
What is my excuse for illness

من عذيري من سقام

1. What is my excuse for illness,
When I could not find a physician,

١. مَن عَذيري مِن سَقامٍ
لَم أَجدْ مِنهُ طبيبا

2. And worries like fires in the heart,
Settling into hearts,

٢. وَهُمومٍ كأُوارِ ال
نارِ يسكنّ القُلوبا

3. And sorrows - if only they were
The day they resembled sorrows,

٣. وَكروبٍ لَيتَهنَّ ال
يَومَ أَشبهْنَ الكروبا

4. And troubles - complicated problems -
Whose talk makes one forget troubles,

٤. وَخطوبٍ مُعضلاتٍ
بِتن يُنسين الخُطوبا

5. It turned my hair gray,
Yet the gray did not come to me,

٥. شيّبتْ منّيَ فَوْدَي
يَ ولم آتِ المشيبا

6. And berries grew on my branch
When it used to be fresh,

٦. وَرَمتْ في غصنِيَ اليَبْ
سَ وَقَد كانَ رَطيبا

7. Everyone who was once near
Has parted from me and kept away,

٧. بانَ عَنّي وَتَناءى
كُلّ مَن كانَ قَريبا

8. And I became detached in the world
From loved ones - solitary,

٨. وَتَعرَّيتُ مِنَ الأَحْ
بابِ في الدّنيا عُزوبا

9. And fate made me drink from the separation
Of the one I love - a draft of sins,

٩. وَسَقاني الدّهرُ مِن فُر
قَةِ مَن أَهوى ذَنوبا

10. Indeed the day of the Event is a day
That was difficult for the faith,

١٠. إِنَّ يومَ الطفِّ يومٌ
كانَ لِلدّينِ عَصيبا

11. It left in my heart no share
For joys,

١١. لَم يَدعْ في القَلب منّي
لِلمَسرّاتِ نَصيبا

12. It is a day of weeping -
So adhere to weeping during it,

١٢. إِنّه يَومُ نحيبٍ
فَاِلتَزِمْ فيهِ النّحيبا

13. Give your rewards and leave
A group who have filled their pockets,

١٣. عُطَّ تامورَك وَاِتركْ
معشراً عطّوا الجيوبا

14. And abandon fragrance for no
Pleasant Ashura is left for us.

١٤. وَاِهجر الطيبَ فَلم يت
رُك لَنا عاشور طيبا

15. May God curse the men
Who forcibly took the world,

١٥. لَعَنَ اللَّه رجالاً
أترعوا الدّنيا غُصوبا

16. Who were helpless so made
Peace but then waged wars,

١٦. سالموا عَجزاً فلمّا
قَدروا شنّوا الحروبا

17. In battles they attack
From north and from south,

١٧. في المَعرّات يهبّو
نَ شمالاً وجنوبا

18. Whenever they are reproached
For their flaw, they increase in flaws,

١٨. كُلّما لِيموا عَلى عَي
بِهمُ اِزدادوا عُيوبا

19. They rode our backs unjustly
And our places of descent arrogantly,

١٩. رَكِبوا أَعوادَنا ظُل
ماً وَمازِلنا رُكوبا

20. And they called us from afar
Seeing that we answer from afar,

٢٠. وَدَعونا فَرأوا من
نا عَلى البُعد مُجيبا

21. Sorrow cuts through and folds
In the barren plains,

٢١. يَقطع الحَزْن وَيطوِي
في الدّياجيرِ السُّهوبا

22. With a horse that does not care
To stop at ruins,

٢٢. بِمَطِيٍّ لا يُبالي
نَ عَلى الأَيْنِ الدُّؤوبا

23. Not having rested at a distance
Tired or wearied,

٢٣. لا وَلا ذُقنَ عَلى البُع
دِ كَلالاً ولُغوبا

24. And horses like ostriches
That shake the gray hair,

٢٤. وَخُيولٍ كَرِئالِ ال
دوِّ يَهززنَ السّبيبا

25. So we came in groups
Whose cowardice shamed them,

٢٥. فَأَتَوْنا بِجُموعٍ
خالَها الراؤونَ رُوبا

26. With faces behind masks
That light up veil covers,

٢٦. بِوجوهِ بَعدَ إسْفا
رٍ تَبرقعنَ العُطوبا

27. And we pierced them like
A hot branding iron, though we do not desire violence,

٢٧. فَنَشِبْنا فيهم كُرْ
هاً وَما نَهوى النُّشوبا

28. With hearts that know no
Fluttering or throbbing,

٢٨. بِقُلوبٍ لَيسَ يعْرف
نَ خفوقاً ووجيبا

29. And he had a long reach
Biting and wounding them intensely,

٢٩. وَلَقَد كانَ طَويلُ ال
باعِ طَعّاناً ضَروبا

30. With a straight spear then a bow
He severs veins and grievously harms them,

٣٠. بِالظُّبا ثمّ القَنا يَفْ
ري وَريداً وَتَريبا

31. He does not see though war
Boils over from it - eruptions,

٣١. لا يرى وَالحربُ تُغلى
قدرُها مِنها هَيوبا

