ذلك النور أنارا

46. Bearing, like the souls of the zephyrs,
From the fragrance of your praise, aromatic plants.

٤٦. طالما سيّرتها قافيةً
غرَّة لم تتَّخذ في الأرض دارا

47. These are the days of the prime of life,
Your breezes have still been plentiful.

٤٧. حاملات مثل أرواح الصبا
من شذى مدحك شيحاً وعرارا

48. So serve me in them an overflowing cup,
Bringing glory and attaining superiority.

٤٨. هذه أيَّام أنواء الحيا
إنَّ أنواءَكَ ما زالت غزارا

49. And make me for you one who has not found
In your praise, patience for an obstruction.

٤٩. فاسقني فيهنَّ سحًّا غدقاً
أجلب العزّ وأستقصي الفخارا

50. And live forever, and excel on the feast day
Proudly rising to a WILL sublime and noble.

٥٠. واتَّخذني لك ممَّن لم يجِد
عنك في معترض المدح اصطبارا

٥١. وابق للعيد وحزْ في مثله
مفخراً يسمو وصيتاً مستطارا