1. As if those who stir up noble, honored men
Are there, stirring up strife among the tents
١. كأنّ مُعَقِّرِي مُهَجٍ كرامٍ
هنالك يعقِرون بها العِباطا
2. So say to the clan of Ziyad and the family of Harb
And those who mixed their treachery with betrayal
٢. فَقلْ لبنِي زيادَ وآلِ حربٍ
ومَن خلطوا بغدرهمُ خِلاطا
3. Your blood is for you and for them is blood
Quenched by your swords in the palace courtyard
٣. دماؤكُمُ لكمْ ولهمْ دماءٌ
تُروِّيها سيوفُكُمُ البَلاطا
4. Drink it, after you seized it by force, if
You fear it, scorn it or excessively desire it
٤. كُلوها بعد غصبكُمُ عليها اِنْ
تِهاباً واِزدراداً واِستراطا
5. You were not promoted except as fools
And you were not appointed as leaders except as wrongdoers
٥. فما قُدِّمتُمُ إلّا سَفاهاً
وَلا أُمِّرتُمُ إلّا غِلاطا
6. And your status in days gone by
Was nothing but lowliness
٦. وَلا كانَت منَ الزّمن المُلَحَّى
مَراتبُكُم بِه إلّا سُفاطا
7. I care for the family of Allah's Messenger among you
As you lead the branded horses
٧. أَنحوَ بَني رَسولِ اللَّه فيكُمْ
تَقودون المسوَّمَةَ السِّلاطا
8. It is provoked as you provoked, to a spring
To drink from its rock pool sides
٨. تُثار كما أثَرْتَ إلى مَعينٍ
لتُكرعَ من جوانبِهِ الغطاطا
9. And the souls left behind only
Backs, ribs or planks
٩. وَما أَبقَتْ بِها الرَّوحاتُ إلّا
ظهوراً أو ضلوعاً أو مِلاطا
10. And above their backs an angry band
If you please them, they increase in perversion
١٠. وَفوقَ ظُهورها عُصَبٌ غضابٌ
إذا أرضيتهمْ زادوا اِختلاطا
11. And everything prominent in the air hangs
You always see a tail on its shoulder
١١. وَكلُّ مرفَّعٍ في الجوِّ طاطٍ
ترى أبداً على كَتِفيه طاطا
12. When it witnesses unpleasantness, it does not care
If it wipes swords or wipes excessively
١٢. إِذا شَهدَ الكريهةَ لا يُبالي
أشاط على الصّوارم أم أشاطا
13. And it did not stretch out the spear except and
On the ears of their horses it clinked bits
١٣. وَما مَدّ القنا إلّا وَخِيلَتْ
على آذان خيلِهمُ قِراطا
14. And how many blessings from their grandfather upon you
You met with ingratitude or resentment from them
١٤. وكم نِعَمٍ لجدِّهِمُ عليكمْ
لقين بكمْ جُحوداً أو غِماطا
15. They propped up your resting places and gave
Your sides tents and carpets
١٥. هُمُ أتْكَوْا مرافقكمْ وأعطَوْا
جنوبَكُمُ النّمارقَ والنِّماطا
16. And they encouraged you from every humiliation
You penetrated amid their strength cheerfully
١٦. وهمْ نَشَطوكُمُ من كلّ ذُلٍّ
حَلَلْتُمْ وسْطَ عَقْوتِهِ اِنتشاطا
17. And they dammed up your springs and extended
Upon the trees of your valley the vines
١٧. وهُمْ سَدّوا مَخارمكمْ ومدّوا
على شجراتِ دوحكمُ اللِّياطا
18. And had they not inclined toward you
You would not have lasted long nor endured hardships
١٨. وَلَولا أنّهمْ حَدبوا عَليكمْ
لَما طلتُمْ وَلا حزتمْ ضِغاطا
19. So you did not reward them with any kindness
Nor did you fulfill any condition for them
١٩. فما جازيتُمُ لهمُ جميلاً
ولا أَمضيتمُ لهمُ اِشتراطا
20. And how did you deny rights for them
That were clear upon your necks, engraved
٢٠. وَكيفَ جَحدتُمُ لهمُ حقوقاً
تَبين على رقابكُمُ اِختطاطا
21. And between your ribs are covenants from them
Like the heat of summer kindled, so it blazed
٢١. وَبينَ ضُلوعكم منهمْ تِراتٌ
كمَرْخِ القيظِ أُضرِمَ فاِستَشاطا
22. And a bond, whenever a right hand
Stretched out to mend its tears, they multiplied
٢٢. وَوِتْرٌ كلّما عَمَدَتْ يمينٌ
لرقعِ خُروقِهِ زِدْن اِنعطاطا
23. So you will never have ancestry to them
And what kinship to one who cut ties?
٢٣. فَلا نَسبٌ لكمْ أبداً إليهمْ
وهل قُربى لمن قطع المناطا
24. How much did Ashura make our tears flow
And cut up the tendons of our breasts
٢٤. فكمْ أجرى لَنا عاشورُ دمعاً
وقطّع من جوانحنا النِّياطا
25. And how we spent the dark night awake with him
Wiping from our burning anguish what cannot be wiped
٢٥. وكم بِتْنَا به واللّيلُ داجٍ
نُمِيط من الجَوى ما لن يُماطا
26. Remembering him gives us deadly poison to drink
And his pain inserts in us hot pokers
٢٦. يُسقِّينا تذكّرُهُ سِماماً
ويُولِجُنا توجّعُهُ الوِراطا
27. So feet were never bound captive with you
Nor were whips ever lifted for you
٢٧. فلا حُدِيَت بكمْ أبداً ركابٌ
ولا رُفعتْ لكمْ أبداً سياطا
28. Nor did time ever weave a robe for you
Except that through it you only declined more
٢٨. ولا رفع الزّمان لكم أديماً
وَلا اِزدَدتمْ به إِلّا اِنحِطاطا
29. Your heads never knew loftiness
Nor did your hearts ever know cheerfulness
٢٩. وَلا عَرفت رؤوسُكُمُ اِرتفاعاً
ولا أَلِفَتْ قلوبُكُمُ اِغتباطا
30. Nor did God ever forgive sins for you
Nor will you reach the path to paradise
٣٠. وَلا غفرَ الإلهُ لكمْ ذنوباً
ولا جُزتمْ هنالِكمُ الصِّراطا