1. O abode, you have attained splendor,
And reached today a great extent,
١. أيُّها الدارُ لقد نلت الحبورا
وبَلَغْتِ اليوم مقداراً كبيرا
2. O nest of glory, O pillar of the sublime,
Your forest has contained a roaring lion.
٢. يا عرين المجد يا ركن العلى
قد حوى غابك ضرغاماً هصورا
3. The delegation benefits from his virtues,
The essence of generosity and abundant kindness.
٣. تستفيد الوفد من أفضاله
جوهر الإفضال والجود الغزيرا
4. If the days hold any use for grasping hands,
No eye has seen a needy person on earth.
٤. إن يكنْ للدهر جدوى كفِّهِ
ما رأت عينٌ على الأرض فقيرا
5. May God water your plains, O its yards,
With the dew of His comfort, a pouring rain.
٥. فسقاك الله يا ساحاتها
من ندى راحته غيثاً مطيرا
6. For He is the Unique, and as for His grace,
It was abundant for good and beauty.
٦. فهو الفرد وأمَّا فَضْلُه
كانَ للمعروف والحسنى كثيرا
7. Its attainment has continued to immerse us,
And its life-givingness rises upon us shining bright.
٧. لم يزل يغمرنا نائِلُه
ومحيَّاه لنا يشرق نورا
8. The problems of knowledge through it became clear,
With the subtleties of knowledge, he met as an expert.
٨. مشكلات العلم فيه اتَّضَحَتْ
بخفايا العلم تلقاه خبيرا
9. What abode that he lodged, I dated it,
The house won blessed happiness.
٩. أيّ دارٍ حلَّها أرَّخْتُها
حازت الدار بمحمود السرورا