32. So blood flowed from us and from them
When the stabbing occurred,

٣٢. فَجَرى مِنّا وَمِنهم
عَنْدمُ الطّعن صَبيبا

33. And we prayed from the burning heat
Of blows and strikes - a flaming pyre,

٣٣. وَصَلِينا مِن حَريق ال
طَعنِ وَالضّربِ لَهيبا

34. It was fertile pasture for us
But through them returned arid,

٣٤. كانَ مَرعانا خَصيباً
فَبِهمْ عادَ جَديبا

35. We were not accustomed - had it not been
For their tyranny upon us - to troubles,

٣٥. لَم نَكُنْ نَألف لَولا
جورُهم فينا خُطوبا

36. No eye discerns in our suburbs

٣٦. لا وَلا تُبصرُ عَينٌ
في ضَواحينا نُدوبا

37. They unjustly sought the strings of Badr
Amongst us, so impudently,

٣٧. طَلَبوا أَوْتارَ بَدْرٍ
عِندَنا ظُلماً وحُوبا

38. And they saw in the field of Al-Taff
When the hearts had fled,

٣٨. وَرَأوا في ساحَةِ الطّف
فِ وَقَد فاتَ القليبا

39. You have seen - so show us
A noble hero amongst you,

٣٩. قَد رَأَيتمْ فَأَرونا
مِنكمُ فَرداً نَجيبا

40. Or a pious man not pretending
In his piety or sensible,

٤٠. أَو تَقيَّاً لا يُرائى
بِتُقاهُ أَو لَبيبا

41. Whenever we were heads
Of the people, you were stubborn,

٤١. كُلَّما كُنّا رُؤوساً
لِلوَرى كُنتُم عُجوبا

42. We did not see truth in you
Except doubtful,

٤٢. ما رَأَينا مِنكُم بِال
حقِّ إِلّا مُستريبا

43. And a truthful one - if his craving
Grew - would become a liar,

٤٣. وَصَدوقاً فَإِذا فت
تَشتَهُ كان كَذوبا

44. And a perfidious, empty one
With no ambition for good - solitary,

٤٤. وَخَليعاً خالِياً عنْ
مَطمَعِ الخَير عَزوبا

45. And one who is far in his shamelessness
Even if he is a relative,

٤٥. وَبَعيداً بِمَخازي
هِ وَإِن كانَ نَسيبا

46. Would that a piece of burning coal
From Al-Ghushum was our cross,

٤٦. لَيتَ عُوداً مِن غشومٍ
حقَّنا كانَ صَليبا

47. And I wish that whoever reconciles us
Becomes a tax for us,

٤٧. وَبِودّي أَنَّ منْ يأْ
صلُنا كان ضريبا

48. Tomorrow a breast that flows for you
In us will dry up,

٤٨. في غَدٍ ينضُبُ تيّا
رٌ لكم فينا نُضوبا

49. And the cold sipper will vomit
What was drunk greedily,

٤٩. وَيَقيءُ البارِدَ السَّلْ
سالَ من كان عَبوبا

50. And debased people will return
From the matter - withered,

٥٠. ويعودُ الخَلَقُ الرّث
ثُ مِنَ الأمرِ قَشيبا

51. By the One who rose and set
Ambushing, He will rise attacking violently,

٥١. وَالّذي أَضحى وَأَمسى
ناشِباً يُضحِي نكيبا

52. Family of Al-Yasseen and those superior to them
Are the sensible people,

٥٢. آل ياسين وَمَنْ فَض
لُهُم أَعيا اللّبيبا

53. You are my wish when I face sadness
If I am frustrated,

٥٣. أنتُمُ أمْنِي لدَى الحش
رِ إِذا كنتُ نَخيبا

54. You uncovered for me
Secrets with gladdening news,

٥٤. أنتُمُ كشّفتُمُ لِي
بِالتّباشيرِ الغُيوبا

55. How many claws you have turned
From me - iron and talons,

٥٥. كَم رَدَدتمْ مِخلَباً عن
ني حديداً ونيوبا

56. And through you I am saved if
I am terrified by death - I repent,

٥٦. وَبكم أَنجو إِذا عُو
جِلتُ موتاً أن أَنوبا

57. And to you my sorrow drove me
From how the hostile ones blamed me,

٥٧. وَإِلَيكم جَمَحاني
ما حَدا الحادونَ نيبا

58. And upon you are my prayers
Witnessed for me and unseen,

٥٨. وَعَلَيكُم صلَواتي
مشهداً لِي ومغيبا

59. O may God water graves
For you - the sandy mound -

٥٩. يا سَقَى اللَّهُ قُبوراً
لكمُ زِنَّ الكثيبا

60. The sorrow of the best of people, truly,
And a great and sufficient father,

٦٠. حُزنَ خير الناسِ جَدّاً
وَأَباً ضَخْماً حسيبا

61. He met God while people thought
He did not meet difficulty,

٦١. لَقِي اللَّهَ وَظنَّ ال
ناسُ أَن لاقى شعوبا

62. And he is in Paradise when
It was said the camel drivers arrived.

٦٢. وَهوَ في الفِرْدَوسِ لَمّا
قيلَ قَد حَلَّ الجُبوبا