
He turned the cup of his potion upon the two lovesick ones,

أدار على الندمان كأس عقاره

1. He turned the cup of his potion upon the two lovesick ones,
And greeted with the rose on his cheek from his rosary.

١. أدارَ على النّدمان كأسَ عقارِهِ
وحَيَّى بوَرْدِ الخَدِّ من جُلّنارِهِ

2. And in his glance is as much sweetness as in his right hand,
Both of them are from his wine and his trial.

٢. وفي طرفه للسكر ما في يمينه
فكلتاهما من خمرِهِ واختماره

3. And the radiant full moon leaned down with jealousy
Over him, and blamed him as he sat next to his breast.

٣. وماسَ فمالَ البان إذ ذاكَ غَيْرَةً
عليه وأزرى فيه عند ازوراره

4. That he is of the garden of beauty a paradise,
But he did not protect it with fortitude.

٤. على أنَّه من روضة الحسن جنَّةً
ولكنَّه ما حفَّها بالمكاره

5. The hands of spring had woven clothes,
Embroidered with its roses and blossoms.

٥. وقد نسجت أيدي الرَّبيع ملابساً
مُفَوَّقةً من ورده وبهاره

6. And the silver water flowed over emerald,
Beautifying it with its brightness and youth.

٦. وسالَ لجين الماء فوقَ زمرّد
يحلّيه من نوّاره بنضاره

7. And it became green with vegetation drinking,
Pleasing and blooming with the beauty of its paleness.

٧. وأَصبَحَ مخضرًّا من النَّبت شارب
يروق ويزهو بهجة باصفراره

8. And those branches danced in rapture,
To its singing nightingale and sound of joking.

٨. وقد رَقَصَتْ تلك الغصون تطرّباً
لبُلْبُلِه الشَّادي وصوت هزاره

9. That figure was composed with its differences,
And excelled in its benevolence and invention.

٩. تألَّفَ ذاك الشكل بين اختلافه
وأبْدَعَ في إحسانه وابتكاره

10. So this pleases the viewers with its yellowness,
And this one shone green with its redness.

١٠. فهذا يَسُرُّ الناظرين اصفراره
وهذا زها مخضرُّه باحمراره

11. And how much a cooing ring-dove sang to me
With the narcissus of its eyes and myrtle of its excuse.

١١. وكم راح يغنيني عن الزهر أغيدٌ
بنرجس عينيه وآس عذاره

12. I disobeyed my lover in his love, and reproached my blamer,
And I still obey desire and choice.

١٢. عَصَيْتُ عذولي في هواه ولائمي
وما زلتُ في طوع الهوى واختياره

13. He prolonged with his tall stature my sorrow in love,
And confused me with his waist and shortness.

١٣. أطال بطول القدّ في الحبِّ حَسرتي
وحيَّرني في خصره واختصاره

14. By God, I loved the green-eyed gazelle,
And the red sighs of death during its greenery.

١٤. ولله مخضرّ العذار عشقته
وحمر المنايا السُّود عند اخضراره

15. I argue with my darling about anger and pleasure,
Yet I am pleased with love and not hating.

١٥. أُجادلُ عُذَّالي على السخط والرضا
وإنِّي لراضٍ بالهوى غير كاره

16. Passionate love said regarding its likes of love,
If you cannot bear the beloved's separation, then visit him.

١٦. يقولُ الهوى العذريّ في مثل حبِّه
إذا لم تُطِقْ هجر الحبيب فداره

17. A night as black as tar engulfed us,
We waded with cups of wine into its darkness.

١٧. وليلٍ كيومِ النَّقْع أسْوَدَ فاحمٍ
نَخُوض بكاسات الطّلا في غماره

18. We were tempted by pleasures we were reminded of,
And each one wandered far in his cave.

١٨. أَغَرْنا على اللَّذَّات ما ذكرت لنا
وأَبْعَدَ كلٌّ عندها في مغاره

19. And my beloved visited unexpectedly,
So how near was his arrival and far his departure!

١٩. وقد زارَ من أهوى على غير موعدٍ
