
O guide of the camel litter, stop by us at the sand dune

يا حادي العيس عرج بي على الدمن

1. O guide of the camel litter, stop by us at the sand dune
For today we have much yearning there

١. يا حادِيَ العِيسِ عرّجْ بي على الدِّمَنِ
فكم لنا عندهنّ اليوم من شَجَنِ

2. What if the departing group allowed
A glance through the litter's curtain that did not last

٢. ماذا على النّفرِ الغادين لو سمحوا
بنظرةٍ من خلالِ السِّجْفِ لم تَبنِ

3. They said, "We see you are without illness," so I said to them
"The illness is in the body, not the illness in the constitution

٣. قالوا نراك بلا سُقْمٍ فقلتُ لهمْ
السُّقمُ في الجسمِ ليس السُّقْمُ في البدنِ

4. In the heart from you are sorrows, if they were uncovered
My reproachers among you, what kept reproaching me

٤. في القلبِ منكمْ حَزازاتٌ لو اِنكَشَفتْ
لِعاذِلي فيكمُ ما بات يَعذُلني

5. Is there in passion an enemy who does not cheat me
Or a friend who does not reprimand me

٥. هل في الهوى من غريمٍ لا يماطلني
أوْ من خليلٍ عليه لا يُعنّفني

6. He does not know the house unless he stood lamenting it
And does not ask about it except about tranquility

٦. لا يعرف الدَّارَ إلّا قام يندبُها
ولا يسائلها إِلّا عن السَّكَنِ

7. And I have a heart, when you order it in the morning
With patience, it spends the evening ordering me without patience

٧. ولي فُؤادٌ إِذا أصبحتَ تأمُرُه
بالصّبرِ أمسى بغير الصَّبْرِ يأمرني

8. And a waster, whenever I associate with him, he interrupts me
Out of hatred towards me, and if I associate with him, he distances me

٨. ومسرفٌ كلَّما واصَلْتُ قاطعني
بَغْياً عليَّ وإِنْ واصلتُ باعدني

9. And if I complain to him about some of his harshness
The rocks of my evils softened while he did not soften

٩. وإِنْ شكوتُ إِليه بعضَ قَسْوَتِهِ
لانَتْ صخورُ شروري وهو لم يَلِنِ

10. He has spurned me until his knocker in the darkness of night
Intentionally does not knock on me

١٠. وقد جفانيَ حتّى أَنّ طارقَهُ
في ظُلمة اللّيل عمداً ليس يطرُقني

11. By God, the days of the pride of the king who
Virtues clung to him like the soul to the body

١١. للَّهِ أيّامُ فخرِ الملك مَن عَلِقَتْ
به المكارمُ مجرى الرّوحِ للبدنِ

12. And one who gives generously what his fingers contain
Of precious things secretly and openly

١٢. ومَن يَجود بما تحوي أنامِلُهُ
من النّفائس في سرٍّ وفي عَلَنِ

13. You have given until it is as if generosity was invented
And no favor had ever happened before

١٣. أَعطيتَ حتّى كأنّ الجودَ مُبتَدَعٌ
وإِنّ شيئاً من المعروفِ لم يكنِ

14. By God, your eminence, and the heroes stand in awe
And today scolds with bundles and gifts

١٤. للَّهِ دَرُّك والأبطالُ هائبةٌ
واليومُ يعنُفُ بالطّاقاتِ والمُنَنِ

15. And the spears rip every weak heart
From the resting place like the supple branch

١٥. والسُّمرُ تفتُقُ طعناً كلَّ راعفةٍ
من النّجيع بمثل العارِضِ الهَتِنِ

16. In the back of the belly's cavity languishing
As if it were the vessel of a spring brought down in floods

١٦. في ظهر طاويةِ الأحشاءِ ضامرةٍ
كأنّها قِدْحُ نَبْعٍ جِيب بالسَّفَنِ

17. Say to those who wanted to achieve his goal
Where is the nadir from the banners and flags

١٧. قُل للّذينَ أَرادوا نيلَ غايتِهِ
أين الحضيضُ من الأعلامِ والقُنَنِ

18. How much you were guided while none guides but Him
Through darknesses - if dawn passed through them, it would not appear

