
A visitor whom I did not welcome

وزائر ما أجبنه

1. A visitor whom I did not welcome,
Visited only at the age of senility,

١. وزائرٍ ما أجْبَنَهْ
ما زار إلّا في سِنَهْ

2. Became coy with me during a frosty night,
So we did not lack his coquetry,

٢. وعنّ لي في غَلَسٍ
فلا عَدِمْنا عَنَنَهْ

3. Possessing charm, though we
Only love his charm,

٣. ذو دَدَنٍ وإنّما
نعشَقُ منه دَدَنَهْ

4. He shunned me while living next to me
Letting my words reach his ears,

٤. يهجرني مجاوراً
يُسمِع قولي أُذُنَهْ

5. Until when the berries ripened,
He sharpened his fangs at me,

٥. حتّى إذا حلَّ النّوى
حدا إليَّ ظُعُنَهْ

6. He only came at nightfall
Without feeling safe in the morning,

٦. لم يأتِ إلّا في دُجىً
وصبحُه ما أمِنَهْ

7. And visited me in my homeland
Abandoning his own homeland

٧. وزارني في وطني
مُخَلِّياً لي وَطَنَهْ

8. Then he left hastily
When he plucked his whiskers,

٨. ثمَّ أطاب وَسَنِي
لمّا أطار وَسَنَهْ

9. His estrangement compensated me
With a guarded visit,

٩. أبدَلنِي هِجرانُهُ
بزَوْرَةٍ مؤتَمَنَهْ

10. Futile but
Of a wrongdoer - goodly,

١٠. باطلةٍ لكنَّها
منَ المسيءِ حَسَنَهْ

11. How goodly is triumph over
An opponent - how goodly!

١١. ما أحسنَ النصرَ على
مُقاطعٍ ما أَحسَنَهْ

12. Would that it be a visit
That becomes his habit,

١٢. فليتَهْا زيارةٌ
تكون منه ديدنَهْ

13. The slanderer did not arouse
What we suspect of it,

١٣. ما بعث الواشي إلى
ما نحن فيه ظِنَنَهْ

14. Nor did the prudent one
Cast at it his prudence,

١٤. ولا رمى ذو فِطَنٍ
إليه يوماً فِطَنَهْ

15. I spend my night hugging
His branch,

١٥. فبِتُّ ليلي كلَّه
أَضَمُّ منه غُصُنَهْ

16. And cleave to the cheek
Which his scorpion had stung and his viper had bit,

١٦. وألثِمُ الصُّدغَ الّذي
عَقْرَبَهُ وزَرفَنَهْ

17. Were it not for the darkness interceding for me
I would not have attained his benevolence,

١٧. لولا الدّجى يشفع لِي
لَما لقيتُ مِنَنَهْ

18. He was generous with it, buying it cheap
And I did not pay its price,

١٨. جاد به مسترخصاً
وَما نَقدت ثمنهْ

19. In an hour that was as if
A thousand years in pleasures,

١٩. في ساعةٍ كأنّها
لَذَاذَةً ألفُ سَنَهْ

20. Wherein he connected residence
After separation had weaned it;

٢٠. واصَلَ فيها سَكَنٌ
بعد فراقٍ سَكَنَهْ

21. Time did not deal me justice,
In frightening me and securing him,

٢١. ما أنصف الدّهرُ الّذي
أخافَنِي وآمَنَهْ

22. I surrender my rein to him
Then hold back his rein,

٢٢. أُلْقِي إِليه رَسَنِي
ثمّ أجرُّ رَسَنَهْ

23. How naive is love for whoever
Bears what naive him!

٢٣. ما أغبَنَ الحبَّ لمنْ
حُمِّلَهُ ما أغبَنَهْ

24. A tester who hates that
He separate from you his test,

٢٤. مُمتَحَنٌ يكره إنْ
فارق منكْم مِحَنَهْ

25. And a swimmer in a creek
Who does not wipe his wet clothes,

٢٥. وسابحٌ في دَرَنٍ
ولا يُميط دَرَنَهْ

26. Then a passionate one whose care
Is kissing whom he had blamed,

٢٦. ثمّ طعينٌ هَمُّهُ
تقبيلُهُ مَن طَعَنَهْ

27. Or an era which dies because of
Calamities that distressed its eras;

٢٧. أوْ زمَنٌ يموت من
حيث غشومٌ أَزْمِنَهْ

28. I said to him, poor unto
His bounty and dwelling,

٢٨. قلتُ له فقراً إلى
نَوالِهِ ومَسْكَنَهْ

29. "O owner of a love
I concealed yet declared,

٢٩. يا مالكاً لِي بهوىً
أسْرَرْتُهُ وأعلَنَهْ

30. And when an absence hides
The full moon's perfection?"

٣٠. ومن إذا غابن حُسْ
ناً بَدْرَ تَمٍّ غَبَنَهْ

31. He said to me - how vile I found it:
"Is there any return to its like?"

٣١. هل عودَةٌ لمثلها
فقال لِي ما أهْوَنَهْ