فيا قُربَ منآه وبعد مزاره

20. He made me intimate in his union after his abandonment,
And the ardent lover makes peace after dispute.

٢٠. فآنسني في وَصْله بعد هجره
وقد آلف المشتاق بعد نفاره

21. He did not stop until he aimed the stars and the
Cloak of the night's darkness folded after spreading.

٢١. وما زال حتَّى صوَّب النَّجم وانطوى
رداءُ ظلام اللَّيل بعد انتشاره

22. The lanterns of dawn emerged and gave glad tidings
That the darkness had come time for its annihilation.

٢٢. ولاحتْ أسارير الصَّباح وبشَرَتْ
بأنَّ الدُّجى قد حانَ حين بواره

23. And none of Ham's descendants remained,
Neither for Ham nor for his dust.

٢٣. ولم يبقَ من أبناء حام بقيَّة
فما شقَّ عن حامٍ ولا عن غباره

24. He turns to us a cup of pure drink,
That undresses whom it saturates from his dignity.

٢٤. يدير علينا كأسَ راح رويَّة
تجرِّدُ من يُروى بها من وقاره

25. It tells us of the fire of Kisra and his broken promise,
Which appeared on his necklace and bracelet.

٢٥. تخبرنا عن نار كسرى لعهده
وقد بَرَزَتْ في طوقه وسواره

26. It did not alight while worries lodged for a day,
Nor did it approach except to flee.

٢٦. فما نزلت والهمّ يوماً بمنزلٍ
وما أقْبَلَتْ إلاَّ لأجل فراره

27. And we told him, bring us the wine, for we all
Want by the wine a cure from our intoxication.

٢٧. وقلنا له هاتِ الصَّبوح فكلُّنا
يُريدُ شفاءً بالطّلا من خماره

28. We are in a garden soft with its breeze,
That drags on the breaths the edge of its cloak.

٢٨. ونحن بروض رقَّ فيه نسيمه
وجرَّ على الأَنفاس فضل إزاره

29. And the morning breezes gave to souls their souls,
The aroma of its basin and scent of its pollen.

٢٩. وأهدت إلى الأَرواح أرواحها الصبا
أريج خزاماه وطيب عراره

30. I enjoyed a life whose comfort I never attained,
And I was for Abdullah a guest in his abode.

٣٠. وأنعمُ عيشٍ ما حَظِيتُ برغده
وكنتُ لعبد الله ضيفاً بداره

31. I felt secured from worries from every side,
When once I lodged in his neighborhood.

٣١. أَمِنتُ طروق الهمِّ من كلِّ وجهةٍ
إذا كنتُ يوماً نازلاً في جواره

32. I delighted my eye and relieved my heart,
And shared gratitude for the garden and its greenery.

٣٢. أقرُّ به عيناً وأَشرح خاطراً
وأشرك شكر الروض وبل قطاره

33. It is by his grace that I confess his grace,
And I pride between people this pride.

٣٣. فمن فضله أنِّي أبوء بفضله
وأَفخر ما بين الورى بافتخاره

34. No good in one whose benefit is not hoped for,
And whose harm and spite is not feared.

٣٤. ولا خير فيمن لا يؤمَّل نفعه
ولا يتَّقى من بأسه وضراره

35. Ever since I saw Yemen submissive to his right hand,
I found my left fortunate through his left hand.

٣٥. ومنذُ رأيتُ اليُمن طوعَ يَمينه
وَجَدْتُ يَساري حاصلاً في يساره

36. The softness of his beautiful one tied me,
So you do not see me ever released from his bond.

٣٦. وقيَّدني منه رقيقُ جميله
فَلَسْتَ تراني مطلقاً من إساره

37. It loaded the responsible stars with its provisions,
It suffices you what wealth was in its storage.

٣٧. أبَرَّتْ به في الأَنجبين ذخيرة
وحسبُك ما كانَ الغنى بادِّخاره

38. I engage my gaze in the beauty of his face,
And if he is absent from me I do not stop awaiting him.

٣٨. أُنزِّه طرفي في محاسن وجهه
وإنْ غابَ عنِّي لم أزلْ بانتظاره

39. I love him for being near and intending,
