1. Death came to me as I was told
And I attained vengeance I sought
١. أتتني كما بُلّغتْ مُنيةٌ
وأدركتُ من طلب الثّأر ثارا
2. Rhymes that were but clouds
Watered the homes after their drought
٢. قوافي ما كنّ إلّا الغمام
سقى بعد غُلّتهنّ الدّيارا
3. When lit, their freshness was found
When drunk, their purity abounded
٣. إذا ما نُقِدن وُجدن النُّضارَ
وإِمّا كُرعن حُسبن العُقارا
4. They congratulated me in the name of the Imam
Adorning beauty and sorrowing pottery
٤. وهنّأنني بأيادي الإمام
كسون الجمال وحُزن الفخارا
5. With them I wore upon my parting
A crown and bracelets on my wrists
٥. لبستُ بهنَّ على مَفْرقي
يَ تاجاً وفي معصميَّ سِوارا
6. Had I wished when they were facilitated for me
My hands would have spanned the horizons
٦. ولو شئت لمّا تيسّرْن لِي
لنالتْ يداي المحيط المُدارا
7. But they were only to affirm a doubt
An obvious confusion, a night that was day
٧. وما كُنَّ إلّا لِشكٍّ يقيناً
ولُبْسٍ جلاْءً وليلٍ نهارا
8. Why wouldn’t I have roots when
The Imam of the righteous became my creed
٨. وَلِمْ لا أَصول وقد صار لي
شعار إمام البرايا شعارا
9. And when the grace of destiny
Clung to my heart, it became my neighbor
٩. ولمّا تعلّق زين القضا
ة قلبيَ صار لمثواي جارا
10. I forgave the lapses of time
And the great became small
١٠. غفرتُ له هفواتِ الزّمان
وكنّ الكبار فصرن الصِّغارا
11. And brotherly affection clothed him
When he called me or gestured towards me
١١. ولبّاه منّي الإخاءُ الصّري
حُ حين دعا أو إليه أشارا
12. If you take pride in your father Ar-Rashid
You have filled our breasts with pride
١٢. فإن تفتخر بأبيك الرّشيد
ملأتَ لنا الخافقين اِفتخارا
13. You are from a group who were given authority
Over monumental and mighty affairs
١٣. وأنّك من معشرٍ خُوّلوا
من المَأثُرات الضّخام الكبارا
14. Their young rule over the white-haired
And they give the best solutions to predicaments
١٤. يسود وليدهُمُ الأشيبين
ويعطون في المعضلات الخِيارا
15. There is affection between us
And carpenter greets carpenter
١٥. تمازج ما بيننا بالودادِ
وعانق منّا النِّجارُ النِّجارا
16. We are all stabbing at the arrogant
You were the spear while we were the blades
١٦. ونحن جميعاً على الكاشحين
فكنتَ السّنانَ وكنّا الغِرارا
17. So take them, though the mountains are long
And we were short of time for them
١٧. فخذها تطول قِنانَ الجبال
وإن كنّ للشّغل عنها قصارا
18. I still give you all you wish
And spare you all you fear
١٨. ولا زلتُ فيك طوال الزّما
ن أُعطي المرادَ وأُكفى الحِذارا