
Blessed art thou, O house of Salman, that was raised up

بوركت يا دار سلمان التي رفعت

1. Blessed art thou, O house of Salman, that was raised up
With foundations for nobles laid down, and consecrated

١. بُوركتِ يا دارَ سلمانَ الَّتي رُفعتْ
منها القواعِدُ للسادات واعْتَمَرتْ

2. Filled with chiefs of Quraysh, noble and highborn
The ruddy Mudar waxed proud with them dwelling inside

٢. تَحلُّها من قريش سادةٌ نجبٌ
باهَتْ بهم مُضَرُ الحمراءُ وافتخرَتْ

3. Like full moons when they rise and shine bright
Or stallions neighing loudly when the herd stamps and snorts

٣. مثل البدور إذا ما أشرقَتْ وزَهَتْ
أو الضراغم إنْ صالت وإنْ زَأَرَتْ

4. With the fair-faced in all their joy at every window
Of kindness and benevolence its chambers are richly decked

٤. على مقاصيرها من كلّ مبتهجٍ
من المحاسنِ والإِحسان قد قصرَتْ

5. Roam it with your eyes and behold in it a moon
For it amazes all eyes that on it have gazed

٥. سرِّحْ بها نظراً وانظر بها قمراً
فإنَّها تعجبُ الأَنظار ما نظَرَتْ

6. And say it was built and inhabited by Salman
Date the house of glory, for it has been restored

٦. وقل بسلمان بانيها وساكنها
أَرِّخْ بسلمان دارُ المجد قد عَمُرَتْ