And I rejoice in his news and remembering him.

٣٩. وإنِّي لأهواهُ على القرب والنوى
وأطربُ في أَخباره وادِّكاره

40. I attained by him the planted love, flourishing,
And all beautiful things harvested from its fruits.

٤٠. جَنَيْتُ به غرس المودَّة يانعاً
وكلّ جميل يجتنى من ثماره

41. Quick to good deed taking initiative,
To goodness whether he comes or goes.

٤١. سريع إلى الفعل الجميل مبادر
إلى الخير في إقباله وبداره

42. May God protect whoever observes his promise to the friends,
And fulfils for him what befits his measure.

٤٢. رعى الله من يرعى من الخلّ عهده
وأَدَّى له ما ينبغي لذماره

43. When he turns in the blossom of glory, the cycle of glory revolves,
So the chieftains of prey are the axis of its cycle.

٤٣. إذا دارَ في زهر العُلى فلك العُلى
فآل زهير الصّيد قطب مداره

44. The elite they choose from hitting the glory,
And the thorns of the spear are inferior to its selection.

٤٤. صناديدُ يشتارون من ضَرب العُلى
وشوك القنا الخطيّ دون اشتياره

45. Good turn was known through them in the past,
And the high minaret of its virtue was built by God's grace.

٤٥. لقد عرف المعروف من قبلها بهم
وشيد بفضل الله عالي مناره

46. Can the envious deny the sign of their glory,
When the sun of their day has risen in existence?

٤٦. وهل تجحد الحسَّاد آيةَ مجدهم
وقد طَلَعت في الكونِ شمس نهاره

47. With them every valiant against fright became courageous,
With his supremacy among his soldiers and capability.

٤٧. بهم كلّ مقدام على الرَّوع فاتك
بسطوته في جنده واقتداره

48. He smiles in the face of demands,
While not even grim warriors in his mockery.

٤٨. ويفترُّ في وجه المطالب ضاحكاً
ولا الأُقحوان الغضّ عند افتراره

49. If the alliance sought victory, he supported its party,
And the Yemeni rose to aid in its triumph.

٤٩. إذا استنصر الصَّمصام أيَّد حزبه
وقام اليماني قائماً بانتصاره

50. When it is said spear, the edge of its blade is sharp,
And when it is said canine tooth, the edge of its bitterness is sharp.

٥٠. إذا قيل رمح كانَ حدّ سنانه
وإنْ قيل عَضبٌ كانَ حدّ غراره

51. And if the great of people are counted, then
Their small ones are counted among their great.

٥١. وإنْ عُدَّ كُبَّار الأنام فإنَّما
أصاغرهم معدودةٌ من كباره

52. They are the best that goodness does not cease in them,
And not all whom you befriend are their best.

٥٢. هم خيرُ من لا يَبرح الخيرُ فيهم
وما كلُّ من ألفَيْتَه من خياره

53. Musk-scented sprigs perfumed his cloak,
With its pure substance and scent of blossoms.

٥٣. تَضَوَّعَ مسكيّ الشذا رِدائه
بعنصره الزَّاكي وطيب نجاره

54. They are the sea of benefits, pure and undiluted,
So many a sweet, fresh stream from its seas.

٥٤. فهم أبحرُ الجدوى نقيض ولم تَغِضْ
فكم وارد عذب النَّدى من بحاره

55. Wealth is trivial to him if it is valued or rises high,
And he looks at its elevation with scornful eyes.

٥٥. يهون عليه المال إنْ عزَّ أو غلا
وينظر أسناه بعين احتقاره

56. Clear as the purity of wind's pleasure to the drinker,
And it circulated as desire wished in its regions.

٥٦. صفا مثل صفو الرَّاح لَذَّتْ لشارب
ودارت كما شاءَ الهوى في دياره

57. So joys remained stuffed in his cloak,
And did not depart from his standard and banner.

٥٧. فلا زالت الأَفراح حشوَ ردائه
ولا بَرِحَتْ عن بُرده وشعاره