
We have mentioned you from afar,

قد ذكرناكم على بعد المزار

1. We have mentioned you from afar,
So we were revived by the wine of memories,

١. قد ذكرناكُم على بُعد المزار
فانتَشينا بمُدام الادّكار

2. And we took to passionately remembering you,
Making us forget sober thought.

٢. وتعاطينا حُميّا ذكركم
فَغنينا عن معاطاة العقار

3. We exchanged intimate conversations,
And times of togetherness in the nearby homes.

٣. وتجاذَبنا أحاديثَ النوى
وزمانَ الوَصلِ في قرب الديار

4. Often I longed for your nearness,
My tears flowing, my patience little.

٤. فكثيراً ما تمنّى قربكم
ذائبُ الدَّمع قليل الاصطبار

5. It was as if the passion in his heart
Was for your faces, embers of fire.

٥. فكأنَّ الوَجْدَ في أحشائه
لِسَنا أوجُهِكم جذوة نار

6. What blessed company whose bond
One night was better than necklaces of pearls.

٦. ربَّ صَحْبٍ نظمت شملهم
ليلةٌ أحسن من نظم الدراري

7. It was as if I were among them in a garden
Of lavender, hawthorn, and spring flowers.

٧. فكأنّي بينهم في روضة
من شقيق وأقاحٍ وبهار

8. They scattered pearls in their speech,
So I found myself in harmony and scattering.

٨. ينثر اللؤلؤ من ألفاظهم
فتراني في نظام ونثار

9. I still socialize among them,
Yet in passion I am of those who pine.

٩. أنا ما زِلت أُداري بينَهم
غير أنّي في الهوى ممن يداري

10. So mention us in a letter from you,
As I still wait for it.

١٠. فاذكرونا بكتاب منكم
أنا ما زِلتُ له بالانتظار