
On a day like this, eyebrows are bent

على مثل هذا اليوم تحنى الرواجب

1. On a day like this, eyebrows are bent
And bags are folded with favor in which they are contained

١. عَلى مثلِ هَذا اليومِ تُحنى الرّواجب
وَتُطوى بفضلٍ حِيز فيه الحقائبُ

2. We loved it and desired it, so our homes
Have always been said to have the protectors

٢. حُبينا وأُمّرْنا بهِ فَبُيوتُنا
لدُنْ قيلَ ما قد قيلَ فيهِ الأهاضبُ

3. The wings of creation flew with what we attained
And the traveling camels went with it between the two deserts

٣. وَطارَت بِما نِلناهُ أَجنِحَةُ الوَرى
وَسارَت بهِ في الخافِقين الرّكائبُ

4. And people who were astonished by what they saw for us said
Indeed, thus do men get unexpected talents

٤. وَقالَ أُناسٌ هالَهم ما رَأوا لنا
أَلا هَكَذا تَأتي الرّجالَ المواهبُ

5. You got what we did not get lightly
And drinks were sweet for you apart from people

٥. ظَفرتُمْ بِما لَم نَحظَ مِنهُ بنَهْلةٍ
وَلَذَّت لَكُم دونَ الأَنامِ المَشاربُ

6. And your messenger called upon the people who live
With a command incumbent upon people

٦. وَبوّاكُمُ الشِّعبَ الّذي هو ساكنٌ
رسولٌ لهُ أمرٌ عَلى الخلق واجبُ

7. So when the one who had commanded us to you passed
The strange injustices came to us as fate willed

٧. فَلمّا مَضى مَن كان أمَّرنا لَكمْ
أَتَتْنا كَما شاء العقوقُ العجائبُ

8. So say to the people who accused us of misguidance
While they are strangers of pottery, foreigners

٨. فَقُل لأُناسٍ فاخَرونا ضلالةً
وَهُم غُرباءٌ مِن فخارٍ أجانبُ

9. When were you like us and when were
Ranks equal between us and you on a day of pride

٩. مَتى كُنتُمُ أَمثالَنا وَمَتى اِستَوتْ
بِنا وَبِكم في يَومِ فَخرٍ مَراتبُ

10. So do not mention the Prophet's kin to refute
Your opponents one day, for we are the closest

١٠. فَلا تَذكُروا قربى الرّسول لِتدفعوا
مُنازعكم يوماً فنحن الأقاربُ

11. And after the day of Al-Taff, we have no womb
That will guarantee safety or a clan that a fugitive hopes for

١١. وَمِن بعدِ يومِ الطفّ لا رحمٌ لَنا
تَئِطّ ولا شَعبٌ يرجّيه شاعبُ

12. And we were all together, so we separated because of what happened
And how many adherents were separated by denominations

١٢. وَكُنّا جَميعاً فَاِفتَرَقنا بِما جَرى
وَكَم مِن لَصيقٍ باعَدته المَذاهبُ

13. And we are the chiefs, and you are supporters for us
And below us are our followers and companions

١٣. وَنَحنُ الرؤوسُ وَالشوى أَنتُمُ لَنا
وَمِن دونِنا أَتباعُنا وَالأصاحِبُ

14. For us over you are our Abbas and our Ali
And whoever is a star piercing the darkness

١٤. لَنا دونَكم عَبّاسُنا وَعَليّنا
وَمَن هوَ نجمٌ في الدُجُنَّةِ ثاقبُ

15. And had we not been prohibited from you,
Hordes with us hastily would have come, squadrons

١٥. وَلَو أَنّنا لَم نُنه عَنكم أتَتكُمُ
سِراعاً بنا مقانبٌ وكتائبُ

16. And people who plunge into havoc, and the palms of their hands
Are marked with white which battle did not betray

١٦. وَقَومٌ يَخوضونَ الرّدى وأكفّهم
تُناط بِبِيضٍ لم تخنها المضاربُ

17. When sought, they do not cower out of valor
And those who sought them, ways became constrained for them

١٧. إِذا طُلِبوا لَم يرهبوا مِن بسالةٍ
وَمن طَلبوا ضاقَت عليهِ المَذاهبُ

18. So there is no peace between us, and whoever his time
Conceals a grudge in his gut is a warrior

١٨. فَما بَيننا سِلمٌ ومَن كانَ دَهره
يُكتّم ضِغناً في حَشاهُ محاربُ

19. And it was said to us that for truth there is an appointed time
In which a striver wins and a seeker succeeds

١٩. وَقيلَ لَنا لِلحقّ وَقتٌ معيّنٌ
يَفوز بهِ باغٍ وينجحُ طالبُ

20. So do not seek what its time has not yet come
For the seeker of what Allah did not decree fails

٢٠. فَلا تَطلُبوا ما لَم يَحِنْ بَعدُ حينُهُ
فَطالبُ ما لم يَقضِهِ اللّهُ خائبُ

21. For if a state among you walked boastfully
For a time, the young camels yearning may walk

٢١. فَإِنْ دُوَلٌ مِنكم مَشينَ تَبختُراً
زَماناً فقد تمشى الطِّلاحُ اللواغِبُ

22. And if they rode the litters of every gentlewoman
How many riders have been brought down from on high

٢٢. وَإِن تَركَبوا أَثباجَ كلِّ منيفةٍ
فَكَم حُطّ مِن فَوقِ العَليّةِ راكبُ

23. So do not feel safe from one who slept out of necessity
For a lurker lies in ambush until the leaping leaper leaps

٢٣. فَلا تَأمَنوا مَن نامَ عنكم ضرورةً
فمُقْعٍ إلى أن يُمكن الوثبَ واثبُ

24. It is as if I see them like prey stirred up by the morning breeze
Now here, now there are the ribs

٢٤. كَأنّي بِهنّ كالدَّبا هبَّتْ الصَّبا
به في الفلا طوراً وأُخرى الجنائبُ

25. Scraping the edges of the spearheads with their jugulars
As the black hyena scraped the fetal sacs

٢٥. يَحكّونَ أَطرافَ القَنا بِنُحورِهم
كما حكّت الجِذلَ القِلاصُ الأجاربُ

26. Rebels who did not remove themselves far from highway robbery
And they have nothing but rags and brooms

٢٦. أَبِيّون ما حلّوا الوهادَ عن الرُّبا
وَما لهمُ إلّا الذُّرا والغواربُ

27. And how many of them in the darkness of war are despoilers
And how many of them in famine's aridity are donors

٢٧. وَكَم مِنهمُ في غَمرةِ الحرب سالبٌ
وكم فيهمُ في حومة الجدب واهبُ

28. And I hope that I live to see that
Of which guesses speak truly

٢٨. وَإِنّي لأرجو أَن أعيش إلى الّتي
تحدّثنا عنها الظّنونُ الصّوائبُ

29. So debts that dragged on are repaid and confusion
Is uncovered from our sights and darkness

٢٩. فَتُقضى دُيونٌ قَد مُطِلْنَ وتنجلِي
دياجِرُ عن أبصارنا وغياهبُ

30. And waters flow that were yesterday blocked up
And rain upon us as we wished, the clouds

٣٠. وتجري مياهٌ كنّ بالأمس نُضَّباً
وَتَهمي كَما شِئنا علينا السحائبُ

31. And dues are taken and amends made
And hopes succeed and goals reached

٣١. وتُدرك ثارات وتُقضى لُبانةٌ
وَتُنجح آمالٌ وتُؤتى مآربُ