١٨. كَم ذا اِهتَديتم ولا هادٍ سواه على
ظلماءَ لو مرّ فيها الصّبحُ لم يَبِنِ

19. I love him, and that is little, despised
The love of the stranger, the distant one to the homeland

١٩. أُحبُّهُ وقليلٌ ذاك مُحتَقَرٌ
حبَّ الغريبِ القَصِيِّ الدّارِ للوطَنِ

20. And I accept his kingdom after my soul
Turned away from the Compeller King who owns me

٢٠. وأَرْتضي مُلكَه لي بعدما عزفتْ
نفسي عن المَلِكِ الجبّار يملكني

21. And I hope for days I foresee them
Invisibly, with no falsehood, fatigue, or activity in them

٢١. وأَرتجيهِ لأيّامٍ أُطالعُها
غيباً بلا باطلٍ فيها ولا دَرَنِ

22. May all who have a narrow-spirited nature ransom you
Tightfisted to his hopers, narrow in livelihood

٢٢. يَفديك كلُّ وساعِ الباعِ في طَبَعٍ
شَحْطٍ على مُرتجيه ضيّقِ العَطَنِ

23. He has not stopped while people are different in their natures
Some are fertile in generosity, fully cowardly

٢٣. ما زالَ وَالنّاسُ شتّى في خلائقهم
غَرْثانَ من كرمٍ ملآنَ من جُبُنِ

24. He wants to gain elevation easily without fatigue
And how much the elevation is built from a rough ship

٢٤. يريد نيلَ العُلا عفواً بلا تعبٍ
وكم دُوَيْنَ العُلا من مركبٍ خَشِنِ

25. Only the one dignified attains honor
Turning away from incapacity, sheltering from feebleness

٢٥. لا يُدرك العزَّ إلّا كلُّ ذي أَنَفٍ
نابٍ عن العجزِ شَرّادٍ عن الوَهَنِ

26. He throws riches on the face of the ground forever
And leaves the rubbish discarded on the fats

٢٦. يُلقِي الثَّراءَ على وجهِ الثَّرى أبداً
ويترك الغثَّ منبوذاً على السَّمِنِ

27. Time is indebted to us after ambition even if
Apart from you, it was pleased with a server, it would not come close

٢٧. دان الزّمانُ لنا بعد الجِماحِ ولو
سواك راضَ شِماساً منه لم يَدِنِ

28. So now we run to pleasures and take them
Without any excuse that grieves us or any rope

٢٨. فَالآنَ نَجرِي إلى اللّذّاتِ نأخذها
بِلا عِذارٍ يُعنّينا ولا رَسَنِ

29. You were gladdened by the feast and your meadows got used to
Its bliss - every plain from the valleys

٢٩. هُنِّيتَ بالعيدِ واِعتادتْ ربُوعَك مِن
سعودِهِ كلُّ وطْفاءٍ من المُزُنِ

30. And you lived fully the springtimes of fate
Even if the vicinities went mad in the tightest insanity

٣٠. وعشتَ من نَبَواتِ الدّهرِ قاطبةً
وإنْ دَهَيْن الورى في أوثقِ الجُنَنِ

31. And you do not miss any bliss you were used to
And you do not disappear from a purpose in it, tire or become base

٣١. وَلا تَغِب عَن نعيمٍ ظَلْتَ تألفُهُ
ولا تَخِبْ عن مُنىً فيه ولا تَهِنِ

32. This praise, if its praises
Fall short of you, then grandeur's distance excuses me

٣٢. هذا الثّناءُ فإنْ كانتْ مدائِحُهُ
يقصُرْن عنك فبُعْدُ الشَّأْوِ يعذُرني

33. And who can, even if his eloquence is perfected
Praise all that you were given of beauty

٣٣. ومَنْ يُطيقُ وإن أَوفَت بلاغتُهُ
يُثني بكلِّ الّذي أوتيتَ من حَسَنِ